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Everything posted by JuniperSelkie

  1. Oh hey my name is in here. Beautiful, as always Tox~ Stars are good, magic is good. So starmagic must be twice as good
  2. Local ginger plots to get a job.
  3. I love it~ I tried to write a sea magic myself, it fell pretty flat. But this seems much more organized. My only real concern is that, while the power stems from parts of Dresdrasil and her essence and whatnot, it still becomes toxic and harmful for native sea life. I feel like being toxic to sea life kind of takes a few steps away from Dresdrasil’s nature, given that all sea life came from her. Other than that, looks fantastic to me!
  4. Mmm magical disconnection from a CA without requiring any actual reasons. Totally won't be abused, especially since two factions of Azdrazi can't stand each other. Hmm. Definitely a good idea.
  5. “I’m skilled at cooking and cleaning!” Gladiolus announces. “I’m an adorable 5’3” Mali’ame.”
  6. I see you too have had the misfortune of meeting a blue elf. @Aethling And PLEASE do. Don't forget the height redlines! End the plague of endless 7 foot tall wood elf freaks. Bring back the short boys!
  7. Funnily enough i was just brainstorming up something else made of sneeple! The more the merrier!
  8. @Tennallar I made a bunch of edits and such using the recommendations and feedback that you left last time! Hopefully this version makes more sense.
  9. You might not need lore to praise an entity, but it certainly helps. If I simply wanted to praise some non-existent creature of the fathoms, I would hardly have expanded on her original lore. Likewise, her having fleshed out lore shouldn’t influence your in character reactions regarding her, whether it’s one paragraph, or a proper lore post. If your character is terrified of ancient sea entities, they should be afraid of her wither you oocly know things about her or not.
  10. As much as I would like to do that, given new lore guidelines, and the widespread shelving of lore due to the lore games, I don’t believe that is a possibility. Deific entities have a very clearly defined format they are now required to adhere to from a lore writing standpoint. A simple paragraph stating that she exists isn’t enough anymore.
  11. Thank you! I’ll start working on improving this tonight.
  12. Thank you! That’s a lot of stuff that’s actually very helpful. You’re definitely right about the city. I hadn’t thought about that. Reclarifying her reasoning for her descent is also a great idea. As for the request aimed at the Aspects, given that Dresdrasil created sea life, but the druids can commune with the majority of it. I felt it was prudent to provide a lore reason for why that is so, why the Aspects hold sway over something belonging to another deity. May I utilize some of the ideas you’ve noted here?
  13. Im still having a hard time grasping the "humanizing" aspect. Perhaps you can explain in greater detail? Is it the pictures? Her desire to safeguard her children? I would like more information so I can improve the post.
  14. @ThatGuy_777 @ScreamingDingo @Tennallar Again, I appreciate hearing feedback from people. I hear what you are suggesting and would like to show you were I'm getting my ideas from and why I've written my piece this way. If you will please turn your attention to the lore post for the Old Ones [Daemons], I'll address the majority of the concerns you've all brought up so far. So, the Old Ones lore was the piece the Xionists had to justify the existence of these deities. And in the introduction section, it notes that the Xionists mistakenly thought they were not Daemons. Throughout LOTC lore, Aenguels and Daemons have pushed their agendas onto the world, some of which take temporary physical form to do so. There are also records of such beings getting "stuck" in mortal forms because they forget how to return to their homes. Despite dwelling in mortal form, they still retain a much larger level of power than any mortal creature normally would. So while she was a symbol of Xionism, and they saw her as some sort of eldritch beasty, it was always lore that they were misclassifying her, and knew almost nothing about her. Hence why I ended up drawing my own conclusions about a mother goddess figure that threw herself from the heavens to be with her children. My thought process was: “ok, so she gave up her status as daemon of abundance because she loved her creations so much. ok, so since she gave that up to be with them, her children and their happiness is likely her first priority. So she wants them to be safe, happy, wants to keep their environment healthy for them, etc”. If you have suggestions for alternative motives, I am all ears. Moving on to Dresdrasil's section, it is noted in the second sentence that she literally produced all sea life, as well as the monsters that dwell within it. This means that even anglerfish were made by her. I FULLY support a longstanding rivalry between Dresdrasil and Nemiisae, one constantly creating new life, the other trying to end it. It creates a more interesting dynamic, even if it does become a bit strange, a child of both Dresdrasil and the Aspects, torn between trying to do her duty by overthrowing her progenitor, or by serving her. Regarding the qualm about Dresdrasil communicating through dreams, that was also an original staple of her lore, noted in the third paragraph of the section on the Nature of the old ones. The exact quote is thus: "If there is any relation of higher power among the Old Ones, it is their uncanny ability to commune with mortals through dreams and visions." I believe that addresses almost all of the concerns that have been stated. I fully understand the desire for her to be more "alien" or "mysterious" but mystery is quite difficult to retain while fleshing out the lore for a deity, especially given the new lore formats, which have many required fields. However, if anyone would like to give me suggestions on how I can do that, I'm all for it. Constructive criticism is, after all, the reason that these forums can be viewed publicly.
