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Everything posted by Mavromino

  1. Actually according to Squak the reasons are: Lets go through these then. 1: Human subraces, as far as I’m aware, are old as hell and so it’s statistically unlikely they were pushed through via corruption and remained all this time. 2: Human creation lore is tied into the server, the subraces canonically come about from where your family grew up and that’s actually realistic. 3: Humanity are very much not failing as a nation and the individual subraces have never tried to be their own nation. Humanity player retention is very high, they’re the most played race on the server. 4: Okay the variable thing I can give you, though there are a few. Highlanders often live shorter lives, due to rural life, and also I think are more likely to have the eternal shitty scottish accent. So, I’ve got them as having 1 out 4 of the reasons Snow Elves got shot. Hell, I don’t get why people are so angry over Snow Elf removal as they were never really largely active and the removal changes pretty much nothing of how you rp them.
  2. And they would never have actually rped shade magic properly so they don’t matter. Magic should fulfil a specific niche and that niche shouldn’t be for everyone otherwise it devalues the existence of the magic.
  3. This is the lore piece, it’s allowed to have a fancy writing style. If you struggle to read it, hell I helped write the bloody thing and I need to double check sometimes, wait for the guide if the lore is accepted. Johann has a fancy writing style, it ain’t a conspiracy my guy.
  4. At school on my phone so the formatting will be shite, will clean up later 1: The magic's based off Transfig because Transfig is kinda the apex of voidal magic, allowing you to permanently influence and bind magic to the world. The reason it takes scraps from other magics is mainly because the writers like the flavour of these shelved magics but think the magics themselves were a little unbalanced. 2: Catching the projectile works off knowing it is coming, you need to see the shot and have prepped the spell. It's in a similar vein to wards but altering the spell rather than deleting it, Transfiguration taken to a new height. It isn't really reaction time though, more so being able to just manipulate mana to a finer degree. 3: Brisk Step is already a Translocation spell and this is simply a weaker version. Brisk Step works less as a "I walk through the void" and more as a violent shunting. Praetor are the apex mages, them being able to do this at a weaker level shoes that. 4: The not disguising as someone redline could be added, leave that to Isaac and Johann. However, the metagaming thing is iffy I admit although I'd honestly recommend just seeing how it goes as I don't think it is too likely but oh well. 5: Playing to win will always be an issue even if this is removed, people on LoTC hate losing no matter what. 6: Future telling has no reason to be diety magic and this isn't being told the future, it's just knowlege. Transfiguration needs knowledge to function and so this is once more linked into that base. 7: Praetor are the apex of the void, them being able to channel fragments of forgotten knowledge reflects that. I'll format and refine this later, probably.
  5. When are you coming back from the store?
  6. Can’t wait for the lesson where you teach new players to sit in a tree and quietly load a crossbow before deleting some poor guy just trying to eat a bagel.
  7. This competition seems a little... different... almost like there’s an ulterior motive besides showing off cool art.
  8. With all 5 Kuila stones I could simply snap my fingers and all industry would turn to dust...
  9. Mavromino


    Another one bites the dust
  10. If I was perhaps a tad more paranoid I’d find it interesting that both people on this thread actively arguing the MA wipe have Arcanism MAs, acquired on May 15th so they wouldn’t be Tier 5, so I could draw a conclusion that these people are actually trying to keep their pixel power rather than argue the need for a wipe. But hey, everyone on this server acts in good faith, right? Also, Mr Excited, Kaleheart has said that he’ll allow the LT to choose who is grandfathered in so how could he build a clique if he isn’t the one choosing?
  11. Okay I’ve decided I’m going to attempt something akin to actual critique, my grammar will be terrible but I apologise. Okay define unnatural first of all. You see, like Tato mentioned, unnatural is rather loose and open to interpretation, which I'm sure wasn’t your intent. For example, I’d personally see dwarves living long beyond the lifespan Yemmekar gave them as unnatural but I doubt that’s the intended view. Also, since when were runesmiths holy paladins who destroyed the corrupt? Could use some clarification here as well, is a runesmith trying to leave the order undermining it as he weakens the strength of the order? I’m not going to get into the binding ritual as Tato has already stated everything I see that is wrong with it. Okay, I don’t care much about the disconnection as long as you clarify the tenants but this is just weird. I get they come from the same aengudaemon but runesmiths shouldn’t be able to disconnect golemancers (and vice versa) because they’re different magics. The source may be the same but they do different things and, likely, have different communities so I think it’s weird this steps on their toes. I’ve never liked the idea of the altars, they feel arbitary and a way to ensure that only people you allow to teach, teach but that’s about it. The runes themselves I think do far too much, I mean with runesmithing alone you’ve probably got the power of several magics. Still, that’s not an issue I’ll go focus on as it is way too big but one thing I want to know is for creation runes where is the thing created relative to the object? Like does it pour out of the rune or what? I don’t like the metals, especially thanhium steel, as it feels like a sort of generic “I use metal to make stronger metal to get big boy bonus” which is just weird. Also why does runesmithing allow me to become Palpatine? Why the **** do you have lightsabers? I dislike all the Flesh Runes as a concept, HotArcanismBeam having stole my critque on the life rune” as surely the way to beat runesmith is to attack them without their items? It just feels like they do far too much as say I jump a runesmith when he’s unprepared, no runed items, I still have to contend with his newfound ability to flip me over his shoulder and throw me through a wardrobe. Also, out of interest, how many slots is this magic? I’d also recommend, if you keep Flesh Runes, actually saying at what tier they can be created. Sorry for my terrible formatting, this is the first time I’ve actually posted something like this on the forums.
  12. Thanhic steel already exists in accepted lore and we don’t need another version of it with the exact same name.
  13. Can’t believe the CT stole the ET’s jobs like that
  14. Truly this is a good day for non-void mages.
  15. Name: Hans Gender Identity: Glorious National Socialist Communist How much anime do you watch: All of it Are you an epic gamer: The EPICST Please write a 3 paragraph essay explaining why you are a disappointment to your parents: They disowned me They disowned me They disowned me What mental maturity do you possess? (Hint: Too much mental maturity = application denied ? ) Like none
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