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Status Replies posted by Shalashask

  1. mfw a major reason for applying gm was to lobby for LC and ever ruins my dream

    1. Shalashask


      I thought you were anti-lobbyist 

      D  R  O  P  P E  D

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Is Haria active?

  3. If you are using that poll to prove a point, then open up comments so people can critique and add more detailed answers. 

  4. For Guild Wars 2 players, Hallow's Eve in LOTC along with Shadow of the Mad King in GW2 are going to overload my holiday system! HYPE!!

  5. Warclaims should be halted until lag is fixed, as evidence by the many videos being posted, you did it once, why not do it again? c;

    1. Shalashask


      The lag was no where near as bad as the axis vs Oren battle. 
      A lot of players who fought with the orcs were happy winning the wheatfields when there was far more lag present. They didn't complain then so I don't see why they'd be selective and complain when they lose.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  6. holy **** watchmen is such a good comic


    and you know i'm right because i've read 0 other comics

  7. starships were meant to fly : ' )

  8. Will signing studded armour with '/sign -rp -race' remove the archery damage bonus? 

  9. Will signing studded armour with '/sign -rp -race' remove the archery damage bonus? 

  10. Haria looks amazing now. Such an improvement. 

  11. Anyone else playing a Shaman in Legion?

    1. Shalashask


      Shaman's the only class I've played. Levelled it to 70 last summer with elemental and enhancement. Boosted it to 100 to play Legion.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. Trivia of the day (not on the wiki, will require inferencing): What is the aspect of Iblees and why does it define him as a tragic character?

    1. Shalashask


      Is the answer available on the Dark Souls wiki?

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  13. 500 minas for fix 

  14. 500 minas for fix 

  15. i'm on a mac and every time i open skype now it just freezes up instantly, restarted it countless times but it still ain't working; has something similar to this happened to anyone before and if so how'd you fix it??

  16. Congrats to Leric. First of our, something stupid like 9, current Trials GM's to pass their trial!

  17. What is up with the server lag?


  18. Is it true that 'High ups' are forced to pk through rp assassinations or is this just a rumour?

  19. Is it true that 'High ups' are forced to pk through rp assassinations or is this just a rumour?

    1. Shalashask


      I agree that higher ups should feel obliged to pk. It's just some people have told me there are rules enforcing it yet I can't find them.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  20. Is there a similar organization to the Mages Guild around?  I am looking for some assistance in getting background lore for a dungeon project on LOTC and need help from such a group.  

  21. Powergaming Druid Starter Pack:


    - "I'm T5 I don't need to do tells"

    - "*focuses and roots shoot out of the ground"

    - "nah fam roots are sharp"

    - "my character has been a druid for 2 irl years ofc i can make a tree fall on u in 2 emotes"

    - "what do you mean vines aren't sharp?"

    - "yeah but roots are poisonous"

    1. Shalashask


      "Heh nothing personnel kid"

      *teleports behind you*
      *starts pvp countdown*

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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