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Coal VIP
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Status Updates posted by mateolog

  1. Anyone interested in getting involved in a slaver guild?


    1. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      Ave, true to Caesar 

  2. Anyone interested in joining dwarven rp?

  3. Anyone looking for a skin? al make it for free.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Turko


      Thats hot. Could you just make the fur look darker? Inbetween brown and black.

    3. mateolog
    4. mateolog
  4. Baldin Frostbeard :enraptured:

  5. contact me on discord if u need help getting set up with  the dwarven community here is my discord: mateolog


    1. _Jandy_


      You'll want to yell at @The Pink Lion

    2. GodEmperorFlam


      DymEe.gif I'll yell at someone to accept it @_Jandy_

    3. Varstivus


      Maybe you should get a magic plugin to look at it

  6. Everytime I log into the server my mc window freezes and then the server crashes. ANy one knows how to fix this?


  7. Free skins:


  8. GOT BANNED FROM THE SERVER. Could use it to get a life, but I will instead make more free skins for ye scum <3

    1. mateolog


      * Scum is not meant as an offence pls dont kill me
      * Yes I am salty as **** for getting banned


  9. Here, have a cookie (>o.o)>?

  10. How come it says that there are 100 people online (ON the map) ?

    1. Taketheshot


      the dynmap is not dynamic. Its been broken for a few months now. You see the map as it was when it broke.

    2. mateolog


      oh...you just crushed my hoppes :(

  11. how long does a CA take to be accepted ? :D


  12. I am looking for an IC wife (dwarf) and child.

    1. Medvekoma


      The union of dwarven women will discuss the request. You will receive your answer after the two of us met and discussed it.

    2. overlord2305
  13. I like and appreciate your efforts on this server. keep on the good work!! ❤️ +1
    Praise the SKy Gods!

  14. I liked your application. Welcome to the dwarven community!

    message me on discord at mateolog#1400 will help you get set up.

  15. I need someone who is willing to help me by creating a very special character

    1. Adelemphii


      Special character meaning you? ;)


  17. Is the server working?

    1. mateolog


      thanks fer tha info


  18. Khas an those monkey shits should be exterminated from the face of the server <3

  19. Looking for a husband for my female dwarf, and for a wife for my male dwarf. Anyone who is looking for a father or mother for their character contact me too.

  20. Looking for members to join the personal guard of the frostbeard clan father : 


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