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Everything posted by Malgonious

  1. Fullscreen, Cacti-Green and watch:


  2. @Tsuyosehttps://gyazo.com/f38cc5f55ff17016d66ec3c7927ce267

    I get less worried about the orenian menace everyday.  how the f*** do you lose a 1v1 to fate?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. rukio


      Oren is like the hemangioma on the side of my hand. Got it surgically removed but it keeps coming back.

  3. L0rdT0mas is the Forest Gump of Norland

  4. gameboy color and nothing else to do but bum it out


    1. nordicg_d


      not the only thing u like to bum tho is it

    2. Malgonious

    Worthy of a listen all the way through

  6. but it's like we weren't made for this world, though I wouldn't really want to meet someone who was.

  7. WTB unban pm 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Malgonious


      I'd like to request a warning point assigned to @nordicg_d@DPM@Freischarler, these three have been told in the past to not comment on anything to do with myself or things I post.  It's all genuine toxicity as you can see above anyways.  Thanks @Queen Hyena@Harrison@Hedge

    3. nordicg_d

    1. Malgonious


      needs a lot of work, but wanted to share

    2. LatzMomo


      pretty good bro, what did you use? I like the vibes on it

  9. Anything less than the total removal of Nexus PvP is a loss in my book.

    1. Narthok
    2. rukio


      Just as long as I can still sit, afk, grinding arrows all day and night.

  10. @Ford@Hero_@Narthok


    "Last time I wifed a b*tch she told the world I beat her, huh"


  11. @Ford@Hero_



    H o l l o w                       S q u a d

  12. @transcended soul

    B E A S T    C O A S T

    1. lawnmowerman


      **** me that is sick artwork and an even sicker tune


    1. lawnmowerman


      good 1, i also rly like asap ferg nd call me tho

    2. Malgonious


      @transcended soul Hit is also good, good taste!

  14. Keep on stackin' up

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