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Everything posted by _Jandy_

  1. Hunter! It's your bedtime!!

  2. I didn't say anything about the freelands, but massive skirmishes where people are throwing alchemist fires and just wildly PVPing because they don't care about losing pixels will most definitely cause lag on the server. Just a reminder but this is a RP server, maybe this list of PVP servers could better serve what you're looking for. https://minecraft-server-list.com/sort/PVP/
  3. Yeah, let's create a bunch of lag for no reason! To be honest there are other PVP servers you and friends could go to if that's what you really wanna do, no reason to just make the server unbearable to do anything on so you can throw pixels away.
  4. If Nexus gets removed you all will be out of ways to get rep. 

    1. ryno2


      bro idk if you have aspergers or something but the title of that thread was how to fix -without- removing it

    2. _Jandy_


      This isn't about your status homie, just at the die hard 'REMOVE NEXUS' ppl

  5. Maybe then these plants would look like these and it would be very difficult to tell them apart, but for quite a few of the plants they have distinguishing features that aren't in the picture.
  6. Today was a great tragedy... The Great Pumpkin Slaughter of 1570. Was fun though lol, sorry if we meme'd you too hard.

  7. Well for the first one I went with what a halfling would name it. The second one I was kinda stumped on.
  8. ~Animals~ --------------------------------------------------------- -Narffleopoklis The Narffleopoklis is the apex predator of the tundra. It is a tremendous beast that should not be confronted alone. The beast is a mammal that is acclimated to the harshest freezing climates. It has a thick pelt, some areas covered with fur, its underbelly is very vulnerable though and soft. A Narffleopoklis female raises it’s cubs in a cave or den that they live in. The creature is well known for living in high altitudes so that it can use it’s leathery webs that connect from its elbow to its side. The webbing is thin yet tough leather that allows the beast to leap from high heights without being injured. Narffleopoklis males on the other hand hunt in packs throughout the tundra and often howl at night to try and attract females out of their dens so the alpha of the pack may mate with them. Once a pair mate the pack will generally stay in a close vicinity of the female’s den so that they can feed the cubs that will eventually come. Narffleopoklis females tend to have up to 3 or 4 cubs at a time but prioritize feeding the female children over the males. A pack will be very territorial over a female’s den but the den will be most vulnerable when the males leave to hunt. (Named this because a very lost halfling who roamed very far into the North with a few of his friends was the first find and survivor of the creature. His friends had a rather poor hunting trip to say the least.) --------------------------------------------------------- -Skrumpluk This beast is found strictly in deserts and has a nigh impenetrable hide. It can roll into a wheel shape for protection but then cannot move. This creature has several rows of teeth and very poor eyesight in the dark. This creature’s hide is very scaly and the color of sand. The beast can be 4 feet long and 3 feet tall with a lengthy tail with a spike at the end which is very heavy. Occasionally the monster will go into tantrum and flail it’s tail about which can be very dangerous for any people around it. Skrumpluk’s tend to travel in herds and never stay at anyplace too long, typically they scour for insects at night to eat but if an animal gets too close they may become a quick meal. --------------------------------------------------------- ~Plants~ --------------------------------------------------------- -Cerridwen’s Charm This tree is often found in deep in healthily forested areas and grows to be up to 60 feet tall and has an abundance of sap which draws many insects to it, but the tree is less known for its sap or insects but rather for the high amounts of birds which flock and nest or visit the tree for its insects which provide an easily accessible amount of food. The food is so abundant that the birds often aren’t even territorial about the tree. (Named this because a Druid was strongly called to this place because of how much nature was concentrated in one place so they named the tree after their Dietical Mother.) --------------------------------------------------------- -Cerridwen’s Cuse This is an invasive plant that tends to hang from trees and continue to grow to incredibly long lengths but the vines will snap towards creatures that move too sporadically and on an off chance, very seldomly, the vine will wrap around the creature or one of its appendages and quickly coil which pulls the creature to the beginning of the vine. Sometimes the plant will end up dislocating joints, breaking bones or sometimes even hanging a creature. (Named this because a stray hiking group of Druids was the first to have one of their own fall victim to the tree. They named it in direct correlation to ‘Cerridwen’s Charm’ which they were just on their way to discover when their friend was grabbed.) --------------------------------------------------------- -Arugula’s Omen The plant is very pretty and grows near bodies of fresh water. The plant is remarkable because its spindles will slowly wagg back and forth when the plant is in the sun and well hydrated. The petals of the plant come in various colors (lighter the color for the dryer the soil it blossomed upon, darker for moister soil). (Named this because it was first found by a halfling along the coast of Ceru) --------------------------------------------------------- -Akezo’s Mercy The tree grows in very warm climate areas, specifically places that see plenty of rainfall. The tree typically grows to be about 18 feet tall and would take up a large amount of land because of how the branches tend to spread out over a wide area. The remarkable feature of this tree is that it’s bark is very thin and peels off easily (without damaging the tree which has several layers of bark at a time) and the bark makes a great pain medication. The bark can either be laid directly on the tongue or it can be made into a tea. The pain repressing effects will be very powerful but the senses will be very overwhelmed for the first hour after it wears off. A handful of the bark will dull your sense of touch for a day, a pinch of the bark will dull it for a half hour. (Named this because it is often used by orcs after battle or training or attacks, so it was named after their spirit of health, vitality and healing.) --------------------------------------------------------- -Kutuhith This common plant is found along the sides of roads all around Axios but what many people don’t know it that when this plant is ground up into a powder and that powder is mixed with water, the paste that is made can make any wool fabric it is applied onto flame retardant. This plant does die in the winter, which may be when it is needed most, so many alchemists and tailors tend to hoard the weed. --------------------------------------------------------- -Menkabkan A plant that is found in humid jungles at the bottom of ditches. The remarkable part of this plant happens when it is wet and laid, on it’s bottom side, upon flesh. The leaf will release a toxin into the skin that damages the nerves that control the muscles where the leaf was laid. After removal of the leaf the skin will look unchanged, but when the top side of the leaf is laid on the same part of the skin the muscles will contract to a strenuous point where sharp shooting pains will shoot through the contaminated muscles. The only cure to the contamination is time. The toxin will work it’s way out of a creature's system in about 48 hours since application. --------------------------------------------------------- -Fuenolis The plant is highly toxic and is indigenous to the jungles of Axios. The plant, although visually appealing, it’s toxins will send people into dangerous fevers, create symptoms of drowsiness or fatigue and sometimes the toxin will even bind to the iron in our blood cells and choke them off, removing their ability to transfer oxygen throughout the body. The plant would taste very spicy which is what most people would guess by just looking at the plant. --------------------------------------------------------- - Miloptris Found deep in forests all around Axios, typically found on fallen trees or near places of Druidic Blessings these colorful mushrooms will glow brightly in the dark. This bio-luminescent plant is completely safe to ingest and comes in an unfathomable range of colors. When crushed or sometimes even chewed the colorful juices will squirt all over leaving a bright stain wherever it touches which is often known to stain the teeth of animals who live in the woods or sometimes used to accent a valuable painting. These mushrooms aren’t particularly common but they do grow in large patches. (Named this because a Druid was the first to name and document the plant, so they named it after their very own Druid Milo Herbwallow.) ---------------------------------------------------------

