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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by HurferDurfer1

  1. will defect to whichever side of the war to whomever buys me total war warhammer

  2. So what's the mycelium wasteland about?



  3. I am the egg man.

  4. Gottholds be comin' to convert Vandoria.

  5. i hate all forms of pie, small or otherwise

  6. I miss human roleplay . . 


  7. So my understanding is, pvp takes more effort now, rather then just spamming left click?

  8. can we not have all the gms and fms with chinese names on the forums please its impossible to ******* search for you now

  9. What was your skin before you joined LOTC? I had a cow with a black hoodie and a creeper face behind the hood skin, made the hoodie myself and i was really proud of it.

  10. The King of the ghouls is back~

  11. found way to get on sanctuary island landscar wall, 1000 minas pm for more :^)

  12. >Someone pushes me into the water while i was afk getting food.

    >When being questioned person gives a reason to log off.


    Suspicious or not?

    1st - https://gyazo.com/bab7e1dfb4b3280f37d09b9e498561b6

    2nd- https://gyazo.com/d48135ee597a543c63ec36b674b6cb99

    3rd- https://gyazo.com/a2afeee5517e18bb4ddf5a92b08909da

    4th- https://gyazo.com/5bcb9b7cbef3b2ef78f532b988d4ad52

  13. >Someone pushes me into the water while i was afk getting food.

    >When being questioned person gives a reason to log off.


    Suspicious or not?

    1st - https://gyazo.com/bab7e1dfb4b3280f37d09b9e498561b6

    2nd- https://gyazo.com/d48135ee597a543c63ec36b674b6cb99

    3rd- https://gyazo.com/a2afeee5517e18bb4ddf5a92b08909da

    4th- https://gyazo.com/5bcb9b7cbef3b2ef78f532b988d4ad52

  14. Where is all the mysticism at? :( 

  15. Where is all the mysticism at? :( 

  16. I forgot how much of a rush just whooping someones ass and stealing their pixels was! :)

  17. This is pathetic.  I log on to take a screenshot for a friend and this immediately happens. LoTC you need to get your stuff together. I don't regret leaving because of things like this. Try and have a good day...

  18. This is pathetic.  I log on to take a screenshot for a friend and this immediately happens. LoTC you need to get your stuff together. I don't regret leaving because of things like this. Try and have a good day...

  19. the et, we gotta build a great wall for lotc

  20. Wow, been three something years since I came back. Are the Arcane Delvers still a thing?

  21. I'll never submit to your tyranny

  22. I like how some people think that going around and just insulting characters, following them around, disrupting RP, and over all just being a kid waving around daddys money is "Good RP"

  23. I like how some people think that going around and just insulting characters, following them around, disrupting RP, and over all just being a kid waving around daddys money is "Good RP"

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