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Everything posted by HedgeHug

  1. Why a safespace when you can have a Panzerkampfwagen?

    1. ToodIes


      Because the inside of a Panzerkampfwagen is a safespace.  tiger1.jpg

  2. Back where we left off

  3. Take pride in impurity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGFXcTsLJlg


    1. sneLf


      Dont forget about the sex of the father!

    2. Samler


      Infertile half breeds, me gusta. ;)


    3. z3m0s


      Great now Ive looked away for a second and watched 4 hours of youtube... Dam you hedgehug...

  4. So many character Ideas... so few slots and time. If you're interested in a new character but cant figure one out, feel free to PM me. I love making them.

  5. My Pinterest filled to the top with Concept Art https://www.pinterest.com/hedgeityhug/

  6. I must apologize, but I cannot read this lore and leave it be. There are simply too many points where I think it is just plain wrong... I'd like you to consider the following: Then why list it as a magic lore? Maybe call it "The art of only harming a little bit" ? The concept of Peace is that of passiveness. This is where I think the main problem is... you do not understand that the Physical body and the Spiritual body are one to begin with. I get the idea that you can somehow 'open up' to your inner self but this is no valid source for such power. Every magic has a source of power, especially deitic. What you depict here is what a lutauman can do, only without the use of an external power source? Then why would we have shamanism in the first place if we can simly empower our own spirits to begin with? Also things like this: Its called Dying... and it involves the spirit and body being separated. The spirit from here enters the soulstream where it can either go back (monk heal) or to one of two afterlife realms. Shamans evade this by putting down a mana anchor in their body when they visit the spirit realms (where their spirit leaves their body to visit the spiritual planes) Then where does this power come from? if you cannot draw power from your own spirit, then where does the enhancement come from? Druids need two, I repeat, TWO AENGULS to accomplish this and more. I say this and more because I know there is emphasis put on that its limited. But again. Wat power, drawn from where, offers for this enhanced regeneration? Natural regeneration already comes from ones self... there needs to be a source to this power. I would be fine with this being accepted, only if it is not listed as an actual magic. Only if a valid source for this power is given can it be a proper magic. Until then I cal bollocks. You cannot simply say the magic comes 'from within' as this is way to vague and general, meaning all that live and have a spirit can do this! Either install a deity that explains all this... or keep it to its roots of a martial arts. It being a cultural piece of lore and not Magical.
  7. Never forgetti princess Narthok


