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Everything posted by _Jandy_

  1. If you have Overwatch on PC add me @ TaxSeason

  2. +1 http://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Murloc
  3. Next person who writes a BR, I will sign them up for J-Date.

    1. BonesOfTheEarth


      I'll BR you for that

  4. This isn't needed, the sprites are perfectly fine where they are at right now.
  5. League seems more toxic than usual today

    1. drfate786


      That explains why I'm winning so much.

  6. That was oddly dissatisfying... 

  7. *insert status about whining about the block game, for children, here*

  8. Gratz iMattyz!

  9. This poor boy has been waiting for half a year from a response from the AT, I can't recommend him enough for the team: 


    1. Nekkore


      [Judging AT lead and manager intensifies.]

  10. Riot keeps giving me an S on lvl 4 mastery champions and I need emotional help because I will never get a lvl 6/7 mastery like this...

  11. Everybody whines when potions are too powerful, but when the coders make it harder to make potions everybody still whines. Make up you minds.

    1. AGiantPie


      Rarity and/or difficulty to obtain an OP item doesn't make that item not OP. Both complaints can be valid at the same time. People complaining about the alchemy changes are probably alchemists regardless, not fighters.

    2. octofishie


      Making potions harder to make is something I completely understand but when all you want to do is make ale for the local tavern it kinda sucks :/ 

    3. Kaelan


      Potion making is already time consuming and a challenge. With the cooldown between gathering herbs, it takes a ridiculous amount of time to gather things for a potion only to have it fail... 

  12. So I was invited to take part in a D&D campaign that's coming up soon and I need somebody to make a sheet because it confuses the heck out of me. I'm looking for a Halfling (ghostwise) who is a druid of the Circle of the Land: Underdark. Basically it's a tiny halfling who is a super edge-lord (level 5). The first person to come up with this I'll reward 1,000-3,000 Minas based on quality. Ghostwise: https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Ghostwise_Halfling_(5e_Subrace) Circle of the Land: Underdark: http://wiki.zaori.org/wiki/Spells/Druid/Circle_of_the_Land:_Underdark (In LotC my character is an author and will pay good money for an interesting character.)
  13. That face when you hold a door and the people don

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Space


      it's weird sometimes it will not cut it off at a ' and sometimes it will

    3. Wrynn


      If you instead goto the "Create" panel in the top bar, and hit status - it won't cut the message off.

    4. Eggles the Beagles
  14. Is the eventline w/ the magic books still going on?

    1. Wretched


      yep, and will be for some time.

  15. Edgies. Everywhere.

    1. Askuzai


      Edginess seems to be a way of life for some edgy characters. So I say, let's all throw em in a pit.

  16. rip shaggydog

  17. I used to have a midget fetish...

    1. _Jandy_


      but it was SHORT lived

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