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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by HurferDurfer1

  1. Good lord, log in for the first time in months and I am so lost

  2. What can a criminal do for profit other than banditing? seeing that lockpicking's essentially useless.

  3. its been many moons my chidlets


  4. its been many moons my chidlets


  5. Any good skinmakers willing to help me out with a project?

  6. Instead of the Duke's war, why not The War of the Three Lords. Savoie ; Vanir ; Sakerzoic (Shrekt that so badly)

  7. Awe, the noob thieves of the server that RP in five word sentences then run from RP. . .


  9. Oren needs more crown authority

  10. Human Civil War, Dwarven Civil War, Urukish Civil War. Elves, you are seriously slacking.

  11. Is 100 minas too expensive for people?

  12. Anyone still up to join my fanclub? Teamsqueak?

  13. Remove VAs or RIOT!!!!!

  14. I got my very own fanclub. Teamsqueak. Please join.

  15. Woah man we're gonna get some serious Necro Buffs.

  16. Any guilds out there worth looking into?

  17. Parkins is a ghoul IRL.

  18. How will the De Solarbeams respond?

  19. I want to go on a tour of Vailor. Destinations I should hit up/would be allowed to hit up?

  20. game of your childhood, go! Super Mario 64

  21. i hate walking up the stairs when a girl in skin tight shorts is in front of me because i have to awkwardly crane my neck to the side to look away, look down directly at my feet, or look like a pervert.

  22. Dwarf or Orc go!

  23. Dwarf or Orc go!

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