  8. What is an Aura? The ‘smoke’ of mana. Passive mana slowly degrades to become aura if it is in excess (such as when it is in a soul that produces lots of passive mana, such as a mage’s soul). Active mana, when used to perform actions, is spent and burned, becoming aura. This is why a mage’s aura is most visible when they perform magic, yet this does not mean it is always visible or that is must be visible when magic is cast. In fact, it is usually invisible, but the use of magic makes it more likely to be in large enough quantities to be visible. Aura can be considered the ‘smoke’ if mana being used is the ‘fire’. If aura forms in vast quantities, the colour it takes is entirely dependent on the Mage producing it, which is dependent on the active mana and thus dependent on the passive mana and finally the soul. This means that the aura colour of an individual is a good representation of their base character. Aura colour does not change under typical circumstances, however, and is a constant throughout one's life unless great change happens to them or their soul (such as becoming a Shade or binding one's soul to a soul tree). The colour of aura can mean many things, where blue could mean anything from a cool, analytical mind to a cruel, heartless one, or red meaning bravery or wrath. It is usually very difficult to be sure of a person's nature solely by their aura. That said, this does not mean only void mages have an Aura. It's only that it is a visible aspect of their art. Every descendant has an Aura, and this Aura can be sensed by those trained in it. Source: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/151276-✓-the-states-of-mana/ Blue: Calculatedness and logicality (Sometimes emotional coldness) Purple: Mysteriousness White: Benevolence, order and innocence. Brown: Nurturing and caring Yellow: Greed (Sometimes optimism) Red: Dominance, power and control (Sometimes tyrannical natures) Green: Harmony and balance (Sometimes vanity). Black: Chaos and malevolence. Source: Wiki Aura Sensory Aura sensory is the name given to the ability to view the Aura that a person possesses. This can be done through two ways. Through connection and without. A connection can be something simple and subtle, and shall produce an accurate result easily done by any that studied the art in adequate depth. Viewing one's Aura without a connection requires more skill and is thus limited to the elite practitioners of the art. The magic is a non-aggressive, non-combative magic. However, it can be used in aid. There are certain levels of Aura manipulation that allows one to utilize it in ways never thought to be used before. The learning process In order to filter out such a fine thing as Aura, one must first confine themselves in an area where there is no interaction if any kind. A boat beset by ocean or a cavern long deserted serve perfectly fine for this. Meditation will then ensue, with focus on the concept of Aura. Only when the student embraced the concept of the ‘absence’ of anything they can progress and practice with somebody else. They need somebody with an Aura to take with them into the practise grounds and focus on this. After time they will distinct it from the nothingness, and can start practising it in the civilized world. Here they will learn about the different Aura’s and the personalities bound to them. Sensing Aura The concept of sensing an Aura and its accuracy depends on three main factors: The skill of the Sensor The Time spend Sensing The presence of Physical Contact Aura sensing can be done with eyes open or closed. Depending on the amount of focus, Auras can become visible to the sensor. The varying colors can detect a person’s mood and even give off indicators that someone is lying. While this requires little to no concentration, Aura seeing is a little more difficult. With the eyes closed or covered, a detector can focus around them and see Aura’s without sight. Thus they see darkness around them and the colored outlines of those that have an Aura. Types of Sensing Aura Seeking : These are the people who focus on seeing with Aura’s only. Able to see them as clear as seeing a person. This is the only detector type that does not require focus. It is as if putting on special glasses that makes them see the Aura’s of people around them. Aura Sensing : These are the people who can detect mood and focus on the feeling of their Auras interactions. This detector type requires concentration to some degree. To see the colors of Auras they need to focus. Tier Progression Tier one : The aspirant sensor shall locate an adequate place to train and practice meditation for two full years. At the end of this stage he or she is to find a user of the voidal arts to then focus on this individual's own Aura. Tier two : Starting to practise sensing the Aura of their training partner, they will gain knowledge on the first of Aura types around. They can only sense with a physical connection and after some time. They can now use it in the field though it is highly likely to fail or deliver inaccurate results. Tier three : Sensing one's Aura through physical connection now delivers vialiable results. At this point the student can start to experiment with remote sensing and going in depth into one of the three branches the magic entails. Tier four : Further improvement of accuracy, remote sensing and in depth study in either Aura seeking, sensing or typing. Tier five: The Aura Sensor successfully mastered the art of sensing, viewing and reading the Aura’s of those around him or her. Red Lines Vision is important. You can only view the Aura of those within your field of view. Not through walls or doors. Windows offer for a slight barrier and can manipulate the results. ‘Activating’ the Aura Vision (as I like to call it) will drain the mage’s mana pool. Thus it is wise not to do this 24/7, though the drain is rather small. Not a lot of mana is needed for this voidal magic. This is a passive magic and has no combat use. High tiered Sensors can manipulate their own Aura so that it looks different than it actually is. They keep their original Aura but can mask it. The second part is more, say you lived with say 'Bill' for years, and his aura becomes super familiar. You would get the same sense of familiarity if he changed his appearance, as you would if you saw him change his hair/voice. But under illusion, that would be masked because of illusion aura.
  9. The guide could've been more elaborate and a tad better formatted/ more on a formal note as expected from a guide. Furthermore, its a good shot and gets a grasp of what it entails indeed.
  10. Just got the infamous indian 'windows tech departement' instead of hanging up I decided to have some fun with it. Asked them where they were based: USA califwornia (Indian female voice). I asked to speak to a superior, presuming that'd be something that spoke american english without the indian accent. Was not around. They kept pushing me on a piece of information. I ended with a simple "No. You are not calling me to help me with a windows issue. You are calling me to scam me." To which their reply was "Okay Okay you got me, you know everything goodbye." *click*

    1. Aelesh



    2. J


      It's fun to waste their time.

  11. Congrats on Admin

  12. @_Jandy_ Message me with details on any builds you need. Also did somebody say spirit avatar? You have my building and acting capabilities.
  13. Suggested artists I should buy an artpiece of shagarath from?

    1. Moby_Derp
    2. Trinn


      B3ast. The guy's art style is glorious. 

