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Status Replies posted by Imperium

  1. If Ferrymen raid us does that mean we a nation now?

  2. Yo f**k a warclaim, let's get this 5 on 5 pickup basketball. The Orenian Basketball team taking no Ls on the court.

  3. on jah if yall dont shut up about admin interviews..

    1. Imperium


      You’re mad they didn’t offer it to you

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hey I just wanna say thanks to everyone who participated in the event survey! While the results were for the most part what I expected, I was actually suprised by a few responses. 


    When im back from my workshift im gunna go ahead and respons to alot of the well written comments I saw as some people brought up very good points.


    If you have no idea what im talking about, then go fill this out!:


    1. Imperium


      accept or deny my app already 


  5. If you upvoted Esterlen’s post or agree with his argument against Llyria but engaged in OOC avenues to stop the War of Two Emperors or cried about conquest destroying RP hubs when it was against your community. You have absolutely no integrity.

    1. Imperium


      I donate 20k to Haense for them to build a new charter after the war. Then they never lost the city, and I never got my minas back ?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Cowardliness is a disease that I had tried to snuff out of the Human player base but it seems it has reverted back to that way again. When you give up before the fight even starts...

    1. Imperium


      want to add your oil money to me $20  steam gift card reward to whomever disbands the Empire?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. The Imperial Legion is always recruiting, looking for players interested in organized military and guard roleplay. ? imperialnavy.png 

    1. Imperium


      my character just died, got an open spot?


  8. can we just all be friends please 



    1. Imperium


      Is vege just summoned whenever the King of Haense is named Marius

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  9. Kinda looking for a new group/playerbase to join. So if you think you got something interesting (relating culture and such). Hit me up.

  10. The ET team is dead. Its filled with mostly brainlets that can’t do events besides *spawns mobs* *emotes garbage* *hands out meaningless ET signed items*


    1. Imperium


      my man @Xarkly has some of the best events I’ve attend, so don’t throw shade at him. Not all ETs are perfect, and if you want to change it go ahead and apply

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  11. So I’m just going to say this to the empire since it has to be said. You’ve practically killed off two playerbases in two days, half of them will quit the server because of you. You are all single-handedly killing off the server and driving people away from RP. Good job, I’m sure this is what you wanted.. Enjoy the stagnation that will come after the war is over, Haense will likely be next on the chopping block of stagnation.

    1. Imperium


      lets handle the fallout irp, and not cry on the forums

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  12. So I’m just going to say this to the empire since it has to be said. You’ve practically killed off two playerbases in two days, half of them will quit the server because of you. You are all single-handedly killing off the server and driving people away from RP. Good job, I’m sure this is what you wanted.. Enjoy the stagnation that will come after the war is over, Haense will likely be next on the chopping block of stagnation.

  13. So I’m just going to say this to the empire since it has to be said. You’ve practically killed off two playerbases in two days, half of them will quit the server because of you. You are all single-handedly killing off the server and driving people away from RP. Good job, I’m sure this is what you wanted.. Enjoy the stagnation that will come after the war is over, Haense will likely be next on the chopping block of stagnation.

    1. Imperium


      I mean, you are the ones who started this. Rp has consequences


    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  14. Rest in peace great man. You deserve peace.

  15. Describe your character’s current state of mind in five words or less.

  16. see alot of memes and toxicity but aint no one getting banned for 5 months like me whats up with that GMS

  17. Vege has returned hoping to tackle the new Empire, where have I seen this before? Wonder how it will end.

  18. Vege has returned hoping to tackle the new Empire, where have I seen this before? Wonder how it will end.

    1. Imperium


      @Tempoh, na they all go into a doscord said they hated the empire and summoned him

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  19. Vege has returned hoping to tackle the new Empire, where have I seen this before? Wonder how it will end.

    1. Imperium


      @KeatonUnbeaten Bc it went so well last time 

      @Tempwe had an hour long meeting before even going to arberrang where we got reports of demons. We showed up demanding they submit so we could sort it out the rest is history

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  20. Vege has returned hoping to tackle the new Empire, where have I seen this before? Wonder how it will end.

  21. Vege has returned hoping to tackle the new Empire, where have I seen this before? Wonder how it will end.

    1. Imperium


      Again? We survived last time lel, Courland and Norland fell

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  22. Day 1 : I have been suffering from lotc withdrawl, how long has it been?

  23. Day 1 : I have been suffering from lotc withdrawl, how long has it been?

  24. Never forget, the bannings of 1689. 

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