    1. Moochael



      The Legend

      The Hero


  10. Should I write lore for some plants and animals we could run into on Axios? 

    1. Golin'Dar


      Yes, we need more drug-plant we can use for quality RP experience.

    2. Crowbill


      Rather write additional lore for the plants we already have

    3. LatzMomo


      No, you should end yourself.

  11. Monster Hunter is so much fun, holy heck.

  12. Bomb event from the ET, can't wait for the next one!

    1. Achilles


      thank you my friend

  13. Luv is a straight homie

    1. Kvasir


      am I straight homie?

    2. _Jandy_


      yeh muh guy

    3. Kvasir


       oh okay

  14. +1 as long as the items don't become over produced. So maybe a shaman is only allowed to have created one of these items at a time until it is destroyed so that they don't offend a spirit.
  15. Butter aint do nuffin

    1. Cooliomafia


      He aint wrong! 

  16. A Pokestop on my way home from work, perfect.

  17. http://imgur.com/vkRgvGd

    Please don't be triggered, I'm but a humble memer. @drfate786

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. drfate786


      No mercy for the weak...

    3. Aengoth


      the weak should fear the strong -drfate786

    4. drfate786


      Aye, but on a serious note. That BR was real, it wasn't a meme and none of my BR's are memes. Don't ever think that.

  18. I presume it was p hard to find good art for a race like this heheh
  19. I think it refers to axolotls, the animal that mudkip is designed after.
  20. This is one of the best creature proposals I think I have ever seen, it is incredibly well planned out and I think it could find a great niche in the server. The only thing I would change is the name because it is a very direct reference to the animal it is inspired by and I would also change the races origin because it seems way too similar to the Kha. Perhaps also they have their own belief system to an aengul or daemon and they have their own type of diety magic though and the priests and priestesses are granted the gift of being able to stay under water indefinitely, I fear that if that is left as a genetic trait then too many of the players will simply choose to have the trait. Also I think that the clothing and fashion ideas could stand to take some new ideas from some creative people, but in all this race seems very fun and different than the current races that we have. So it has my full support!
  21. For the Luv of GOD


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