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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Chorale__

  1. If anyone has any Lumberjacking tomes, PM me and I'll buy them from you!

  2. If he could vote

    But he can't

    Because he's just 13




  3. If you have any problem with me, please let me know and we can get in TS or a Discord voice channel to work it out!

  4. If you've ever wanted to be an FM now's the time to apply!

    1. Its_Just_Leap


      What if I don't wanna  be a slave?


  5. is aladyyrebeka a girl or byo

  6. Is the Library of Dragur coming back this map?

    1. Corvoo


      I've heard it is coming back, and that it'll probably be in Renatus. Was told this by one of the folks who run it.

    2. Ford


      yeah it's coming back in renatus

  7. Is the Renatus camp temporary until they can get another City built?

    1. ibraheemc2000


      i hear their build server got corrupt and they lost all their build ;-;

  8. Is the server up? It says "Connection Refused"

    1. Chorale__


      Gahhh - When's the expected uptime?


    2. Chorale__


      Alright, Do you think it'll be longer than 2 more hours, because I had a RP event planned my dude. I forgot we were doing the update today.


    3. Chorale__


      Ahhh, Alright. Thanks.


  9. It's way past mid-day!!! Gahhh must have rp

  10. Just a friendly reminder.


    If you ain't teal, you can't deal.

  11. Kool_Kid_56789's Inactivity Declaration


    Alright, to start off, I am not going to be completely  inactive. I am going to not be on daily, as I have been, Or possibly every other day. I just thought that I should let

    all of my roleplay BUDDIES ((BECAUSE I HAVE BUDDIES)) know about this, Instead of having to DM all of them, Individually. The character's that I play under, are Fitonor Elmpool of the Elmpool Brothers, and Faere Blackwood of the Blackwood Family. Thank you all for reading this useless update, and have a nice day/night/schoolday/workday/--- Okay I will stop now.

  12. Let's bring back pickpocketing.

  13. Looking for a new resource pack, HMU.


    Current RP's:



    Dokucraft (All 3 of them)

    Athery's Ascended

    John Smith


    Ovo's Rustic Redemption


    Pixel Perfection


    I've used Conquest and John Smith waaay too much, and default I just can't stand. 

    1. NomadGaia


      Naturus resource pack. Gives that default look with a nice, natural twist.

    2. Chorale__


      Thanks mang.


  14. Looking for Lumberjack tomes. HMU in the PM's, boy's.

  15. Looking to buy some gold horse armor. Nothing more than 500-600 minas. Contact me in-game or leave a reply. Thanks.

    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      I have gold horse armour which is for me

  16. Lord of the Craft, you never fail to impress me.

    1. Ducklingator


      what did i do %@!# it

  17. LotC merch when?

  18. Merry Christmas everyone, don't eat too much. <3

  19. mojang, all i ask is that you email me back, i shant deal with this blasphemy 

  20. My eyes are rolling to the back of my head right now. It doesn't matter what they say about you - you were a trial, they can't expect the world out of trial, it's a learning experience. RIP Leap, you were a good trial from what I saw. <3

  21. My meme collection, kiddos.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TinyBiceps


      it only counts if they're good

    3. BonesOfTheEarth


      Will you play my cow @Chorale_?

    4. Chorale__




      What gender, age, and nationality? How thicc does it have to be, as-well? I mean, just for skin-making purposes.

  22. My night is just binge watching re-runs of the X-Factor.

  23. Nation leader: "fight for me"

    Me: "can't make it to the wc"

    Nation leader: "god you're such a c*nt"

    Me: "Sorry you feel that way."

    Nation leader: "you can get the **** out, fa*got."


    Courland, it looks like i'm back to the competent side!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DragoonCrow


      Maybe you are one?

    3. Jonificus


      cant even handle being called bad things online [Laughter intensifies]

    4. Chorale__
  24. Nevermind, I think it's working.

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