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Status Replies posted by Crowbill

  1. LOTC... it's my day off... why do you have me wanting to stay up and RP when I should be trying to catch up on sleep? Y u do dis? Y?

  2. Where would someone post a suggestion to remove a thread and replace it?

  3. i am a monster at poppy b0d4ad70d14dc61d37d139ad9a89a627.png

  4. What's something that you can't believe that you do on the forums or the server? I click on child requests even though my persona slots are full.

  5. I'm proud of my new forum banner.

  6. Can anyone tell me where i can download the last map from?

  7. does anyone have any work that will involve the chance to RP and/or be recognized for my work because just writing turned out to net me neither so far

  8. Extremely disappointed with this battle. There is insane lag, and those who were late because of connectivity and slot problems are not allowed to participate. Are all wars like this? (This is my first.) 

  9. how does 303/300 in the server happen? I need to know XD

  10. hell this is so bad, so so so bad 


  11. 90402338beea130484babbf6ce375e9c.png

    This is my blind contouring result

  12. I just wanted to say I really like your SWTOR pic.

  13. I have homework due, and I'm at home, best day to grind my woodworking craft, while I sit idle waiting for all of it to finish


  14. I'm considering opening commissions for Minas. I wanna get some o dem decoration heads for m'self.

  15. How do people get them fancy custom phrase ranks

  16. Since that was my last warning I'm never playing on this server again. It looks like a cool server but I guess not since I can't play on it for real. Thanks but no thanks. I have a lot of other severs. Contact me again if you want me to try again. But save your time. Don't waste it on me. :'(



  17. Since that was my last warning I'm never playing on this server again. It looks like a cool server but I guess not since I can't play on it for real. Thanks but no thanks. I have a lot of other severs. Contact me again if you want me to try again. But save your time. Don't waste it on me. :'(



  18. Today is the last chance to get up a GM application before the following month!

  19. As someone trying to learn Java I've decided semi colons are the devil...


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