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Everything posted by Archbishop

  1. @501warhead whens there gonna be an admin responce to 

    or is it gonna be left a few months and then hidden/moved to achive without a response from yourself?


  2. Good fight Norland. #NotMyAdmin #IMattyz4Admin

  3. Good fight Norland, that was fun. Cya tomorrow. ;D

  4. so staff team know a 'war raid' happened yesterday on Lorraine, even watching over it, yet allow them to be war raided and have their chests looted again today because the over-watching gm didn't bother to put a raid sign. What.

    1. _pr0fit
    2. DrakeHaze.


      I doubt an active town would've forgotten to get the sign made, but thats just my opinion.

  5. hi @kowaman wanna glitch items with me via the repair places :)

  6. Even so I'm pretty sure that Hou'zi worshipped Hou'Shen as if he were a god and did not follow Metztli, meaning she would not embue the hou-zi with the magic in the first place.
  7. If a diety created magic for you then its diety magic though
  8. The way of the moon sounds similiar to old chronoshapping which was removed and disallowed to be in any future rewrites. However how would you still be able to use this magic as most hou-zi actually condemn and hate Metztli, and to use diety magic you have to follow and believe said diety but most hou-zi do not do that.
  9. Ri'Bukkahkoj cackles and informs Jakarra and his warband of this one man slaving guild so that the kharajyr slave race can enslave the slavers. @Max 'the Warrior-Prince'
  10. Why was a legitimate roleplay thread locked what the ****. You don't lock or shut down threads because the opposing parties do not agree. If the war is not valid then the warclaim won't allow or deny the warclaims, not shut down threads asking for payment to a crime.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Archbishop


      I mean, somebody expressing their hatred towards a race and wanting them to pay for it shouldn't be locked because the oposing side does not agree. That is what the war team is for. If he posts a warclaim the war team can decide if its legitimate or not. He hasn't posted a warclaim however.

    3. Chorale__


      It's different because a peace treaty was signed between the two nations a while back. 

    4. JEEGK


      as well as broken rules such as meta-gaming may be in play.

  11. Why update so early when like no resource packs or mods have been updated :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elfen_


      Eh, stuff like MPM is just cosmetics. I have forge working with optifine, a chatlog mod, and a minimap mod.

    3. Archbishop


      what about resource packs?

    4. Elfen_


      I personally don't use them.

  12. fix the server please

  13. yo @LadyRebecca pm me ur skype so I can discuss the forum warning with u pls

    1. LadyRebecca


      I don't add people on Skype anymore. You can choose to message me here on the forums or over Discord. My Discord tag is LadyRebecca#8880

  14. @LadyRebecca hath strucketh again.

  15. So much for Mordring wasn't an antag group and even if they were, they never got special protection because the et lead is their leader.

  16. tfw the punishment for breaking rules depends on who u are

    1. Archbishop


      Fairly certain Rebeccas picture was retrieved from her skype, not through doxxing her, either way you can't prove he doxxed her at all.

    2. zaezae


      It's almost like all this whining is because who got banned and not why! Irony! 

    3. Archbishop


      Nah from what I'm told the picture was brought up in haense chat a bit ago, which wouldn't take much digging to find. Also the second doxxing you refer to would be birdwhisperer no? I hardly think finding a picture in a show yourself thread is doxxing but I mean hey whatever floats your boat.

  17. OOC MC Name: OldTortoise Skype: Added Do you have Teamspeak?: Yes RP Name: Felix Fitch Race: Human Age: 53 Religion: Canonist How much are Ruthern Bannermen payed a week?: 100 minas I, Felix Fitch do hereby swear that my life is pledged to those of House Ruthern, till my oath released, or death taketh me, I shall serve the Lords and Ladies of House Ruthern with my utmost capabilities. I will hold true and steadfast amongst my comrades, to protect the honor of my Liege and myself, I pledge. God Save my soul if I break my oath. If the applicant is found to have written themselves a fake identity in the application, they shall be barred from House Ruthern.
  18. Yo normally in a warclaim is the attacking side does not want to continue fighting its called a retreat meaning they lose. Not the staff stop the warclaim for them to better themselves so they have another chance. @Racker / Lefty

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Archbishop
    3. Lefty


      We were in the midst of RP'ly cutting down tree's to build a makeshift bridge to get across, then the GM's came into the channel and told us it was a draw, none of the dwarves even declared it a draw, nor did we complain to anyone that we couldn't get in the dwarves did. So next time you tag me in a ******* post get your **** right , we're all just trying to have fun and we don't need people like you hurling your **** at us cos you've got nothing better do to but be spiteful and annoying 

    4. Archbishop


      Hey its what a gm told me in in regards to a statement about why they stopped the warclaim

  19. Bloodnights fort was 3 hours long but Krag was capped at 1 hour. Wat.

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