  15. Thank you for your input. However, my opinion differs. Dresdrasil is said to have willingly abandoned her position because she wanted to be with her creations. Her goal is to safeguard what she considers hers. How is that a human trait? Being possessive or protective is hardly a trait unique to the human race. And while I will agree that defining her and releasing a full lore post on her does detract from her mystery....i hardly think half a paragraph in a post about a bunch of descended Daemons is enough to justify an existing deific figure.
  16. Dresdrasil, Daemon of Abundance Origin/Background Dresdrasil is considered one of the older daemons, one of the first to openly interfere in the state of the world. Her means of doing so was to populate the seas with all manner of fish and beasts. She laughed alongside the Aspects, Lyse, and Metzli, her closest companions. They all delighted in the frolicking of her creations, but when alone, she grew somber. The sparkling perfection of eternal twilight and an endless empty ocean began to frustrate her, her time and attention drew more and more to the seas below her. The seas that contained her countless children, so far from her. She spoke to her sister in spirit, Metzli, for the moon and the ocean have ever been intertwined, and she spoke of her sorrows, of her fierce love for her children. She spoke to the Aspects, who adored her creations as much as she did. She spoke of the agony of being parted from what you desire most. When she came to a decision, she demanded that the Aspects help watch over her creations, giving her permission to include them under the Balance. Used to the capricious ways of their long-time companion, the Aspects took some of sea life under their wing, half Balance, half Abundance, but could not bring her direct descendants into their fold, giving them no influence over the leviathans and curiosities of the deep depths.Then she plunged from her throne. As she fell, she took on a mortal shape, a great sea beast, and dove into the deepest depths of the ocean. There she made her new home, crafting a new realm for herself, surrounding herself with children, and only rarely taking on human form to explore the cities and towns that bordered her domain. To this day her eyes, and her children’s eyes remain focused on the seas of the mortal realms, determined to protect them. Realm Dresdrasil’s original Divine Realm was the eternal twilight of the Sunset Shoals, but she abandoned it when she took on a mortal form and descended. In the depths of the ocean, she found cracks in the world and created a new realm, a place that touches all places where water exists. This place is known as the Knot of Waters and can be found in the deep depths of an ocean, on any world. The Knot of Waters is a dark place, all twisting coral and bone, with glimpses of what might be the remnants of buildings from bygone ages, the only light coming from luminous pearls. To a mortal eye, this place is a harrowing labyrinth of water, monsters, and choking darkness. But to a goddess made flesh, it is a veritable palace, worthy of her might, as well as of her children. Such a place allows her to keep her children close to her at all times. Following Dresdrasil seeks out followers to replace her original sea guardians, the original Galdr. To her new Galdr, she offers the same boons as the old: she speaks to them in dreams and offers them the use of her divine element in the casting of the magic called Galderes. She does, however, greatly appreciate folk who follow her but ask for nothing, such as humble fisherfolk and those who would put down her maddened children. While normally she wouldn’t care for mortals, the fact that there are mortals who would do kindness to her children brings her to indulge in whimsical activities such as accepting their worship. Present Day Dresdrasil remains in her palace at the heart of the Knot of Waters, sleeping often these days. More often than not, she leaves most of her affairs in the hands of her children and servants: Argal’ha (known to the halflings as Arugula), Cephos, Dagoth, Gaiol, Kavorus, Thetis, Nerea, the Noble Circle of Celestials, and V’acta. Each attends to various aspects of her work, while she rests to recover from millennia of wakefulness. In dreams she reaches out to like-minded individuals who cherish the sea and could do her work on the land, seeking to expand her influence and protect her beloved oceans. Purpose (OOC) Dresdrasil has existed before as a piece of Xionist lore but never been fleshed out or elaborated on, nor used for anything. However, given her importance in why the world is the way it is now, I felt it was proper to flesh her out. Especially given the aquatic update. Citation Spoiler https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/155190-the-old-ones-daemons/
  17. Another problem, one that could make fast travel less necessary: where did all our soul stone slots go? Back in Athera, I had five soul stone slots. I could warp around and visit all the important places I had to. Now we get two slots, have to vote for a third, and have to buy temporary extra slots that we lose if we die. What’s the point? Heck, maybe instead of giving us more slots again, could just revamp the soul stone system so you can warp to any pillar you’ve visited previously.
  18. I also agree with there being a problem with the activity check system. Everyone is huddled down in their little square, afraid to leave cuz it'll **** over their city/nation/village.
  19. The issues I have are simple enough. We’ve got these huge worlds, with everything spread out, but we’ve completely discontinued any form of fast travel. Boats, carts, anything. Even if they only went to crossroads or staff built docks, it would make traversing the map easier, so you don’t spend 3 hours running from one town to the other town you wanna go to. On top of that, half the map is “nation flagged” so that only nations can set up there, but no nations can get there cuz nations tend to start as settlements, but settlements can’t go there. and on top of THAT is the fact that tons of really great spots have been snatched up by event team folks (story team?), but they just don’t do anything with them, so really great spots are completely worthless. Why bother HAVING spots that nobody can use, much less spots that only nations are allowed in. Why should only nations get to be anywhere near CT?
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