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Everything posted by Slothtastic

  1. Best # to use is #PermaBanCornivore

  2. A Man auctions things off at your local town, "Ten Mina coin! Fer any o' yeh coin collecters this is ah must 'ave! Biddin' star's a' 50 minae!" "T'ss next 'une is Bami's Fishin' Rod! Perfec' rod fer any o' yeh mas'er fishermen! Biddin' star's at 75!" The Auctioneer says, gesturing to a nearby Fishermen. "Bids mus' be increased by a' leas' 25 mina!" He says as he peers out into the crowd.
  3. Spoiler


    **** Krug. For Valhalla is more like it!

  4. Small updates at the bottom.
  5. “The weak survive off others, the Strong survive off themselves.” ((An Ursa awaiting a Clan Wolf’s Challenge.)) The Northspawn Summary: Northspawn are strong and tall people, living in small clans. They live with honor and pride, being great warriors and expert navigators. They are some of the best seaman of Axios, having some of the best experiences with boats. Many clans live within the culture, the most famous being Ahlstrom and Volsung. They are lead by a leader, known as the Ursa. The Ursa can be challenged by a Clan’s Leader, known as the Clan Wolf. Physical Appearance: The Northspawns have a wide array of appearances. Their hair colors mainly being black, blonde, and red. Northspawns are very tall, pale, and muscular, often standing at 6’4 on average for males and 5’9 for females. The males adorn great beards and warrior braids. The female warriors also adorn warrior braids after their first battle. Behavior: Most Northspawns have a short-temper, with some being introverts and mainly liking to stick with their own people. Males generally like to hunt, wearing pelts to impress females for a potential wife, showing off their hunting prowess and overall ability. Origins: The Northspawn started as a village living in the far, far north of Axios. The people suffered from the cold and disease. Crops became hard to grow due to temperatures, with many of the crops dying. As well as their people. The people resorted to raiding, in order to get quick and easy goods from those near them. With that, the Northspawn quickly learned that they could grow in the lands taken, or ransack them. This began years of pillaging and raiding, the Northspawn being armed with what they found. They stuck to furs and hard leather for their armor, quick and tough. Spears and roughly built axes, of course, out of iron composed their main arms, shields with crude metal bars holding them together as well as other arms created by them and the weapons created by their foes. Culture/Religion: The Northspawn believe in multiple gods, each of which whom play a vital role in the northspawn’s lives. It is customary that the Northspawn offer one third of their meals to a shrine, it is said to be the Gods’ meals for that day, it does not matter which god the food goes to. If one were to see the North spawn’s village they’d find it littered with shrines of their gods. As time for the Northspawn first began they had began sacrificing human beings to their gods, now they sacrifice animals, such as cows and chickens. Although it is said that few people neighboring the North spawn go missing each year. The Gods keep the Northspawn in check, believing that if they were to commit a villinaous crime or against their laws they would be punished by Latok, being dragged into their version of hell, a desert with no water or food, complete with lakes of lava. They also believe the God of Death himself would punish them for their crimes. Kogara: Creator and God of the sea. Appears as a shark. Nikoro: God of nature, creator of animals and plants. Appears as a large Ice Bear. Twin of Niklo. Niklo: Goddess of beauty and fertility, appears as a beautiful woman. Twin of Nikoro. Naterak: God of traveling, speed and adventure, he appears as a courier, mapper, or adventurer. Kolaht: Goddess of weather and sky. She appears as an angry woman with sparks emitting from her body. Korotah: The Northspawn god of war and tactics. He appears as a warrior wielding a traditional axe and shield. Netolk: Goddess of tinkering and work, she appears as a woman trying to create a new machine. Norlak: God of smithing, he appears as a blacksmith with a great beard and wielding a blacksmith’s hammer. Latok: The God of the Underworld and death, he appears as a man with a scythe and a Fox’s head. Traditions: Becoming of Age: When a Northspawn becomes of age (13) they are presented with the following trials; Combat, Strength, Hunt, Sailing, Survival, Honor. Of course these trials will be done in groups of 4-5 each. The man overseeing the trials will choose 3-4 groups. It will be a competitive competition. Each trial won by a group will earn a point, at the end the group with the lowest point shall be sent back home to try again next year. Trial by combat: One of the most