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  • Birthday 11/29/1998

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  1. i wonder why pvpers dont go to a pvp server.. 

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    2. Dragonayr


      I still feel that the smaller groups, 'Bandits' etc, will actually rp and contribute to the server far more than the people who only come online for wars, and in that case i believe they deserve to stay. Smaller groups tend to have to be self sufficient and work hard for their armour/weapons, before going out to raid

      Also a majority of the server belong to nations, and if these smaller groups who prey on weaker opponents slip up and let one go free, they will often find themselves being hunted down by a large army. so i wouldn't worry about them, as they are often extinguished soon after starting. 

    3. Demotheus


      @dragonayr you're aware that a lot of the time these raids are done by nations, right? And are limited in numbers oft due to rules, right?

    4. Dragonayr


      Yes, although that is not what was said. the original comment was targeted at pvp'rs in general, then targeted at small groups, now nations. Im not trying to start an argument, instead to voice my opinion, and i cannot do that if the topic at hand is constantly changing, if we talk about nations raiding then they too often have their consequences, as wars begin. Groups from one nation killing people of another nation can, and often does, result in wars, Oren for example was a nation that did this and look what happened to them. 

      Also may i ask what nation is actually doing this?

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