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Everything posted by Mirvam

  1. Éldi, The Traveling Smith read the missive, as his jaw dropped in awe. "Ah need tu get a 'old of t'is- it wehll be quick." He said before packing his smithing tools into a bag. The young dwarf then set out on a journey to find traces of this discovery.
  2. Leander snickered at his cousin- Leon's comment. He then yelled "What a filthy foul snake.." as he continued running around and doing nothing useful whatsoever.
  3. Leander cheered for the success of the Mareno Company after hearing of this "Uncle Jace is doing great work!" The child then went on to get his own ticket for the raffle and signed up for it "This could be an opportunity for me to get rich!" He said excitedly, looking forward for the event. IGN: Mirvam RP NAME: Leander Mareno
  4. so when are you joining lore team or whatever they call it these days?
  5. IGN: Mirvam RP NAME: Stomar Ireheart CANDIDATE: Durorn Ireheart
  6. ngl chief, they got us in the first half.
  7. option C sounds the best for both short and long term honestly.
  8. This needs to be a thing. Yes. +1
  9. RP Name: Mirvam Starbreaker MC Username: Mirvam Discord: Damb#0183 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Urguan Why Do You Wish To Come?: Gain knowledge of the past What Skills Can You Bring?: Frontline Fighting
  10. [!] A mail would arrive from someone by the name of ‘Thaldyr’ Username: Mirvam Name: Thaldyr Ireheart Giveaway Item #1: Storm’s Call, Hammer of the Thunderlord Giveaway Item #2: Nora’s Sword Giveaway Item #3: Orgadhad Stone
  11. I fully support this because i do not see why this shouldn’t be a thing, It’s a +1 from me. Edit: and yeh what Earthmonkey said.
  12. (( Disclaimer: This map was drawn for fun and not for guidance in-game )) (( Certain locations might be drawn wrong, so do not use it for guidance )) [!] A drawn map would be put down infront of you on the desk.
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