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Everything posted by MissToni

  1. Monthly Player Appreciation To the Haense community, Do you ever feel like we need more wholesomeness in our community? Or a need for more appreciation of our great players and the things they contribute with? Well I do. Which is why I wanted to start a monthly player appreciation post. But before I start, I want to make it clear that this player is not greater than the rest. All of us matter and are appreciated for the things we do for Haense. So don’t feel bad if you are not included in the first few posts. There will be many more of these so maybe one day if you keep doing you and making this community great you will end up in M.P.A. one day! We love you and appreciate all of you! Sincerely the Haense community. If you feel like you know which player deserves to be on one of these posts in the future you can pm me on discord that will be listed further below on this post! Or you can fill out this form that is posted below. Remember to include why you feel like the player deserves a spot and what he/she/it has done for Haense or for you. M.P.A. Form for next post Discord: GreenBudgie#0760 September 2020: CaptainHaense It is a rather obvious reason that CaptainHaense, also known as Bubby, is on the first edition of M.P.A. And I think all of you can agree with me on this. He made Haense independent after months of the Haense community being unhappy with us being under the Imperials. No offense to them, they tried… But it didn’t work. We were just too different. Bubby has done a lot to our community. He has helped many feel welcome and worked hard to make the kingdom a great place. At this moment he is the King of Haense under the character Josef I. Of course he did not do it all alone, but if he had not wanted to do it then it would not have happened. And we all love him for it. Bubby stands up for those that need standing up for. For he knows that it is not always just black and white. And that in my opinion makes a great leader and a person. I hope he continues to do well as King. And we all look forward to seeing him grow this community even further! Not only is Bubby our King, but he was also our Lord palatine on his last character Petyr Baruch. He helped with our government and passed laws during his time in the position. While doing so he was also the Duke of Valwyck, Patriarch of house Baruch. Creating a lot of fond and funny memories out of character between those that were in house Baruch at the time. My personal message to bubby is this: Thank you for being there for me during this whole time and accepting me into your rp family when you were a Gant and also a Baruch. You have given me great memories and been a good friend to me. You stood up for me when others did not after I recently rejoined Haense after having been away from the community for a while. And had you not… I never would have stayed. So thank you Bubby. P.S.: I know I said I would do this kind of post for the whole community, but after some thinking I felt like I could not do that as I don’t know the rest of the communities of lotc enough and it would not be fair for someone outside their community to decide for them who gets to be on posts like these and why. I also got too few submissions from every community. So instead if you wish to see these types of posts for your communities, make your own! ^w^
  2. The second one has english subtitles
  3. I look forward to see you grow! Though remember that lotc is not everything and focus on real life as well. Take care of yourself and learn from both your mistakes and accomplishments. ❤️
  4. MissToni


    I wanted to attend but I was too tired ;-; Love you all though ❤️ And remember to stay safe even during this time as the homophobes always out hunting. My DMs are open for anyone wishing to rant or just talk about their struggles with their sexuality or parents and friends not being understanding etc etc. MissToni#0760
  5. Karolina opened her arms and welcomed the man into the seven skies. Her usual cheery grin could be seen. "It's a pity they lost such a great fighter as you, but now you can finally rest!"
  6. MissToni’s Skin Shop Care for a skin, but don’t want to go through the trouble of making one yourself? Look no further as I will do it for you, for a certain price of course. Skins/Prices: Basic Skins: Male/Female Non-armour No face or hair 2k mina base price. More complex ones are up to 3k mina. Examples: Basic Skins(with face): Male/Female Non-armour Includes face and hair 3k mina base price. More complex ones are up to 4k mina. Examples: Waitlist If you wish to commission me then you need to fill out this form below. I will gradually make my way downwards and finish each skin. But please be patient as I have a life as well. However if you are in dire need of a skin now you can pay extra to jump the waiting list. When I contact you, please have your references ready. If you don’t have a reference I won’t make your skin, unless the description you give me is very detailed. But even then I still might say no. So please just have a reference. Form: Waitlist: Cheers!
