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Status Updates posted by HurferDurfer1

  1. njbb killed me he needs that 3k bounty now @Milenkhov

  2. never forgot that battle at dogger bay

  3. respect for ankan 4 real

    1. Ankan


      The people deserve the truth.

  4. If anyone tries to add my discord HurferDurfer#4745 ur doxxing me and I'll ban u

    1. Callum


      Ur done kid. 

  5. milenkov is the entire rally lmao

  6. what an inopportune time

  7. i thought i raised teegah better

  8. time to end this war now that im unbanned, no hard feelings vege

  9. this makes me so sad and ruins my whole entire day!

  10. sorry i wasnt there guys, didnt mean to let renatus win

  11. unban me so i can bury vege 

  12. can i warclaim the druid sled

  13. i miss when dwarves were good

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hiebe




      Before Raomir.

    3. chaotikal


      1 hour ago, Hiebe said:



      Before Raomir.

      Or before Josh got LT.

    4. Burnsy


      10 hours ago, chaotikal said:

      Or before Josh got LT.

      Ah yes, certainly that’s where it went wrong.

  14. can the devs fix the server? who knows

  15. i misclicked thos horses sorry

    1. blago


      I hope they banned u

  16. santa will give u coal if u raidbait on christmas

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. devvy


      ur on vacation which is why u have 2 days and 8 hours of play time

    3. HurferDurfer1


      devvy its wednesday, you are telling me i have been on 56 hours straight, im and old ancient man whos definitely super old stop bullying me

    4. devvy


      get a life grandpa

  17. i wish soulstone pillars were a vip perk again

     **** you dev team

    1. Sporadic


      paypal me and ill get you some extra soulstone slots off-the-record ?

  18. I appreciate flambo

  19. Ghaz a straight up swamp toad

  20. that demon magic straight killing thirty people in 5 seconds

  21. see alot of memes and toxicity but aint no one getting banned for 5 months like me whats up with that GMS

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chimp


      2 hours ago, Ougi said:

      holy **** dude let go of the server

      he cant, his soul is trapped here

    3. Imperium
    4. KeatonUnbeaten


      nobody should be banned for words lol

  22. free me so i may fight 4 justice


    1. blago


      I miss our conflict. . 

  23. @Zhulik word 2 ur mother

    1. ooooowee
    2. Zhulik


      My mother is a lesbian who left my family to live the gay lifestyle in Longbeach with an abusive other lesbian who let her son get molested by her ex-husband while she partied so now I hold deep homophobic fears that my mother was converted by flouride in the water and will be neglected and abused in the same capacity.

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