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Everything posted by _Jandy_

  1. 30 AT Apps sit unanswered. The end of the month grows near. Who will make it?! Next time on Dragon Ball Zeeeeeeee.

  2. The MAT are supposed to look over creature app, right?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. _Jandy_


      Tyty, just excited about it. That's all. 

    3. BrandNewKitten


      I hear ya. I have waited nearly 2 months for my lore to be answered!

    4. _Jandy_
  3. +1, I like it. It somehow reminds me of genasi from D&D though. Also, I think there should only be one Augur per Aegudaemon.
  4. Can an MAT check my Blob app out pls and ty

  5. So does that make your character a quarterling? Feel free to drop by Willow Hollow anytime, looks like a fun character to RP with.
  6. I think this could be the beginning of a very interesting idea although I don't think we need another dark magic type, but that is just my opinion. Although I think the current idea is very broad and could use some more details that tie into current lore such as the source of the magic or why the ancestors are able to be summoned. So maybe you could think out a few more details, although right now it is a creative thought, keep working with it!
  7. Who built Sutica, because... look at it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rassidic


      omfg just give me pics

    3. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      sutica is pretty, its the fantasy city lotc needs! *** realism

    4. _Jandy_


      For decent fantasy builds I would recommend seeing things like Haelunor or Luarehlin, /not/ Sutica

  8. I put gold in somebodies chest right before they turned into a ghoul...

    1. LatzMomo


      Ima put gold in your chest bb ;)

    2. sneLf


      What are the odds lol

  9. Do not remove Nexus...

  10.  Still looking for feedback on my AT app (<- Click there)

  11. ((I thought this was gonna be feedback about the server constantly being down
  12. It's well written but is not needed and would potentially make necros more powerful than they already are. Maybe find a different use for this, like alchemy? ((Also, it would confuse new players))
  13. I didn't cry when I watched Anohana... sorry

  14. If you want this lore to ever be accepted you need to listen to what Pie said above. Here are all the things that I see wrong with this at first glance: - Lord Baden Powell was a character in Athera, but he was a human. Not an elf. (Perhaps choose a different name.) - What is Arcane Rage!?!?! - What is Aleria!? - Considering Athera is recent history you probably shouldn't be adding guilds that didn't exist. Maybe instead you could start RP as Zekkyrr andstart a guild and actually RP this out. - Is there a reason the people who died at the keep didn't return at the Cloud Temple? - Is Azhdial a ghost or something? How does that lore work? - Runes on LotC don't allow people to channel their power. (I don't believe so anyhow.) - What is the source of the 'Arcane Rage'? Such as the void, a deity, etc.. - I would not begin laying out ranks for a guild when little to none of the lore it is based on exists. In brutal honesty this can't be accepted how it is. You need to do separate lore submissions for everything you are trying to get implemented, but even then trying to have recent history changed for the sake of this lore is likely never going to happen because many characters were still alive then and this would make their timelines confusing if things were added to the past that never occurred. If you want help with this I'd be interested in helping you revamp the entire thing and help to write each of the lore submissions. Feel free to contact me if you have questions. Until then, good luck.
  15. Im p sure the playerbase has specifically said they didn't want a plague or disease, but hey

  16. In all honesty I'm scared about what Moot is counting down to...

    1. mitto


      counting down by -2 though, for what pvrpose?

    2. Jonificus


      They're releasing the trailer for the LotC show.

  17. I like it, but ET only. We don't need/want another race.
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