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Everything posted by Mavromino

  1. What if players decide they want GMs to place ladders? Considering that player-made clause and all.
  2. Mavromino

    Swamp Rules

    Time to see what a 10v10 crp looks like.
  3. Wait... you put the mages IN FRONT of the infantry?
  4. Ice is actually pretty hard to set on fire so unless you've put them on a pyre you're more likely to kill them with an aurum bec de corbin.
  5. Can I use this to justify mass furry genocide?
  6. Telnair you really should go into politics as you've mastered appearing to answer a question.

  7. See with Necromancy that corpse could beat itself
  8. Thanhium is still in lore (I got 3 pieces into this map via the vaults)
  9. I'm going to need to get a frog skin.
  10. I'm mostly indifferent but Aluminium is impossible to obtain currently on LoTC as it's more reactive then carbon so forge heating doesn't work
  11. Time to get RO in The Empire and evict everything
  12. Nothing I said in my post was toxic, I was telling him to learn subforums.
  13. Rply the words bacteria and virus don't even exist in medical terms yet.
  14. Can confirm, I played a ghoul and it was the worst decision of my LoTC life.
  15. Then how do we judge the strength of plate armour? If we put it in the hands of the player fighting then they’ll just pg it being x% stronger then all weapons or something. We use real world analogies because they’re the only ones we have.
  16. Age doesn't make experience and luck exists.
  17. I love Skallagrim, helped me get over me edgy new player powergamer phase faster then I should of.
  18. I took history instead of geography but I'll still +1
  19. No, time travel is impossible on LOTC, we don't have DnD 3.5e wizard levels of magic.
  20. ~Application~ OOC Username: Mavromino Discord: You have it RP Name: Osheim Age: 356 Race: High Elf Place of Residence: Fenn Department: Researchers of Incognita Other Guilds: Steel Company 2-11
  21. Then let an actor run that side of the event, with supervision from Fate as the creator, and let Alifer attack a playerbase with ET supervidion. Surely builders can still create ideas and it promotes activity.
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