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Status Updates posted by AlphaMoist

  1. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." -Mathew 5:9

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Space


      that's why you're active on lotc :^)

    3. AlphaMoist


      There's this thing called two windows

    4. Space


      also a thing called 'awful decision making leading to the failure of a minecraft server'

  2. **** you Shelby 

    1. monkeypoacher


      yeah shelby you *****

  3. >gets told not to do something 

    >does it anyways 

    >staff intervenes 


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Temp


      If you say so. 

    3. Sefardi
    4. Temp


      I’m not entirely sure why you’re trying to prove this to me either. I’ve got no real investment in this whole ordeal and it’d probably be better solved via PMs on the forums or something. 

  4. http://www.strawpoll.me/10640640

    Please take the time to fill this out. It won't take more than three minutes, and it is extremely important to me. Thank you in advance. 

  5. https://gyazo.com/4ea305e31dd739b7f8a20091e573bf1f 

    Proof lotc is a pvp faction server

    1. TankM1A2


      This is no revelation, mon ami.

  6. [!] Please exercise restraint in your language btw

  7. 5ea140519e019989807f25c5fdcc11c1.jpg @me rn

    1. ShameJax


      dont worry it was the same for me a week ago

      what a sweet 16

  8. Merry christmas from central timezone the only timezone that canonically exists

    1. Sorcerio


      Damn straight 

  9.  Why is it that a player is required to try and solve a conflict before initiating a report, but a GM can ban someone without hearing so much as a breath from the persecuted? Honestly some of these GMs are so corrupt, they are starting to look like U.S. politicians..

    1. Bangi


      And no one will pay this any mind ;(

    2. AlphaMoist


      You would think that the staff would care about what the public likes..

  10. Are you alive and if so do you still want to play my daughter

  11. Dammit, I just lost The Game

    1. Evangelli
    2. 1_Language_1


      Don’t think about The Game

  12. F

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. J
    3. Burnsider


      For the record, not everyone who posts on your thread is pinged when someone posts on your thread. I'm not certain where you got that idea. Maybe check your settings. 

    4. Kanadensare


      @frill Didn’t happen, and the Admins are into proving that. Nice try though I guess.


      @Burnsider Lots of people will tick, or it will automatically tick, the “notify me for future replies” button or something to that effect. That, as it says pretty clearly, will notify you about future replies on the post. I didn’t want people needlessly getting pinged over some stupid drama that Flays are bringing up to defame me lol.

  13. Alright, so, 1.9 makes my minecraft beyond laggy, however 1.8 is smoother than a baby's butt. Anyone know of a fix for this? I already tried optifine and it isn't very helpful at all.

    1. AGiantPie


      Not sure about that one sorry friend. 1.9 is quite buggy and unstable for a lot of people. I know a way to fix crashes upon logging in but that's about as far as my expertise goes. : (

    2. AlphaMoist


      Alright, if you are running on optifine, turn every single video setting you can find on whatever is fastest. So far that is working greatly, however I cant tell if it is day or night now.. At least I'm walking faster than 3 blocks a minute.

  14. Alright. I am going to be killing off my main character, Millosm Lepida, but I absolutely need him to go out with a bang.. Any suggestions?

  15. And so another staff member goes absolutely mad. Amazing times we live in

  16. Anyone else as excited for outlast 2 as I am?

  17. Are the forums broken on Mobile for anyone else

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