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Everything posted by HedgeHug

  1. This guide is really, not needed. For there are better alternatives out there. The plentora of guides written by smawton cover each and every topic far more elaborate.
  2. @Smaw could you please clarify that the core of my lore is still intact, elaborate on the following to make your lore post complete: by this I mean the parts on: - soulbinding. - roleplaying a pact with a first unwilling spirit in order to privately bind tools/weapons to it. - damage to the scripture on both skin and tool/weapon. - the Tier progression in this magic - the base emotes to 'casting' this magic, or 'using' the tools/weapons. In order to make it balanced for roleplay combat (the 3-emote system).
  3. tumblr_mjcv4iD9xH1s6ywb8o1_500.gif

    1. Trinn


      Out of my profile, fiend..........

  4. tfw when you at the busstop you start thinking them deep questions like: "If two crocodiles have an agreement, do they have a crocodeal?"

  5. Shagarath, The Shaman of Old Gallery: "Ufur-Ilzgûl, Lûp-Ilzgûl!" Fear the Spirits, Praise the Spirits! About Shagarath, or Shagarath of Yar, is the name belonging to the old greenskin often seen among uruk kin. The old one known all to well for his mastery of the shamanic arts, and therefore accepted and respected for his position as an elder within the orcish society. Now the ex-dominus spends his days in silence, living a humble life. He devotes his days praising the spirits, and offering knowledge and guidance to those in need. He rarely ventures out, only for either private or political purposes. Often the elder travels accompanied by his servants: The Muyakelg. Personality The orc is as old fashioned as he is old. His opinions often conflicting with those that carry a more... modern and revolutionary state of mind. When engaged in conversation the orc will have no means to harm anyone, unless provoked. Because of his close connection to the spirits, he values them the most above all. Often choosing them above friends or fellow orcs. Insulting this belief will end badly for those who are stupid enough to do so. As I said, he is old fashioned. For he deems all that is not from his realm, that of the spirits, as unholy. Shagarath has an overall negative stance on these heretics and remains to be in conflict with them. When tried to reason with the elder will mutter and curse, perhaps a more childish ability to the old orc. He is an overall kind orc, with respect for the old orcish ways. He acknowledges no authority over him but the spirits, and shall disrespect any that dares to speak otherwise. Physique The orc stands at a mere height of 7 foot tall, though this is measured in his usual position: slightly slouched. With him he carries a staff adorned in shamanic trinkets, bones and feathers. These trinkets also appearing in the form of chains and bracelets that often rattle when he moves. His staff he uses to lean on, for the jungle heat and moist air are but inconvenient for the elders joints. He has two medium sized tusks, which have a yellow tint to them. he has no visible scars but mere scratches on his green hide, small battle scars but nothing worth of mention. His clothing is comprised of a large loincloth, with a cloak covering his shoulders and back, a hood often carried on his head when traveling. But usually removed when entering an inside area. He carries with him a small bag, containing everything from Hexes, herbs and other small utilities. This bag is often hidden behind the brown cloth of his cloak. Due to events, his left hand was dismembered. A druidic hand of ironwood now replaces it and contains a nice socket for his staff. Spirituality It is common knowledge, and if not it is clearly seen that this orc is one prone to spirit worship. His experience has led him to be one of the most varied shamans of his era. Often when the orc is not around, one can assume he is in his tent, his mind absent. Traveling the many realms of immortal, ancestral and elemental spirits to seek guidance. To socialize with his friends on the other side. His duties are to consult or re-unite orcs with those that live in the Stargûsh'Stroh: the orcish afterlife. Phaedrus being a mentionable relative to him, to whom he speaks often on the other side for guidance. He also knows the arts of the Witchdoctor. Bestowing curses on those who dare oppose him or his cause, or simply cursing for the sake of entertainment for both orc and spirit. He too, was guilty of starting the process that led to the ends of Vailor. He too, created the blight of Orgon, to empower the immortal spirit. As of now, he regrets his mistakes. The very mention of Orgon silencing him, and giving him an immediate feeling of guilt. Shagarath wishes nothing but to please the spirits, and for more to do so. He will not stop with just orcs, for all are welcome to join. His motto being: "The spirits touch all." Connections These are the spirits Shagarath has a good connection with, a bond of sorts forged form past events: Ancestral Spirits Phaedrus of Yar Kharak of Raguk Immortal Spirits Orgon - Spirit of Disease Gentharuz - Spirit of Smithing Xaakt - Spirit of Rebellion Qiouvor - Lesser Spirit of Trees under Freygoth Elemental Spirits Etos - Lesser Earth Spirit Skharnaat - Lesser Metal Spirit Titles Warlord of clan Yar, Spiritual advisor of Uruk kin, Shaman of the Angathgûl, https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/150485-the-order-of-angathgûl/ Founder of Mokh Ilzgûl, Founder of San'Zagh, Namegiver of San'Garath, Destroyer of Vailor, Dominus under Kharak of Raguk, Breaker of Slaves, Speaker of the Dead, https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/142760-shaman-sa-hedgehug/ Whitchdoctor of Misery, https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/145227-sa-shaman-hedgehugs-witchdoctor-adventure/ Uniter of the children of the forest, https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/151424-unison/ Servant of Xaakt, https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/151543-xaakt-spirit-of-rebellion/ Servant of Orgon, https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/148211-the-betrayal-of-orgon/ Servant of Gentharuz, https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/150788-sa-shaman-hedgehug/ Servant of Phaedrus, https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/150953-~-there-and-back-again-~/ Servant of Etos, https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/149016-sa-shaman-shomo-bruddahs/ Servant of Skharnaat, https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/154109-st-shamanism-hedgehugs-elementalism-app/ Other tidbits Fighting style Though the elder prefers to not fight in melee combat, he has a clear orcish 'berserker' like fighting style. His weapons comprised of his staff and a forging hammer. When given the time the orc will try to contact the spirits, and have them bestow their blessing upon him. Languages Aside from blah, Shagarath also is a familiar orc to the Shamanic Tongue: Old Blah, or Blackspeech. This is the language he uses when visiting the many realms of spirits. The Muyakelg too, use this language to communicate in the Mortal Realm. His motto quote being: "Ufur-Ilzgûl, Lûp-Ilzgûl!" He knows a bit of the elven tongue, but never uses such. There will once be a time that old dwarvish will too be a tongue mastered by him. Notable professions In the distant past, Shagarath was a blacksmith. Though still having the knowledge it has been quite some time since the orc wielded the hammer. As of late this craftship has been reintroduced into his life with the coming of Ilzgul udalgum: the spirit smiths.
  6. he linked my thing, Im happy! good idea. If denied we have a backup!
  7. /auth disable ;

  8. Cervitaurs are not played and are as magical and 'special' as the race you depicted here This is personal lore for a creature you want to play.
  9. "Enough ranks to suit all members of the group" A 'ker mocks
  10. I think the construct buff applies to this creature
  11. On the Island of Malin and spread about various cities the following is advertized For Sale! The DragonScale Helmet Recipe! Bidding starts at 600 minas! Auctioneer: Shagarath of Yar only overbid with a minimal of 50 minas, no PM's, forum auction lads! A poorly drawn image is provided with the advertisement
  12. Shagarath laughs at the placement of the shop "Muzt attrakt bub'maneh travelerz. Hozh fur Tourizm"
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