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Everything posted by Da_Emperors

  1. Good vibes being sent out today to everyone! 

    Little extra vibes being sent to everyone working so hard on the new map, you guys are great and your countless hours being put into this project will bring joy to so many others. Thanks for all that you do!

  2. I hope everyone is having a really really really really really good day

  3. “ I hope everyone is having a great day! 🙂 – Ark” – Da_Emperors


  4. “Hope everyone is having a good night! – Ark” – Da_Emperors

  5. GGT, You truly are a work of art (I died laughing from this). I am looking forward to having you with the lads.
  6. Great choice, looking forward to seeing Anore in action.
  7. If we got this far I might as well comment, I do not like the idea of Firearms for Lotc. It is mostly personal preference.
  8. This is amazing work, really enjoyed your piece!
  9. Vote Mary Lucielle for Helena Mayor

    1. monkeypoacher


      too late...! god damn it!!


  10. The Boomer roleplay tag hits hard, man......
  11. Welcome back! I recently came back to LOTC as well after a long time away. Helena has been a fun place to roleplay and has a great group/community since I have returned. Hope you find a spot that you enjoy.
  12. Looking forward for the new updates, excited about the information we have received as of yet.
  13. I never got these vibes from Oren / human roleplay. Feels more like a hate topic than having anything of substance. Cheers.
  14. Ledicort d’Azor is filled with courage and excitement as the news falls upon him, reading to himself for the challenges ahead, “For God, For the Emperor and For Glory to Oren!”
  15. Pleasure to have you, look forward to seeing you on the server!
  16. Started my new character Ledicort d’Azor this last weekend. See you soon around Helena or elsewhere.

  17. @AnonymousAlexa Insane amount of applications reviewed, cheers!
  18. I am interested in the tournament, gold Mid Laner if anyone needs a player.
  19. Considering a large lamppost was uprooted and sent me flying into the air, hitting the fountain and nearly causing me to die....yes..I do think damage is needed. It was a pretty fun event by the way.
  20. Extremely happy to be back to lotc after a year and some odd months.

    1. Norman


      Welcome back!

    2. Telanir


      Welcome back Jayius!

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