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      B3ast is a good efficiency-payment. There's also Numirya whom is more expensive and made some p good art of Eath'Lur

  14. BIG credit to Warsong though, most of it is either re-written or copied from the og lore. However its not exactely the same. Changes were made to actually create more viable rp. otherwise it'd be "Hey there's a spook, KILL IT"
  15. Ash Nazg drubatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul. Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

  16. When accepted: Contact your nearest Lore Moderator, Magic Team member, Hedgehug or Warsongfarseer! [ Huge thanks to WarsongFarseer for creating this lore in the first place, and giving me the honor of editing it and re-introducing it to you all and the Realm of Axios! Be sure to give the original lore a read, for changes were made ] Original lore: Datar - Lesser Immortal Spirit of Death by Honourable Duel And upon the splitting of the passage of souls the Shepherd of Apohet, the Spirit of the Dead known as Kor, forsook those frowned upon, and under his guidance accumulated the honorable into Apohet’s realm, directing the others back unto the planes of Aeriel. And in trepidation of his growing realm, Apohet cast himself into secrecy, canvassing his people to grow to be as he wished for himself. And the lesser Spirits of Kor, powerless under the wrath of Aeriel, set about the task to seek the honorable, to guide them upon Apohet’s plane. Upon amassing themselves unto the realm of men, the Servants of Kor cast a downward eye upon the world seeming so crooked. Obnubilating themselves from the gaze of the adherents of Aeriel, Taharaie, and Xan, the lesser Spirits accumulated those found worthy of the realm of the dead upon their live’s ends, and with their given the perception to view the worthiness of the descendants’ walk upon the Passage of Souls, take upon the task of guiding those in the Mortal Planes on their journey to the Spiritual. And these Lesser Spirits, manifesting themselves upon the physical, Mortal realm, took about the beginning of their purpose. Ushering the honorable dead to the Ancestral Planes, and setting the malevolent back into the realm of the Descendants. Forsaking the mortal cognizance of good and evil, the Spirits took upon a neutral ideal, seeking only those who lived their lives in accolade, casting away the credences of what is considered right and wrong. Taking form into the world in a mortal appearance kindred to that of Kor himself, the spirits amassed and in secret observed the habits of the descendants, mimicking their speech and actions. These lesser spirits take upon the mien similar in appearance, but not always, like that of Kor. While manifested into the natural world, the spirits appear as that of a guide of the dead, appearance varying from that of a skeletal being to that of a ghastly figure. Wielding no strength more than that as their appear, the spirits manifested bodies are stricken down much akin to the mortal races. Bearing no injury aside from that of the metal itself to items forged of Aurum, and having no hinderance by that which affects the mortal essence such as necromancy and holy magics, the spirits wander in their search for the honorable dead. If, by chance, the lesser spirits physical forms were stricken down in that of combat or accident, the manifested body would dissipate, the spirit being cast out of the mortal realm until the strength to remanifest would be recovered. Various Lesser Spirits of the Dead in Kor’s Immortal Realm The Servants of Kor Immortal spirits of the dead exist in a large variety. For the concept of ‘death’ and ‘dying’ is all but one. And though all different, they act united to the will of Kor. He seeks for good passage to his realm of Stargûsh’Stroh but above all: power. Among these servants there is a split in duties. One is either a guide in his realm of death, or is given the strength to manifest itself onto the mortal plane. Tasked with guiding the honourable dead to the gates of Stargûsh’Stroh. And so Kor and his Servants can be categorised as follows: Kor, Greater Spirit of the Dead Hin, Lesser Spirit of a Natural Death Lesser Spirit of Death by Sickness Lesser Spirit of Death by Age Lesser Spirit of Death by Flora Lesser Spirit of Death by Fauna Etcetera Peic, Lesser Spirit of an Unnatural Death Lesser Spirit of Death by Violence Lesser Spirit of Death by Vendetta Lesser Spirit of Death by Anger Lesser Spirit of Death by War Etcetera The Matumdâg are comprised of the Lesser Spirits under Hin and Peic, for they are too important to leave Kors realm themselves. Septhis, Matumdâg of Death by Age Their Appearance Though much resembling spectral creatures as ghosts when sighted in the Mortal Realm, they are quite different. Upon the lesser spirit of Kor, depends both behaviour and aesthetic. So is Hin much more connected to a more balanced and orderly appearance, and Peic one of a more Chaotic nature. When manifested on the Mortal plane, they will appear as a ghastly spectral being. Shaped into any desirable form and color, though most often this is one relevant of their personal aspect of death and role under Kor. Though comprised of mists, these beings can cleverly disguise their identity by taking on the aesthetic of a common mortal to fool them. From a distance it would look as if one sees a fellow descendant, though up close it will appear that the clothing is made of colored misty layers. Cloaks of black oozing fog that area akin to those of fabric if spotted during