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Status Updates posted by Porko

  1. I give in to the (づ。◕౪◕。)づ pbbbbblttt

  2. Down with the Savoie H E G E M O N Y

  3. Geez. I've played on this persona since the release of Athera, but still. Geez. http://imgur.com/XQl5qu6

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. zaezae


      301 hours for me lol

    3. ShameJax
    4. Destroyer_Bravo


      I have near that much and I was banned for 4- wait, so were you. Eh.

  4. I thought I might have lost my Adept level of farming, but all is well :)

  5. Banner default best default

  6. I'm not whitelisted... I assume techs are working some bugs out?

    1. Porko


      Ignore this.

  7. I've never played runescape. All this "Look at my l00t" and "dds spec" stuff goes over my head, tbh.

    1. mmat


      You never had a childhood.

    2. lemontide331


      every1 played runescape tho

    3. Porko


      I was born 1999... so... err....

  8. I love how Sky is actually listening to us

    1. Dromui


      An admin that pays attention to the community? Nonsense!

    2. Space


      I mean, it'd be kinda a failure if the PR guy didn't listen to the players.

  9. #Stevie4Assasin2k15

  10. The Savoy plot continues

  11. "East Coast best coast" I say as it is goddamn snowing on our first day of spring.

  12. Ayy I got that Old Hat forum group. Greet me LotC elders.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TavernLich


      I think you mean "cliques," Space.

    3. Stevie


      i hate all old hats they need to be exterminated like the pests they are

    4. Porko


      But I'm an Old Hat Steve

  13. Ripperoni 3/4 of the Human playerbase

    1. mitto


      rip any counter arguments :^)

    2. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      it is as simple as stopping the usage of a phrase in a language that has no place on LOTC and is being said literally just as satirical humor and nothing else.

    3. Porko


      I completely agree, I never said I was part of the 3/4 that shout random memes during events or regular roleplay.

  14. Mc name now cookedporkchops_, formerly Memeism, formerly cookedporkchops_. Bringing the food back.

  15. I just realized that the word family is made up of fam and ily.

  16. *cue jeopardy music as server restarts*

  17. Now, how would I go about getting a gif to work when I make it my profile picture?

    1. Mirtok


      give the server money

    2. Nug


      upload it with an imgur link

  18. Nice and server crash

  19. Dwarf raids tho

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