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Status Updates posted by Moochael

  1. Listening to LOTR-Shire music while farming in Willow Hollow is very relaxing...

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Listening to your soft falling tears is very relaxing

    2. Kvasir

    1. Kvasir


      I don't know!

  3. LMs, I have a question...


    If there were 4 brothers in the beginning of time, how did they create babies????????????? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. El Ricktador

      El Ricktador

      One of them took a few for the team.

    3. Thatpyrodude


      I can confirm ricky's answer

    4. Smaw


      They weren't the progenitors of their people, they were just the most powerful at the time.

  4. Lol Lionel messi is going to jail

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nekkore


      @SuperDuckyGamer what are you going on about?


      Do you even football/soccer bro?

    3. Ducklingator


      No, I... was trying to make a joke ;-;






      I'll go hide in the corner now.

    4. Kvasir
  5. Meanwhile in this chaos, the forums are still SUPER broken

  6. Merry christmas to all of you in GMT

  7. My condolences go to anyone who lost a family member or friend during the 9.0 earthquake in Japan 5 years ago. Rest in Peace.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ethan the epic

      Ethan the epic

      In all seriousness I am sad to see disasters like this happen.

    3. Ford



    4. Kvasir
  8. Oh boy I'm so happy I got 3 stacks of string from redeeming 8 keys

  9. Please help me reach 200 rep 

    Thanks mates

  10. RIP Vailor

    Glad you're gone

    1. DJSneeze


      Most are, to be honest.

  11. Server's up! Woot!

  12. sh-...shamoo?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moochael
    3. ShameJax


      a bit late, just still on to help finish off the mat

    4. Moochael


      shamoo will live on

  13. So my lil' bro got in a car accident today.

    That sucks

  14. So passionate about MS paint yet you dont have a profile picture of it yet...


    ... :P

    1. tilly


      he is hiatusing and perhaps creating his MS paint masterpiece

  15. So... Er... Someone... Er... Should help be reach 100 rep... Errrr..... Please?

  16. South Africa will not stand for this terrorism

  17. Stop stealing my modreqs

  18. Tbh I hate this background but I like the make a status update thing  above status updates, the other one took ages to load

    1. Moochael


      I'm aware its a mistake btw

    2. Kvasir
  19. Tfw you are 1 past a winning number in Scene

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moochael


      52 was a winning number, i was 53... Ffs

    3. Kaelan


      Ouch. That sucks

    4. Kvasir
  20. The Green haired human:

    Steven “Frick the High Pontiff” Vega


    never forget

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moochael


      The legendary homunculus that played for a whole 2 days

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Oh heck you’re back

    4. Moochael




      Edited by Moochael
  21. The next thing 2016 should kill is itself

    1. Kvasir


      :( That's not nice. I thought you were above kys jokes.

    2. Harri


      i was hoping it'd be me

    3. SpodoKaiba
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