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About FlemishSupremacy

  • Birthday 12/12/2000

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  1. Can we finally get some clarity on whether or not GMs are in the right to complain about copy paste emotes to engage in banditry?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Anore


      The main consistent issue we have is copy pasting of literally the exact same emote three times or whatever they need to do to meet a requirement for ‘sufficient roleplay’. We want banditry RP to create interesting interactions and “add value” to a players roleplay experience. Adding value doesn’t necessarily mean that the player will leave that situation glad they got robbed of course, but creating an environment where this banditry impacted their character in some way or lead to more roleplay interaction with the group or individual is good. So while there shouldn’t be anything wrong with a player having saved emotes, we want those emotes to be both engaging and realistic both in what they are trying to accomplish, while also leaving room for the player being engaged upon to respond in some way, this means not spamming all emotes at once but giving time for an interaction to occur if that makes sense.

    3. FlemishSupremacy


      That is a very reasonable and completely acceptable response, however, it seems to not be what all of your colleagues follow, which is my issue. Please make some solid rules about it, so we don’t get confusion. @Anore




      Markosi, for one (not trying to call him out or criticize him here, just to give an example) said that we shouldn’t have done halting emotes in our first emote, and that it should just be an attention grabbing emote, however, in the rules page:


      the emote linked under the ‘here’ is quite literally a halting emote: https://imgur.com/U1l5scX


      I’d just like to see a clear rule, so that there’s no more confusion about it, because staff have gone from “not allowed” to “allowed” to “allowed in some cases” and back multiple times, and there’s no way of knowing what is acceptable when. 

    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      idk, i think that halt emotes should be allowed to copy paste because not everyone writes fast enough, and the person being halted should be allowed to turn around and fight because the person halting is probably expecting a fight


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