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Everything posted by Mabah

  1. Elvena has no clue where or what this message is. Though if she somehow knew what it was, she'd probably think it is just a lunatic nut job talking to himself.
  2. MC-Name: Mabah RP-Name: Olaf Skype: jdgillett_2 Profession: Blacksmith Have you teamspeak?: Aye Time-zone: CST Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?: Sadly, I do.
  3. Happy birthday dad! :trololo:

  4. "Snowflakes" :inimical:They're white dots that fly around your screen. Probably just some little sprites.

  5. Best Warzone!


  6. Happy birthday man!

    1. z3m0s


      omfg I didn't see this until now arrrrh <3 <3 <3 

  7. That's actually pretty tall for an 8 year old, although I've been short my whole life. (Currently 5'4, as a fully grown man IRL)
  8. ((Sigh.. More google translate ranks.. Mind coming up with your OWN words/ranks or simply english?.. Unless your character speaks the language FLUENTLY in roleplay, please don't use it for ranks..))
  9. I wonder where you get this from...
  10. Shazul hears of this man and furrows a brow. "Breedah with the name of a blessed clan of Krug?"
  11. i vote anti-kowa

  12. A light green orc, Shazul'Lur, looks to the parchment and sends her small messenger rat to send a letter to the clinic. "Bluesteel Uruk Zult! -Shazul'Lur" She sends. ((Here is a pic of the sword.))
  13. O my Server, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my pvp because of Thy just downtime, but most of all because they are against the rules, my Server, Who art all-good and deserving of all my life. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy staff , to pvp no more and to avoid the near occasions of pvp. Amen.

  14. Shazul'Lur wonders who sents this strange letter. "Da zkah! How duhd ah pinkzkin geht uhn da uzg?!" She says furiously.
  15. Oh 103 Posts, Woohoo!

    1. Argontum


      Oh 289 Posts, Woohoo!

  16. Anyone else being disconnected from LoTC a lot today?

    1. Weabootrash


      ive been all good

  17. ((OOC)) MC Name : _iLL Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it? : I don't have teamspeak as I am not a fan of it, but if necessary, I'll get teamspeak. Timezone : CST Do you have a Skype? If yes type it down or PM it to me: jdgillett_2 ((RP)) Name : Shiva Jonesaeus Age: 49 Gender: Female Race: Human Why do you wish to serve the Eternal Mubarizun?: To protect the Sultanate and to serve all the people. Do you abide by the Rightly Guided Faith[Al’iiman Rashidun]? If not, which faith do you follow? : No faith, persuade me into your faith if you will. Please tell us a bit of your background ((A short paragraph )) : Shiva Faye, her maiden name, grew up in Oren as a normal child, both of her parents in the Oren Military. Her parents died when she ten years old in battle. Shiva then turned to thievery and banditry to gather things to live. She starting stealing in Oren and was soon caught at the age of 13. She was thrown into prison, it being against the Oren laws to murder a child for a crime. She was sentenced to life imprisonment. Shiva made sure that she could escape. She slowly persuaded the guards and started to gain a good reputation around the prison. She could basically get what she wanted. She soon murdered a guard and escaped prison. There was only one place to go, the Dreadlands. She lived their for a while. She found that there was a great bounty for Thomas Ruric. She was going to be let back into Oren and given great money if she got the bounty. She finally forged a plan. She went there and was soon captured again. They wanted to kill her but she persuaded them that she was just a petty thief and was only sentenced to work for a soldier of the Nortruppen, Titus Jonesaeus. She soon fell for the man and married him. She had two children with Titus and then one day, she woke up at the Cloud Temple, she went back to the castle confused. Titus was gone. She was so depressed that she left the place and searched for Titus for twenty years, finding him on a summer day. She was so happy. She then went with Titus to get his baronship back when the Sultaness said the Sultanate needed military. Titus and Shiva thought and decided to give it a go. Here they are.
  18. RP Name: Qi'Zakar Age: 23 Race: Kha'Cheetrah Religion: Metztli Reason for joining?: To protect fellow Kha and serve Metztli with HONOR. Which, if any, weapons are you proficient in?: The Yāōmītli and the Cuahulti. When Qi'Zakar is not using his claws, he is fighting with a weapon that doesn't involve close-combat. (By close-combat I mean like maces, tomahawks and such. He prefers to use slightly ranged weapons) Do you swear to devote your life to the Culan, to obey every order made by the Tultelkos, and to serve him until your death?: OF COURSE! OOC: MC Name: Yuqu Skype (PM if necessary): jdgillett_2 Do you use Teamspeak?: Nada senor Do you hate furries?: My answer:
  19. Hold the phone, I can say cheesy lines, have a carrot nose, and wear a top hat at the same time?! Well hopefully there's not a bear because that's just GRRReat! +1
  20. McName: Yuqu RpName: Olaf of the Dreadlands Skype:(Pm if you desire.) jdgillett_2 Profession: Veteran Tinker TeamSpeak:(Not required but highly encouraged.) Yuqu Time-Zone: CST Desired Chapter to join: Ruric
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