night time. This way it is possible for a Matumdâg to be in mortal presence without being noted too easily. These bodies wield no strength but their appearance themselves, and are easily wounded by the metal of a blade. Also those that play with lifeforce shall find little to play with. Holy magics too working to no avail if used against them. Why not simply walk around as their spirit avatars you say? That is because appearing in the Mortal realm as an Avatar (physical entity) requires much more power from a spirit, and is most often a timely investment. The best way to explain is to see it as diving under water, from the Immortal plane to that of Mortals, and back. Their Tasks The Servants of Kor are granted the spiritual energy to manifestate to commit themselves to a multitude of tasks in the name of the dead. This is what drives them to act the way they do, despite of their individual differences. Harvest of the Honourable The search and escorting of those honourable spirits that linger in between the realms of life and death, with a mere string attached to their body, to the Stargûsh’Stroh. Guided to the vast emptiness leading to the Gate where Kor awaits those that seek entrance to his domain. Behind him the Ancestral Realm in all its glory. The Condemnation of Dishonourability Upon finding a lingering Spirit that is dishonourable by nature it shall be cast aside and not be escorted to the gates of Stargûsh’Stroh. Instead the mortal’s soul is send to the realm of Aeriel, cast aside from the path of an honourable passage. Empowering Kor It is in the nature of every Immortal spirit to achieve more power one another and expand their influence on the Immortal Realm. And so, the Matumdâg that find those that linger and refuse to leave their mortal bodies, shall cast their spirits back and restore them to a state of ‘alive’ again. However, this gift comes at a cost. For in its place, the mortal must find another honourable spirit to be escorted to Stargûsh’Stroh. Their Powers To aid in their tasks on the Mortal Plane, the Matumdâg are granted abilities by their master Kor. The Gift of Life Life, granted upon the Descendants by the Spirits is not discerned as a mundane thing. The gift of Life, granted with struggle by even the most powerful of Kor’s servants, is utilized to grant resurrection to the descendents in order to allow redemption of one’s self to be allowed to enter the Planes of the Dead. The only thing that the Matumdâg does here, is place the lingering Spirit back into its mortal cage. Any damage done to the body prior to its wandering, will still be there. (Wounds, scars, missing limbs etcetera.) The Curse of Kor The gift of life is one of high value, and thus comes at a cost. For Kor must uphold his powers and thus curses any descendant given the Gift of Life with the curse of redemption. This curse dictates that the descendant must find another honourable spirit entrapped in its mortal body and free it, so that a Matumdâg may take this one in its place to the Stargûsh’Stroh. The Gift of Death Death, granted by the lesser spirits of Kor is the most beloved gift. Guiding an unresting spirit to its eternal resting place, freeing it from its entrapment on the world. Through such, these Lesser Spirits of the Dead can banish a wandering Spirit or soul back into the Passage of Souls. Here they await revival by the monks, or entrance to Aeriels realm These powers have effect on any living descendant, spectral beings like ghosts, revenants, poltergeists, spectres and gravens. During the granting of the gifts and curse of Kor, the Matumdâg enters a trance-like state and cannot interact with the outside world. It is connected to the spirit and views its final thoughts after which it grants its gifts. Red Lines: Can bring an unconscious person to consciousness Can grant Physical weariness Can delve into the mind of said unconscious person to view their last thoughts and actions, as well as converse with them. Can revive those who recently died. No corruption, Pulls the wandering soul back into the body. No regeneration of limbs, sealing of wounds, etc Can banish lesser spirits such as Gravens and Ghosts Immune to magics dealing with typical mortal essences (e.g. necromancy), and to holy magics Affected by Lutaumancy, Witch doctory, Farseers, Voidal Magics, and Physical damage Can be summoned by a Lutauman Not Created, but summoned for a price from the Lutauman, most typically the sacrifice of a life. Into a highly vulnerable Trance-like state while interfering with the recently deceased or unconscious. Can not revive more than once every two real life hours. The dead can’t be dead for more than 30 real life minutes. The revived will remember nothing of their death, only how they died and shall wake up in confusion, as if having had a nightmare. Honorable Neutrality - Personal beliefs would not effect what is used on who. Wouldn’t refrain from attempting to guide Necromancers, Shades, Etc Can not learn any other magic. Yes this is needed.
  17. Closing in on 1k rep

    1. WuHanXianShi14
    2. HedgeHug


      We start somewhere, Leo

    3. Mabah


      Hmm, to rep or not to rep...


  18. found sprite art, good stuff tumblr_nxc2vxUadB1qairvjo3_540.jpg

  19. hot damn my forum game took off like a rocket!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KeatonUnbeaten


      Hedgehug, I knew I wasn't the only Jacksfilms fan.

    3. z3m0s


      Hedgehug is only in it for the Rep... he doesn't care about us

    4. KeatonUnbeaten
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