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Status Updates posted by Nathan_Barnett36

  1. So observing a scene in abresi, Then bam a 3 year old gets drop kicked in the face..... Bajko saved the day! #Teerz

  2. I haven't been able to do anything for the past few hours now because of this lag.

    1. Lago



      ill go away asap

    2. Nathan_Barnett36


      *slaps Lago "Not you!"

  3. If anyone can make me a typical strelt skin with moody boots and a shirt with fearly black trousers, please pm me

  4. Preparing the whole day yesterday for an event then the server goes down for ages, what a way to ruin an event!

  5. I'd just like to say that im rather ****ed right now because the server has been down for about an hour, When I was in an important roleplay event, Now It won't turn out aswell because most people won't be on, we even might have to bring it tomorrow because of this,Thanks

  6. Come on server come back up, I was in a important rp event

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      And now it's going to affect the rp event, we might now have to move it to tomorrow because some people can't make it. Thanks GM's/ Admins for putting the server up so quick :L !

    2. Guest


      I would love to see you do what they do.

  7. Maer voting today...

  8. So... the antags have a secret hidden lore which allows them to have a hivemind?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. argonian


      Well then Blood metagamed.

    3. Sky


      The cultist aren't part of the hivemind plan that Setherinen has them signed up to.

    4. Nathan_Barnett36


      Then bloodnight meta gamed.

  9. Just face it for once Harbingers! You are to op now, And nearly everyone dislikes this new buff, No matter what u say, IT IS OP

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      aren't they supposed to be OP and be able to beat us easily? Isn't that what we wanted? A more undead Iwillkillyourwholefamily style of antag?

  10. The owner of this wall http://gyazo.com/c7370e0942fed52f6d23fadb9369645a please collect your things and unlock the chests. The fort is going to be removed on behalf of the king of Oren. Deconstruction will start today

  11. Can any GM's get online? I need help

    1. Moot


      I'd suggest a therapist, and not a GM then.

    2. Haelphon


      ^ This is true

  12. Be on alert. There's a ghast flying around the world. It was first spotted in Augustine flying North. MAKE KILL IF SEEN

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dtrik


      When do you find an rply spawned ghast -_-

    3. Kaiser


      man the harpoooooooons

    4. Anawkin


      Make am hug.

  13. The server is up now guys.

  14. Wait what im not on the whitelist?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cloakedsphere
    3. Nathan_Barnett36


      I also wasn't online when all this crap happened with messaging so don't assume things

    4. Nathan_Barnett36


      THat explains why im not banned, but not whitelisted along with everyone else. Including the fact that it is 0/300

  15. Kralta hit by drought :OOOO

  16. Does it take this long for a roleback?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Archbishop


      *Saw Tythus log in on the beta server, but logged out 5 minutes after*

    3. bungo


      i poked him on teamspeak...

    4. SirSnowMan


      he's afk on ts

  17. Does it take this long for a roleback?

  18. It'll be a miracle if you actually fix these crashes.

  19. Why are staff lazy on ban appeals and leave them for ages?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more


      @Frottimer ur going to be a great gm I can already tell!!!

    3. OhDeerLord


      Ifff they did the time they wouldn't be banned anymore...

    4. nppeck


      Keep in mind that only the GMs who banned the user can unban him and if that GM is no longer a GM, that decision needs to be handled by the admins. In the case of knox for example, Chikaea is currently away

  20. Fix the GOD DAMN LAG LOTC, 3 times I've died now with my armour and good items I wanted to keep. And you still won't refund me because you can't fix the lag!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. BegginLena
    3. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      Oh, pure RP he said. No PvP, he said. Refund my armor & loot, indeed!

    4. Demotheus


      @Kalameet I only use my armor and good stuff for raids/war's and stuff, schedueled things. I don't like getting murdered randomly by @$$clowns on a regular basis, diminishing my ever dwindling iron supply in the process, and emerald supply as well. So, Nathan, take that bit of advice.

  21. Fix the GOD DAMN LAG LOTC, 3 times I've died now with my armour and good items I wanted to keep. And you still won't refund me because you can't fix the lag!

  22. OMG stupid server lag I can't do anything

  23. After all the deaths and losses of Oren.... WE ARE OREN.... WE ARE VICTORIOUS

    1. Rassidic


      You do realise that the Antags are sort of forced into losing , right? They get told to lose , and if they don't , well... stuff.

    2. Nathan_Barnett36


      Nah nah nah.... YES!

  24. Portal = Instant death............................... They told us to go in..... Get hit by my own team and fall off......... Someone collecting loot at bottem.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Demotheus
    3. Draeris


      Gosh I should start betting money on your status post..

    4. Heff


      ..............I ........sense.........a........ban...........report.........coming.......soon............

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