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Everything posted by _Jandy_

  1. Shoutout to the AT for handling these new applications in a timely manner. GJ guys.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harri


      lslie you've done like no apps since this started what are you on about lying isn't MANAGER material traits.....................................

    3. tilly


      I did six applications,  though have been holding back because I have hit my quota already and want others to catch up and meet their quotas. Additionally, I have been answering questions in the AT chat, helping denied applicants revise their applications in PMs, and have also been mentoring players in game through Skype. But your right I haven't helped at all during the influx. 

    4. Harri


      leslie it was just a joke im sorry

  2. The oldest AT app is 6 months old... God bless the AT applicants.

  3. yo what the???!?!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lekuma_
    3. LatzMomo


      Yo What thaaaaaaaaaaaa

    4. Salty Saradunan

      Salty Saradunan

      never challenge me at my own game





  4. Student Application Name: Andwise Peregrin [Mc Name]: _Jandy_ Race: Halfling Magic you wish to study: Lightning Evocation Guild you wish to be associated with: Sanctuary
  5. http://imgur.com/a/CTBD3

    I make these for cheap rep...

    1. Mrlollytime


      You Sir deserve all the reps! 

  6. I like the idea but I'm not sure how well it would fit into most RP scenarios. Maybe give it a 3 week trial period?
  7. McName: 21Pilots RpName: Lucian Ruric Skype: You have it Profession: Huntsman TeamSpeak: In use Time-Zone: CST Desired Chapter to join: Ruric
  8. "Going twice." ((@Sythan figured this didn't count as a low-ball raise.))
  9. Lekuma_ is a fiscal prodigy.

  10. A halfling finds a coffin in the fields he plows and finds a treasured set of instructions to make a fancy hat. The halfling searches for a fair trade for the item and listens to the offers of the people of Vailor... ((Comment any offers and I'll accept minae, items, services, art, etc...))
  11. A halfling finds a coffin in the fields he plows and finds a treasured set of instructions to make a fancy sword. The halfling searches for a fair trade for the item and listens to the offers of the people of Vailor... ((Comment any offers and I'll accept minae, items, services, art, etc...))
  12. Shovel from Pumpkin!

  13. -1. This is not the first time this idea has been proposed and it will likely be denied because as it is we already have too many playable races.
  14. A stray elf wonders where he is sending his bird (birds can't just scour Vailor looking for people :P)
  15. If Pandan has injured a gnome in your life and you believe you deserve compensation, call Saul Goodman.

  16. I like the idea of adding a few words, only downside is it makes it harder for newer players to play orcs correctly which would be very detrimental. For that reason I have to -1 the idea..
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