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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Gone

  1. Reteach me how to write a proper wiki page and I'll fix lotc wiki

    1. Gone


      Right now we're happy to see applications and then draw from those posted when we feel the need for more team members. 


      Don't forget though that you don't have to be on the team to create or edit pages, anyone can with a wiki account. That only requires sending a team member your email and a chosen username to get set up. ?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Reteach me how to write a proper wiki page and I'll fix lotc wiki

    1. Gone


      Honestly I learned just by copying the format from pages that look good and then tweaking it slowly >-> 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. hey you see how there's a ban report on both clerics and izkuthi. I know a really good solution, I really do. I bet you can't guess it

    1. Gone


      @Elrith I was told you're HyperThinking and that I had to do the ping since you'd handled some of the stuff. !-! 


      Tbh I don't see anything from the report as an issue with the magics or creatures, more an issue with toxicity, but regardless Izkuthii are getting reworked per LT request and holy magic is gonna get all sorts of touches.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. Do you also hate all Ascended? So does everyone else!

  5. why are all these losers applying for at when fm is obviously the better choice ?

  6. I believe I have found the general response to the latest metagaming definition update: 


  7. How the crap do you get the big profile pictures anymore, gifs dont seem to do it.

    1. Gone


      I still use the gifs but I make sure to resize the image so that its width is 250 as that's the maximum width for the forums.

  8. Have you ever killed someone that is carrying an item with a MArt? When he died, did he give the item to you?

    1. Gone


      Pretty sure if someone has one they soulbind it.

      Or enderchest it but rp it anyways.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Is what they say about druids true?

    1. Gone


      once you go green you can't forget what you've seen

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. 7f77546945f948560cdc26b12b99d5ccd390c2e3


    The Clerical Revamp is done... I just need proofreaders and people to look through it for errors....

  11. So how does mining work now? The mines start right with Andensite that gives me no exp.

    1. Gone


      I went to the one in CT since cities seem to have locked theirs :c 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Anthos's evil twin vol.2 http://i.imgur.com/6WFemv2.png

    1. Gone


      Alchemists need swamps and marshlands to find certain herbs plus you'd be surprised how many players actually like to live in such areas.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Can I reply to the br you posted? Got something to add

  14. The question is. What to do with my second persona slot. Continue Gul-San or create something new, if new what should i do

  15. The Grand Library of Sutica Contest

    1. Gone


      I think maybe the Sutica library is having some sorta contest.

  16. TMW you have 65 filled homes and people are living in the sewers and clock tower because there's not enough room! ><  Another expansion mehbe?

  17. Why can i make someone float at ct by hitting them..


  18. cautiously peeks in to see how the server is doing

  19. does the LT actually know how hated they are

    1. Gone


      Get told not to use unapproved magic again? 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  20. i LOVE YOUR PROFILE ART it is beautiful

    1. Gone


      I know right? Found it from this wonderful person: http://www.deviantart.com/art/blue-Diamond-Steven-Universe-655548998 


      They need to give us more info on Blue Diamond in the show... I must know more of this pretty sad lady! 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. Your map SUCKS for new players.

    1. Gone


      I actually agree with everything IceWater has said and I've tried bringing up such points before. This map is simply not new player friendly and spawn is the worst offender. New players get dumped into an area much bigger than it needs to be, with confusing directions, and literally no one around. Makes the server look dead and/or frustrating. Then there are roads that lead to nowhere. Signs that are out of date. Its honestly a mess.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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