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Status Updates posted by Archbishop

  1. Rip Imattyz thread.

    1. Publius


      the fire he spat was so hot it was liable to burn the entirety of staff I guess :////

    2. Bogrin


      What happened?


  2. Why do mc boats lag so god damn much -.-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Parkins


      because jesus frowns down upon us

    3. Pav33


      Because mukar is too fat :3

    4. Smaw


      because no oars

  3. so a whole stack of food vanishes from my inv.. ok then.

  4. Nice. I don't see how going into Dev mode will fix the servers issues.

  5. Get glitched in a block while chasing somebody, log out and can't connect. GG.

  6. Felsen looks nice, though can I have LC next to build a megabuild?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ShameJax


      Kha aren't even a recognized nation

    3. Archbishop


      Who said its for them?

    4. DrakeHaze.


      tbh id like it aswell 

  7. Am i not allowed to ride into a settlement on a horse anymore? :(

    1. DecoLamb


      Not unless your wearing a very fancy hat.

  8. omg. Guys you can't steal from unlocked chests if the settlement has been raided :O Wat.

    1. Valaryon


      I'll pay 10k minas

    2. Lirinya


      I have many Artimec heads if you would like one.

  9. Why can you no longer search the forums for a word in a post or for example in the archieve?

    1. Space


      you can, it just says 'no results' for some reason. https://gyazo.com/7ace72c1cdd9d2eda92fcef43e31cbc5

    2. Archbishop


      how i can't see this option


    3. Kim


      It's on the VEERY top right.



  10. You know if you have the blue and white themed website theres an option to change at the bottom named 'theme'

    1. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      thanks for that adam

  11. I like the new 'Create' button.

  12. Any FMs on i can talk to about something?

    1. Kim


      hmu on skype

    2. Space


      sure man just send me a message at any time sure

  13. Staff can powergame?

    1. Dalek348


      When they smash up the village, ban report them for griefing

  14. I really do not understand the "This race is inactive in our eyes so lets go punish them in hopes they get active" staff mentaliity

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      Orcs get a PvP buff for inactivity. Halflings have their land removed.

    3. Dromui
    4. _Jandy_


      orcs had the pvp buff before they went inactive, don't say dumb things

  15. Whos collecting the minas for the halflings?

  16. Wait so now the halflings can't even stick up for themselves without being kicked down by staff?

    1. Z3r05t4r


      You should perhaps try making a thread in the feedback section. The matter at hand should be discussed in an orderly manner in my opinion.

    2. Archbishop


      daleks thread was fine I saw no forum rules being broken.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Valonqarie


      The priests have an spot where they have to stand during sacrifices

    3. Archbishop


      This was not planned at all, we were visiting the caliphate and saw another priest being attacked by him, we took him to the temple and i saw gigarun was on, he has a kha so he switched personnas and took the screenshots for me per request, the majority of these were either rp'ing at the village or in the caliphate in the end we cam together.

    4. ShameJax


      Ah. I probably would make a kha if I actually had the persona slot for it.

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