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Status Updates posted by Netphreak

  1. Throwing a potato, at a tree in Leanniel... And then trying to wrap yourself around another tree to disguise yourself as said tree... It's brilliant!

    1. OhDeerLord


      xD it was hilarious!

  2. "Ewwww a bug died underneath my spacebar and now it's jammed!" ~ Evark Evocress on Teamspeak XD

    1. Lago


      Surely then he'd have said "Ewwwwabugdiedunderneathmyspacebarandnowit'sjammed!"? :P

    2. MonkeyCoffee


      and then put lots of these things at the end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  3. "What does it take for a man who has lost everything to finally hit rock bottom? What more could be taken away? Mortality."

    1. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Take away rock bottom so he falls more

  4. "I don't make deals with murderers anymore, you taught me that."

    1. Amorphbutt


      *holds bloody knife in hand* I'm sorry, what? I was just carving my initials into this dead body...

    2. AgentSunny
  5. By murdering all those people, all you are doing is destroying the memory of your daughter, and causing the same pain you are suffering from.

  6. The first shot has been fired, retaliation is on its way..

  7. Does it feel that your life's become a catastrophe? Oh, it has to be for you to grow, boy. When you look through the years and see what you could have been oh, what you might have been, if you'd had more time.

  8. Surrender, but don't give yourself away.

    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Wouldn't surrendering be giving everything away?

  9. If I claim to be a wise man, it simply means that I don't know.

  10. They're driving me insane, those men inside my brain. I try to sleep, they're wide awake, they won't let me alone, they don't get paid to take vacations or let me alone, they spy on me, I try to hide, they won't let me alone, they persecute me, they're the judge and jury all in one hahaha!

    1. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      Give them some chocolate. That usually helps. Not even kidding.

  11. http://gyazo.com/0d13fc5dae28d91e6ff7bc43cd8790f3 Should I rename my character "The Grinch who stole Abresi's Christmas"? XDDD
  12. It seems... Every time the server restarts, something breaks, WHY!

  13. "Tell the lie enough, eventually they will believe it and spread it themselves. Tell the truth enough, the same reaction occurs. What is truth?" ~ 'Battou' Pherak

    1. Demotheus


      "Battou...stop trying to be philisophical. You're really bad at it. The truth is the damn truth. Just because you believe something is the truth doesn't make it the truth, you dunderhead." *flicks him in the nose*

  14. "I've come to the conclusion that this world will never get better, if the Northmen are killed, if the Clerical Order is run out.. It won't matter, as long as we are in the picture, things will turn for the worst." ~ 'Battou' Pherak

    1. Heff


      But I mean we still can have jolly good halfling festivals while we are around right?........



    2. Geo


      yes halflings are best

    3. Netphreak
  15. "Call me evil, I really don't care.. I'm just the puppet on a stage, misdirecting the sheep to look away from the true work that must be done in the shadows." ~ 'Battou' Pherak

  16. Nice litte event we had today, both parties enjoyed it very well. Want to know why? We stuck with it correctly... With Role Play. :3

    1. hoodmaster906
    2. Netphreak


      Clerics Vs Necromancers. The post will be up shortly I believe.

    3. Netphreak


      None of this Pvp default rubbish, that's what made it fun.

  17. A Necromancer hugging a small child in the middle of Malinor while she is crying..... Yeah I see no harm in this. :P

    1. DruinsBane


      I second this motion.

  18. Ok... I have to say goodbye in advance to those who will be leaving LOTC for obvious reasons... Uhh.. Goodbye.. There that was all I had to say, (All after reading the various leaving server threads.) *Hoping things get better and people wake up.*

  19. Disclaimer, I am not responsible for the actions of my character once I've logged off, thank you very much, and have a good day.


  21. What does a man profit by gaining the whole world, and losing his soul?

    1. Birdwhisperer


      Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.

    2. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      The whole world, purchased with his soul.

  22. "Do you find me so soft that throwing your child in front of me would deter my intentions? I shall not harm the child, the same cannot be said for you." ~'Battou' Pherak

  23. "Pherak we have to go come on!!" "I'm sorry brother, this is a one way ticket for me.." "What do you mean Pherak?" "I can't feel...... I can't feel my balls!" (Don't ask how it came to this)

  24. Gah!! Math homework or LOTC... Math... LOTC..... LOTC... Food...... LOTC.... What is Math? LOTC :D

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