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Everything posted by Archbishop

  1. 3000 mina to have fly for 1 day lol what even

    1. frill


      limited creative was 2500..........

  2. “How quick they are to depose their own Anti-Pontiff.” said Zachery. @LoLzboi
  3. “I guess this explains the Azdrazi trying to kill Lochlan and burning down a church in the process, hardly virtuous.” said Zachery.
  4. So in ban reports, how will the player respond to accusations pushed against them, defend their decision and themselves, how will witnesses give their account?
  5. So what actually are the ‘requirements’ for posting public staff reports. Some have been left public like Deer_ and Pun. Why were they left public but not ours?

    1. Fireheart


      Player report sub-forum guidelines relate to server rules and guidelines violations where as staff reports are based on the mishandling of duties and power.

    2. Archbishop


      Anonymous staff reports are for players who wish to be anonymous, why force anonymity onto people who don’t want it. Why hide ours but not the other public staff reports who reported them for the same thing. Basically, why hide ours but not theres?

  6. Why would you change the chat plugin when there was nothing wrong with it, you’ve just made it way too over complicated. Way to keep new players!

  7. will there actually be a human buff this time?

  8. why thread removed?

    1. J


      It’s still being looked into atm. The thread’s needless when a verdict hasn’t been publicised yet.

  9. has rift stopped working?

    1. Bhased


      He stepped down 

    2. Deer__


      I think he means the modloader thing

  10. Excuse you, what rule did that break???

  11. when an actual rp thread gets removed for why??

    1. Elennanore


      What thread? Context?

    2. Archbishop


      a imperial victory thread lol

  12. Ban length times should be a set time depending on the rule, not the person.

    1. Kaelan


      The way bans currently work is that certain infractions are assigned to a group based on severity. From this, a players history based on the previous infractions of this nature are taken into consideration and a suggested ban length time range is given by a sheet based on this. Obviously, the ban length time for first time offenders, if there even is a ban handed out, is much lighter than the suggested range for a repeat offender. 

    2. Medvekoma


      Preach brother. Gamers rise up.

    3. Thornz


      Amen. Or at least, Past history over a year ago shouldn’t have any factoring effects towards ban time.


  14. is mod shopping allowed now?

    1. J33xt101


      No it is not. 

  15. why is end of map event 2am gmt?

  16. [!] Posters litter the various settlements throughout the Empire. [!] Holy Relics! Greetings canonist brothers and sisters, it has come to my attention that throughout the realm many have come into possession of church artifacts and ultimately have no use for them so they sit and gather dust. After the Anti-Pontiff, Siegmund, ran off which the holy relics that the church had at the time, I am in search for these relics and am willing to trade them for items listed below. x2 For this one, I require a high value church artifact (( If you have a church artifact that you want to trade for one of the items listed above, quote the image of the one you want with an image of the artifact, these items are not converted.))
  17. @Fireheart_I think LOTC’s 7.0 trailer should include a lot more then terrain, nobody gets hype over seeing empty plains and a few mountains. Show cities and part of a story arc idk, not just plain boring terrain.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      i think it was cool

    3. Nummy


      I love terrain. 

    4. E__V__O


      As Camera man, we’re in the works that once every nation has been built up for next map the Content Creators apart of the Media Team will be working on a secondary trailer that features cities / charters.

  18. The signature system is flawed for the same reason it failed last time. When somebody posted a charter application, they would pm everybody they knew telling them to sign it. It didn’t matter if they live there or would ever visit it. How would this be regulated to ensure that all the signatures are pure and not friends of friends who are signing because they were simply told to?
  19. With these posts, you’re damaging the orcs more than the admins lol. Who wants to play a race when you got people like this representing them
  20. Walace makes his way to the stall. (MC Name – OldTortoise) (RP Name – Brother Walace) Giveaway Item #1: Holy Water Giveaway Item #2: Endless Feast Giveaway Item #3: Mr Mittens Also willing to trade for the Noose of St. Frances
  21. @Hot_Dip Oren will be paying you a visit.



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. KeatonUnbeaten


      i see you had to edit your post.

      hopefully next you edit your army command structure so fighting you is actually a challenge

    3. Archbishop


      dunno, a failing army command structure were able to destroy orcs and norland (again), hopefully Norland 8.0 or courland 3.0 will be a challenge

    4. KeatonUnbeaten


      thank god your failing army command had enough biased staff and hack clients to back it up in those warclaims then ay

  22. When are the admins being reformed? @Telanir

    1. Telanir


      Thanks for asking, they’ve been in active reform in the last month.

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