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Status Updates posted by gandalfo

  1. So we have so many broken systems on LoTC yet the most important change is to make Global Moderators again and you don’t get to choose what team you apply to anymore? really?

    1. Rickson


      Not being able to apply to a team just feels like a wrong decision.

      It’s literally the sketch from the first 5 minutes of I.T Crowd.


      Sure you get to decide what role you want IF your application is accepted, but the difference between say a GM and ET Builder are completely different and should have suitably varying application processes. Also, if community feedback on someones staff position is really valued as much as the admins say, then this change goes completely against that as the community have no clue what role someone might go into.

  2. all i want for christmas is a grand kingdom of urguan plz

  3. ladedadeda, death to ulrah

  4. charles the bald did nothing wrong, you can’t change my mind.

  5. if thats actually the reason wolfkite got banned i’m just even more disappointed in this gm team

  6. i heard ulrah had a 5 man rally, hypocritical @Raomir

    1. Burnsy
    2. Hiebe


      Cause beating a dead horse seems to work.

  7. if a malinor rolls through a breeze and no one is around to hear it, does it make a broadcast? 

  8. @MCPancakes why'd you perma kill your character and unkill it like 8 weeks later? I thought that was against the rules... Strange.

  9. bored with lotc and minecraft in general, i'd rather play other games, might come back might not, peace.

  10. Mission complete, Geronimo down.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gandalfo


      i'll let you know that we once got a muffin for making art

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Archipelego has the better memes though


      Just like the rest of the halfling playerbase 

    4. Archipelego


      :c you're stealing my job !

  11. something about nexus or stuff

  12. not a huge fan of 2 people counting as a raid.

  13. Tbh, anybody telling @LadyRebecca  to grow up needs to grow up themselves. Staff members put countless hours into this server, she's just one of them.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. zaezae


      It's just cry-bullies dog piling on someone without honestly showing what the supposed infraction was for people to see while they publically humiliate someone and call that "communication". Again. For the 50th time. 

    3. zaezae


      Yes cry bully. Using something to justify acting like a petulant little child toward someone and then blaming them for it. And yes, I have noticed that this outrage is only selected for friends. 

    4. zaezae


      Yeah okay, look. This has happened more times than I can count. Don't justify being a bully and stop jesus. 

  14. @LadyRebecca tbh i feel bad for you.

  15. " XD XD XD XD XD XD XD" BudderBacca247 2k16-2k17

  16. Oren back at it again

    1. Birdnerdy


      We have come to destroy you and your rp. Surrender now, and perhaps you will be spared.

  17. What kind of BS is this? Leowarrior gets to call a post CANCER, But others can't call him out?

    1. PraiseTheLord


      **** him, to be honest.

    2. El Ricktador

      El Ricktador

      The FMs have shown their true colors.

  18. Damn... Did like oren dig in with spoons? Look at that perfect staircase tho... Get ConspiracyOps on the case.


    1. BrandNewKitten


      Just say his name three times while looking into a mirror with a sink full of blood.  That should do the trick. 

    2. gandalfo


      I'll try that some time

  19. TREB TEAM 6

    1. PraiseTheLord


      A better love story than Twilight.

    2. gandalfo



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