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Knight of Elken

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About Knight of Elken

  • Birthday 05/01/1998

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    elku knight#4151
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    Montana 🤠

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    Milonir of Whitehall | Greiret Elverhilin
  • Character Race
    Highlander | Wood Elf

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  1. A lot of people don't like voidal magic from what I can gather lately. From an OOC perspective, what problems do people have with arcane magics?

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    2. Medvekoma


      Been a magic RPer for a while so here some complaints & thoughts:


      1. Due to the threat of a magic blacklist, I haven't seen voidal magic powergamers since my return. I have seen spooks & deity users but all the arcane mages were decent. On the contrary, I have seen an awkward amount of powergaming from "mundane" characters.


      2. The current TA system encourages magic trading, OOC arrangements, bloated characters and circlejerks. It encourages OOC connections & boot licking over quality of roleplay in terms of learning magic. I do not know of any other possible alternative other than applying directly to lore staff for magic.


      3. Certain magics became extremely bloated, less defined and awkwardly diverse thanks to Lore Staff support behind them. I am specifically referring to the growth of Arcanism compared to other evocations (including celestial), the ridiculous bloat of druid magics/lore, the ridiculous bloat of spook magic/lore, the blob that is transfiguration and holy magics. Flambo & the current lore team expressed intent to amend & address half these issues already.


      4. Some player groups are entirely sustained by their magic lore, as I doubt any would be interested in joining them up without their presence, and they keep certain magic niches from actually active player groups that would use them (dwarven / human clergy for holy magic). This is NOT a jab on the dwarven political situation, more so a reference to clerics & ascended. But afaik this is getting addressed with the core holy magic rewrite.

    3. HurferDurfer1


      I still think power gaming is hella prevalent, I hardly ever see a mage emoting exhaustion as they cast, if they emote it at all it always seems to be at the end of a fight, when they have already won 

    4. Medvekoma


      @HurferDurfer1 Still more prevalent in emotes than exhaustion from melee combat, or hindering injuries. There has been a very recent case of a broken-legged elf fleeing orcs in RP.

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