  7. Auction has closed: Red Coat: 1k - yandeer Black Gown: 1.5k - UwUuSoWarm Hunting Gear: 2k - Arundlt Pink Coat: 3.5k - GoodGuyMatt Leather Jacket: 3.1k - funnayyyyy Black Clothing: 2k - GoodGuyMatt Kha Clothing: 1.2k – Bethinwonderland Purple Gold: 1.7k - Bethinwonderland Golden Dress: 1.3k - TheIchorDruid Another Haense Noblewoman: 1k - Zaerie White Dress: 1k – libertybelle
  8. Update on the skins bidded on so far and who has bidded on them. Four hours until auction is closed. Red Coat: 1k - @yandeer Black Gown: 1.5k - @UwUuSoWarm Hunting Gear: 2k - @Arundlt Pink Coat: 3k - @GoodGuyMatt Leather Jacket: 3.1k - @funnayyyyy Black Clothing: 2k - @GoodGuyMatt Purple Gold: 1.7k - @Bethinwonderland Golden Dress: 1.3k - @TheIchorDruid Another Haense Noblewoman: 1k - @Zaerie
  9. The ending time of the auction has been forwarded to 14th of May at 6pm EST!
  10. I made some more skins, woop woop! As with the last one some are old ones I no longer use or never used. So I hope some of you will want these and perhaps use them. The auction will end on 14th of May, 6pm EST. Rules: The bids not following these rules will be ignored and seen as invalid bids. You can not edit a comment, please make a new one so that it is easier to keep track. Bidding starts at 1000 minas. All bidding will be increments of a minimum 100 mina. You MUST be able to pay the amount required as soon as the auction ends. Bid Format: Discord: Skin/s and bid/s (Label clearly with the skin name, and list separately if multiple): Skins: Male skins: Fat Imperial: Black Clothing: Leather Jacket: Kha Clothing: Pink Coat: Female skins: Black Gown: Peach Dress: Fancy Queen: Golden Dress: Another Haense Noblewoman: Hunting Gear: Purple Gold: Red Coat: White Gown: Beige: Violet Dream:
  11. Auction has ended! Red Shirt: Pogmeister Haense noblewoman: Fawnytheturtle Floral Blue: Starry Italian Black: TreeSmothie Highlander Chestplate: TheIchorDruid Royal Red: TheIchorDruid Imperial Rosery: auLune Lined Design: Starry Pink and Blue: Starry
  12. I made a lot of skins, though some are old ones of mine that I do not use. So I hope some of you will want these and perhaps use them. The auction will end on 5th of May, 3pm EST. Rules: The bids not following these rules will be ignored and seen as invalid bids. You can not edit a comment, please make a new one so that it is easier to keep track. Bidding starts at 1000 minas. All bidding will be increments of a minimum 100 mina. You MUST be able to pay the amount required as soon as the auction ends. Bid Format: Discord: Skin/s and bid/s (Label clearly with the skin name, and list separately if multiple): Skins: Floral Blue: Highlander Chestplate: Red Shirt: Italian Black: Simple Peasant: Fat Imperial: Pink and Blue: Haense Noblewoman: Imperial Rosery: Lined Design: Royal Red: Good luck! ^w^
  13. You got this Almond! Beat that bloody virus!
  14. If you gonna make a profession system. PLEASE INCLUDE JEWELLERY!!!! PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU. ❤️
  15. RP Name:: Frida Emelie Gant MC Username: MissToni Discord: MissToni#0760 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Haense Why Do You Wish To Come?: I have never seen Athera and it would be interesting. I also think it would give my character something great as she loves adventures. What Skills Can You Bring?: Skilled with the blade, bow and Frida has always been good with animals.
  16. Thank you @JuliusAakerlund, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Zazu chirped happily from my nose rub meant from you! I miss our talks about serious stuff, you always had such wise things to say yet also quite ridiculous things as well. I hope the new year will treat you well buddy. Me and my birds offer you our love and appreciation. ^w^
  17. Update the server to 1.15. Apparently the bugs of 1.14 is fixed with that update. Or do what Narthok suggested.
  18. I'm fairly new to the High elf discord, and even during my time in it never once have I seen them laugh or make fun or **** post the people who were killed in the lava pool after their purity trials. The only thing I do see are pings about people getting online for the roleplay.
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