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Man of Respect

Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Man of Respect

  1. No lag can stop me from grinding! hahahaha!

  2. Check the bottom of the page if you are looking to sell your iron! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The best prices of Athera by your humble shaman Eath'Lur! The humble shaman Eath'Lur is looking foward to empty your pockets and sell his wares as he slides his fingers through them! BUY IT! JUST BUY IT! -=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=- The Extremely Cool Orcish Deals or also known as ECOD is the best market you will ever find lying around! It sells you a multitude of merchandise! Check it out! TANNED LEATHER After having way too much leather, ECOD by your humble shaman decided to sell it out to some rich kings or some not-that-peasant-ish-peasants. For an extremely unfair price, you can take a piece for MOMOZKAHIN 1,80 MINAS! If you find this price extremely abusive and pointless, your humble shaman can make it for 1.800 MINAS! So cheap, right? Yes, buy the second option, it's better for you, your humble shaman swears. ECOD by your humble shaman is also selling... tututututuutututu... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Wood for your dire needs! Wood for your not-that-dire needs! ENDLESS WOOD! A LOT OF WOOD! MORE WOOD! ECOD by your humble shaman got so much wood that his storage is about to explode! For an extremely abusive price of 0,80 a log, you may take all the kinds of wood, except for oak, that will cost you 1.0/log. STILL IT'S SO MUCH WOOD THAT I WOULD BUY ALL OF IT IF I WAS YOU!! If you disagree, your humble shaman can make 8 minas a log, but no one disagrees, because they are not that stupid!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DESERT COW MEAAAAAT! Meat that takes about 13 orcish moons to expire is up for sale! Once acessible to orcs (and orcs only), it's now up for the public! The desert cows, not being the best meal, still will last for TWO YEARS! Starting at a very humble price of 2,5 minas a steak or 1,75 minas per crates (stack), and maybe reducing past this point is now acessible to you! BATHE YOURSELF IN COW MEAT GET FAT BUY MORE! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- COOL CHARCOOL! No, it's not exactly cool, STILL, IT'S COOOOL AS YOUR KRUG'S HELL!! For an even more humble price of 2,25 minas/piece, ECOD brings you ULTRA COOL CHARCOOL! It's the Alpha Charcool, you need to buy it for some reason! JUST BUY IT! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- What does a market truly needs? MOMOZKAHIN CACTUS GREEN! Extremely potent cactus green brought to you by ECOD, you can stay in the clouds for a few minutes, AND FOR ALL THE HOURS OF YOUR LIFE IF YOU BUY MORE! It's the best sensation, it's a wonderful sensation for a mere price of 4 minas a piece! But if you get lucky enough, it can be even cheaper! Also, if you are a guard, it's 3 minas for guards! What makes life good? ECOD GREEN! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Now, the very obvious reason you came to this market. CASKEEEEEEEEEEEEETS! A luxury only to the richest ones, now made cheap for your needs! Starting at a humble price of 250 minas that may be negotiated further, you can have one of these beauties in your hands! 200 minas? 150 MINAS?!?!?!?!?!?! WHO KNOWS?! But, If one casket is for 250, you can take TWO FOR FREAKING AND MOMOZKAHIN 350! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Now, to the good zkah. Lucky Numbers Buying Iron! ECOD™, all memes reserved
  3. show me your generals - sandk1ng 2016-2015

  4. Anyone wants to buy a few caskets?!?!?! Post your offer!

    1. argonian


      caskets of what

    2. Elfen_


      Dead bodies maybe

    3. Cave_Creature


      How many? I'll offer maybe 200 or 300 each

  5. Anyone wants to go on a fedora trip to tip some "neckbeard bears beards"?

  6. a reply is posted "Me can pay the diamonds in stacks and stacks of wood, you good?" -Eath
  7. What impresses me more is that I don't have any forum warnings

  8. Who wants to play a hearthstone match against me?

    1. Space



    2. Potts244


      Chicken Soup Server

  9. What happened with the Clue series? Haven't been having any updates of it.

    1. Crowbill


      Not enough lotc people was interested, i heard

    2. Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Not really, no. Worry not, fine gents and ladies fair. You'll be seeing a lot soon.

    3. Birdwhisperer


      There were enough LotC people, the problem was real life happened to some of the youtubers so recording was postponed. There's recording sessions planned now, though.

  10. I keep crashing send help pls

  11. PK'ing characters somewhat makes me feel so happy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fitermon


      You should try PKing.

    3. Space


      It's hard to let go :(

    4. Elfen_


      I have a few other characters I can be. Or used to. Working on a new one. By use to I mean I forgot everything about them.

  12. All aboard the hype tower!

  13. my new pic is the gif of the year.

    1. Pinochet


      your ******* gif gives me 100% more respect for you

  14. Eath the orc leaves a note "300 MINAZ FUHR 30 PAKZ OB WUUL." ((I'll pay 350 if it can be 15 stacks of red and 15 stacks of black.))
  15. #Morebounties

    1. Cracker


      The Bounty system is currently undergoing an overhaul so no new bounties are allowed to be permitted until that is settled. Should be ready soon, though!

  16. Eath'lur begins to desing and build a ship "Behuhld, mi flatenin' mazhine tu deztruy ull latz krewmembahrz!!!"
  17. "Eeth wuntz tu rehnt ah zhip tu huhnt zquiwwddzzz, plezzzzzzzzzz..." Asks Eath to Ayche as he hands him a pouch filled with junk, but with a $ in it "Etz minaz."
  18. How do i have 887 posts?

    1. H


      Well, after you had 886 posts, you posted again.


    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      no, like, i had recently reached the 666 posts

    3. Dohvi


      The way it counts posts seems to have changed. If you are/were staff, all the posts that didn't used to count now suddenly do.

  19. Reads the reply, laughing "Lat konkuhr beaztz, nub bui dem."
  20. Eath'Lur blinks, wondering how the man that placed the bounty knows the griffins genders.
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