common tradition for prisoners of the Northspawn are to be offered a trial by combat. Upon accepting they will fight for their lives against an opponent Northspawn, if one declines it, they are to stay prisoner. Fires of Latok: An execution, saved for the worst of people and criminals. The execution goes as this: First, the prisoner is tied to a short small boat doused in oil. Then it is set out to sea, before an arrow lit with fire is notched and fired onto the boat, burning the prisoner alive. Sometimes the oil is spilt into the Ocean, giving them the belief the Gods are dragging them into Latok’s realm. Marriage: Marriage is a simple thing for the Northspawn, the Priest of Niklo says a prayer to her and the two will be wed. Slavery: Slavery is not uncommon for the Northspawn, who often take slaves from their raids. Men are used as laborers and others. Women are different, normally a Northspawn would take a woman with only one wish, to wed. After taking a woman from their home, it is the man’s job to try and win her heart over. If they don’t fall for the man, they normally become House-Slaves or are sold to others who wish for a House-Slave or to try their hand at winning them over. Laws of the Northspawn: Never harm or kill a brother or sister in arms, doing so is punishable in the way the Ursa sees fit. Never steal from a Brother or Sister. Punishable by crushing both hands. Never communicate with the enemy, doing so is punishable by how the Ursa sees fit. Respect and obey the Gods. Never commit a dishonorable act. Punishable by how the Ursa sees fit. Never kill an unarmed or crippled man or woman. No matter what they do. Never kill a child, or harm a pregnant woman. This is punishable by death in the most painful way. Do not walk away from a fight, always finish it. Never disrespect the Ursa. The Ursa can only be challenged by Clan Fathers, elders, and high-ranking warriors. Language: Hello - Halló Good Morning - Gódan Dagin Good Afternoon - Gódan Dag Good Night - Góda nott Good Bye - Bless See you later - Sé vdig seinna When will we raid? - Hvenaer nu vid arás? What has the ursa ordered? - Hvadd erdsa Ursa panta? ‘Battle’ cries: I will cut you to pieces! - Ég mun skera bíg eg munur! You are worthless! - Dú est einskis virddi! I am better than you are! - Ég en betri en dú art! I challenge you! - Ég skora a dig! Commands: Come here - Komdú hingdal Get over there! - Komfar ivdist dáo! Flank right - Flank rétt Flank Left - Flank vristri Go around - Fara í kringun. Fire! - Firá! Shield wall - Skjoldur vegg! Rally up - Fylkja upp. Races Human: mannlegur Elf: Elvsda Orc: Orka Dwarf: Miji Kharajyr: Kottu-modaur. ((Icelandic words for language, can also speak common.)) OOC: So it's ok for you to make one, but I'd prefer if you do that you make an App here to at least show us and so we can put you down. I'm attempting to make this an Antagonist for the kingdoms of Elves, Men, and all races alike. MC Name: RP Name: Clan: Professions: Skin: Why do you wish to join?: Credits to SaltySoviet for help with the language, clans, and Origins! Give him some love.
  6. "I will give you 1800!" Says an obviously ~poor~ rich child.
  7. ADVENTURERS' GUILD APPLICATION FORM What is your character name? Damen Ironhide What is your MC username?-- Slothteegah What is your skype?(if you don't have one, no sweat. If worried about privacy, just pm me.) live:baccafilms Of what race (RP)? (for exploration purpose) Mountain Dwarf What is you proffession(s)? Adept Leatherworker, Miner, Woodworker How familiar are you with the world(LOTC)? Ye Would you like a custom skin? If so, send reference image and original skin: Nah I'm good Any questions? Nae
  8. I'd show myself but you wouldn't be able to handle this handsome face of mine.
  9. Sounds p cool. I like this actually, as long as you aren't forcefully turned into bug people so for now +1
  10. We already have Tigrasi lmao. So you didn't need this at all. I mean it's cool and all but making it ET only and having the height and weights increased but decreasing the age limit makes me wonder why you've made this like the Kha but just decreased the age limit. So all in all Ima have to give you a -1
  11. Gimme rep. Or I will cross the road... TO SLAUGHTER YOUR FAMILY

  12. Tfw you can't find a good Half-Orc skin ;-;


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Slothtastic
    3. Mabah
    4. Slothtastic


      Its our lore I guess. You came up with the language and I came up with the other stoof 

  14. Someone somewhere wonders how her memory was wiped!
  15. Gimme all dat rep.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Slothtastic


      *Yesses intensifies*

    3. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      *intensifying intensifies*

    4. Slothtastic


      *Intesifying intensifies intensifies*

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