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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Chorale__

  1. i miss the old forum theme

  2. I need a pocket. Someone make me a pocket. </3

  3. I need some honest criticism from you guys. Your uncensored opinion of me goes here!




    1. GodEmperorFlam


      I think I told you already, but I really think you gotta learn when to let loose/unwind otherwise you'll end up a bitter veteran like a lot of people have. You've definitely improved since the time you screeched at me when I was a gm. Just remember that at the end of the day we're all players.

  4. I need someone to play my pet cow, any takers? 

  5. i need to get to 500 posts aahhhh

    1. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      there is a reason why off topic game posts are made like "Rate the person above you" etc js


  7. I quite like my new tag.

    Just kidding, I do like it buuuut...


    As my first amendment to the WT, if anyone needs a Wiki page set up, the PM me on the forums with about a paragraph or two on what the topic is and i'll get it up and running for you with a few screenshots.



    1. TinyBiceps


      cough felsen coup cough

  8. I really recommend switching up your forum theme!

    You can do so at the very bottom left corner where it says "theme," there's a little drop-down that you can then select from!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chorale__


      I remember those snowflakes too well. I loved them, but it seemed that a bunch of people hate them. I hope they're back this winter, hehehehe.


    3. Vaynth


      They were cute but made everything slow.

    4. Chorale__


      That's one thing that we can agree upon. I didn't really pay much attention to it though.

  9. I stand with Keintania, where do I sign up fellas? :))

  10. I think that I'm going to contact a few administrators and see if I can't get an interview with one of them or a few of them. Questions for me to ask them?

    1. mitto


      just why

    2. LatzMomo


      ask them if they plan to change the raid and war rules when combat is re-worked with the new map release. And ask if they can do a Temp-map to test out changes.

  11. I think the server is being hacked.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. aiden0023


      Why? Because of lag?

    3. forwhatpvrpose
    4. Chorale__


      No, No, No - The server shut down literally like 3 times when it would've just come back up. @Lyonharted™

      @aiden0023 @Omar Grimmer'Lak   

  12. I used to love LotC so much. I used todaydream in school about coming home to get on and RP. 


    Now it's just, "I can go 2 weeks without playing easily. Maybe i'll come back to 10 banned players and a few corrupt staff members being removed from their teams."

    This whole staff thing needs to stop immediately. Corrupt staff members should be removed. There should be a trimonthly vote about whether or not a few members that have had problems with the player base should be impeached or not. That's my opinion.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chorale__


      5678 we need to start and discriminate!

    3. Genetic_Mutant


      Ok yeah I agree it's getting rather annoying with the whole player vs. staff ordeal and of my four months of being on LotC it doesn't seem to end. I agree that it needs to stop but since I'm misinformed I don't know much beyond that.

    4. MagicMonkey_


      Omg, This is true but I love LotC still, and I daydream in class to play it ;-;


  13. I'd play your cow if I weren't banned

    1. lawnmowerman
    2. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      Didn't you leave

    3. Chorale__


      let me meme, my boy.

  14. i'm a little tea-pot short and stout

    here is my handle, here is my spout

    when i get all steamed up, hear me shout... tip me over and pour me out.

  15. I'm in the market for iron axes. Hmu, and i'll buy a few from you.

  16. I'm looking for a House Crest made which can be traded for in-game currency. Add me on Discord @ Chorale_#4767 if you can be of assistance!

  17. I'm looking for a wood elf skin done, HMU for details!

  18. I'm nearly finished with my creative writing entry for the "le Trio," contest, super excited! I don't post a lot of my writing or media that I create on here, and I think that this contest will push me to do that for a good purpose.

  19. I'm so close to 500 content. I think I'll film myself jumping naked into my pool from my roof. Who'd give rep to see that? 

    1. KeatonUnbeaten


      I would probably give you a restraining order.

  20. i'm upset


    i emailed mojang, hopefully i don't have to buy another account.

  21. I'm watching Catfish and it's so good rn ahhh

  22. I've decided to snoop through the forums and stalk the past lives of our administration. A "before they were famous," if you will. What I found, was that @Telanir once applied for GM, and was hated on for it. THEN, he was denied. Look where the man is today, props to him. Lord of the Craft doesn't deserve you. You're gonna go far, kid.

    ((I'm only 15, I shouldn't be calling you a kid, you're like giant and big... and a scary adult.))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chorale__


      Update: @501warhead was denied to the GM team THREE times.


      It's really late at night and I'll probably regret posting every single bit of this in the morning. My brain doesn't function after midnight and it's 2 hours past midnight. BAH.

    3. overlord2305


      You sure will kid

    4. Raomir


      bet there was a reason they were denied :thinkplant:

  23. I've never seen an episode of GOT in my life.

  24. i've wasted a ton of golden carrots trying to get my horses to breed and its low load - what am i doing wrong??

    1. Crevel


      Maybe there is some underlying horse noble drama and they don't like each other as a result of it

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      you have to wait 5 minutes for them to be able to enter love mode again

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