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Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Bvie

  1. Frostvine, Athin, Blood Lotus, Alabaster Leaf, Halfling Grass, Laharei

  2. Get Your Garden On! Landscape Contest!

    1. Mrlollytime


      Only 2 spots left!

  3. Gimme your junk!

  4. Good Fight!



      I hate Cracker the Jack so much

  5. Goodbye my little man, my little prince.



    1. Space


      awww looks happy though

    2. Dromui


      That's always a really rough time. I hope you're already and you look back on all your memories shared with him fondly :)

    3. monkeypoacher




      hope you're doing okay man

  6. Has repairing been fixed so its actually worth it for diamond tools?

  7. Have a Glorious Tahariae's Arrival Day everyone!

  8. Hope my holiday advice helped someone this year! If you need any last minute gift ideas still, lmk!


    Want a creative gift? Take a white sock and some Red  and GreenCrayola markers (Walgreens has them and they're open all day today). Decorate the sock as if it was a stocking and fill it with candies and cookies (You can also get these at Walgreens too). A great gift, creative, and under ten dollars. Just use a clean sock please!

  9. How I miss the old Vailor mines...

  10. I guess Veris liked the Sutican build style....?

  11. I heard a Druid(s) wanted to speak to me about something? I'm dealing with irl things, but message me if it happens to be true and we can set up a time.

    1. Space


      dealing with brithright roleplay server?!?!?!?

    2. Bvie
    3. Space


      i love you.

  12. I need a dev! Halp!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ducklingator


      I am Developing my abilty to be pretty. does that count?


    3. Bvie
    4. Ducklingator
  13. I was there for YOU in YOUR darkest times, I was there for YOU in YOUR darkest nights. But I wonder, where were you...

  14. I was told the Kha wanted to speak to me. Send me a message and we can set up a time.

  15. I'm thinking about doing it again. Stop me. Save me.

    1. EdgyMagey


      you were a legend


      its your time to shine again

    2. Bvie
  16. Interesting. The GMT players took more advantage of the junk shop than the NA players.

  17. Killed a Zombie with Fortune Pickaxe, got a casket

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Anderssn


      From caskets that is

    3. Bvie


      I generally get Nuggets or Emeralds. Only gotten 1 recipe ever. And still 0 Crude Aengul Eyes :(

    4. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      i have like 8 cut aengul eyes, get on my level

  18. Landscaping Contest! Get your Green Thumb working!

  19. Legion is here. o7

  20. LilyBot 001 Reporting for Duty!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. EdgyMagey


      - Hi, i heard you liked redheads

      - Oh that's great, would you like to watch me dance on camera, i promise it'll be special

      - just click www.fireelfcamgirlz.com see u there ; )


    3. HedgeHug
    4. Mrlollytime



  21. Looking for some ET assistance for an event. Builder or actor or both would be a big help!

    1. Treshure


      Actor here! You have my skype, hmu.

  22. Mama Squirt's surgery had complications, but she is now out of it and is recovering. Thank you for those that sent kind words and thoughts. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moochael


      Happy she's alright!



      Tall Giraffe sends his regards, and a warm smile.

    4. Travista


      praise laklul

  23. Mining Results if anyone

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. oblivionsbane
    3. SomberSalad


      Wow. That's alot of caskets. And for four hours mining (if I'm right with how you laid it out), you deserve it! :D

    4. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      Thanks ! Now I have a better hope to mine.

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