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Everything posted by Adelemphii

  1. I think youtube made a mistake, because my channel was terminated for no reason.. I didn't even get an email about it.

  2. Working on getting a desktop computer, laptops don't work well enough for me.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nekkore


      Idk. I think building it is much cheaper.

    3. Adelemphii


      That's what I assumed, just wasn't 100% sure

    4. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      building is extremely cheaper if you shop right

  3. I wonder how many o's are needed to make thhe worlds longest Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

  4. Do you guys (and girls) like (CYOA) also known as choose your own adventures? Well I do! I am actually in the work of plotting one currently but am having trouble when it comes to character names.. 


    I seek your help with this as I trust this community most for this.

  5. Gotta love ramen! (and puppies)

  6. Im not that popular of a guy, But i love this server. If I have leftover money from christmas I will donate it to the server because its christmas.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adelemphii


      Already have before, so too bad m80

    3. Kim


      Buy urself something nice like edible thongs or smth

    4. Adelemphii
  7. My phone is loving the forums right now. (Not really) But lets get to the point, If I were to get a new computer and installed mc on there would any of my friends -(maybe you drumdrum, or you sid) - help me get BACK into LOTC again? I miss roleplaying with the community. (phone wanted to put communist right there, dont know what to think.)

    1. Space


      Join a guild or a group!

    2. Adelemphii


      Love that gif aids

  8. Im so exhausted right now, 1v1'd a streamer on rainbow six siege and the game lasted for 9+ hours...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Drop Koala

      Drop Koala

      After 9 hours I'd hope you won

    3. Weabootrash


      i dont remember games in rainbow six lastying 9 hours


    4. Adelemphii


      It was a custom match on stream and I won.

  9. These snow particles are making my phone lag.. :(

  10. My voice is either messed up from the fact that it was out for 9 days or the fact that my voice is deep enough that i cant go high enough to do the high notes of the GoT theme.. Dang, i really like that theme.

    1. problematic z

      problematic z

      the real reason is you are using plastic water bottles that contain xenoestrogens which leak into the water which you consume, ******* with your hormones until you turn into a twink

    2. Adelemphii


      I dont drink from plastic bottles.

    3. problematic z

      problematic z

      in that case you must be left leaning

  11. I feel like there should be a weight limit that limits how much of an item you can hold. So there isnt cases of having impossible amounts of strength, i.e. carrying an entire inventory oak logs ect.

    1. Travista
    2. Adelemphii



      You dont like it because you cant carry all dat dank kush


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Finnadian


      What time zone are you in?

    3. Adelemphii


      Central (Us & Canada)

    4. Finnadian


      If you want, we can find a way to get more people, and try running an official game. Do you know any people you like rping with who might be interested?

  13. Nearly broke my computer from my sluggish movements this morning, But i am back on track and ready to load 'er up!

  14. Just got on the forums for the first time since like october 12th. Considering on getting on lotc a bit more. Though its a large chore i have to go through in order to get my pc to work.

  15. Lets just all call dollars dorra, this will happen.

  16. This is an actual thing on the wiki https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Blob

    1. Doug


      Soon enough it will be this:


    2. Weabootrash
    3. Adelemphii


      Lol Doug read more before posting jokes xD The blobs can't assume physical forms since they aren't a solid, But some use sticks to keep a standing walking form. The end.

  17. How long do you guys think it'd take to save up at least 500-800 U.S. dorra for a fairly well pc if I got A job at like Starbucks or sommin'?

    1. Jonificus


      No idea how much they get paid, so I can't really help you here, bub.

    2. Gridlock
  18. I think I know why I've lost interest in Lotc, The fact that I can never find any roleplay around any of the maps is veryy sad in fact. I am usually very busy and rest in a time zone that many others do not have, So I think I'll leave and wait till next summer after school has stopped again and see if I can catch an event or two as a whole new character and person. (Keep in mind that if there are any spelling errors in this that I am typing this at 7 in the morning before school on a cellphone.) See ya friends of Lord of the craft, I will occasionally get on the forums and check how things are. It's a shame that my laptop broke.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Archbishop


      Don't say you can't find rp if u aint even been on axios...

    3. KBR


      If your computer isn't working then that might be the problem. 

    4. Adelemphii


      I've been on axios, I have at least a week on adios. I've even helped my friend record his season one episode on adios.

  19. Yay, I made a stupid little gif for my profile picture!

    1. EdgyMagey


      Hey, that's pretty good!

    2. Adelemphii


      I didn't do that great, But I do know if I wanted to or had the time to I would make a way better one with more detail.

    3. Adelemphii




      I made a mouse

  20. My phone is now at 0% and the battery is busted, Can't log on anymore ;) 



    I'm having a FUN time over here in the corner of no longer to log in lotcers. 

    1. Telanir


      How come? :o

    2. Adelemphii


      I turned on security for my account since I suspect hackers to have my first email, which has access to my personal email, and then my -Well long story short, I suspect they have access to my main email which has access to the email with my minecraft account. And since I cannot change the password for my main email because I don't own the parent of that email, I turned on security. But my phone broke recently and now I can't use it anymore to get to the authenticator thing.

  21. Anyone know how to change security on my account IG? I can't log in much anymore since my phone wont charge above 5%

    1. Tsuyose


      I'll forward this status to Telanir for you.

  22. Damn dude, Glad I'm not a dwarf anymore xP Eh Akira wasn't going to last long in her line of work anyways.

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