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Everything posted by Elennanore

  1. The Deep Steels: Ch 1 Daemonsteel - The Wrath Stone (Art by HouseHopper27) “These horrors will feel the wrath of our kin, bathed in the flames of our great foundries and forges. Come now! My brothers! We shall be weapons which sunder the earth and scorch foes of old!” - A Lord of Iláthia In times of old in the depths beneath, the most arduous of Mortal Men found their ways into the bowels of the earth. Amongst horrors of ancient ilk and elder kin of ancient old, in a world deep beneath the world above, they found treasures of untold wonder. Metal to shatter stone, weaponry of carnage carving, and relics of grand wizardry. In the depths of Chthon they found the Deep Steels, and of these metals they first were shown the Daemonsteel. Daemite Ore(Raw) Daemite is a quite hard, dark crimson, ore that is of continuous consistency, given its incorruptible nature, seemingly not affected by ravages of time and appearing to have few if any alchemical reactions, such as most forms of corrosion. Found deep beneath the earth in secluded places, yet in great quantities, making it by no means rare, just hard to get to. However, once found, there would be plenty of harvesting to be done and much profit to be made off selling the semi-valuable ore. Though, one should care for its fire cracker-like flammability, as it may scare the faint of heart. Harvesting Method Daemite has no specific method for mining, though one should note that striking it will send sparks flying everywhere. Though, these sparks are of little make and will essentially burn off the moment they hit the floor, walls, or even clothing, making it quite safe to mine, even if it’s a bit frightening to the newcomer in your group. Be creative you fucks, I’m having to write ideas in redlines. Daemon Steel(Refined) Daemonsteel is an Iron:Daemite ratio of 3:1, for every three units of Iron, one unit of Daemite is needed. This archaic metal is a matte ash-grey color, retaining an appearance similar to most other steels in texture, feel, and durability for the most part. Having few discernable differences with the exception of how uncharacteristically dull Daemonsteel looks. An interesting thing to note in regards to Daemonsteel is its increased forging and melting point, having a forging point around 2,730°F(1,498°C) and a melting point of around 3,340°F(1,837°C). Applications Given that Daemonsteel is essentially typical Steel with a Carbon ratio which may vary depending on what kind of Steel you’re looking for, do what you want. It gets hot or cold fast and retains those temperatures for periods of time quite longer, and given its increased forging and melting point, it makes good use in things such as chains, crucibles and forges. Refining Method Daemonsteel does not veer too far off from how the process of typical Steel is made. However, there are a few hiccups along the way. To forge Daemonsteel, one must have a fairly advanced forge, capable of reaching temperatures of up to at least the melting point of Iron. Now, the process of making Daemonsteel is entirely up to the individual smith, as there are a variety of methods one could use if one is knowledgeable in smithing. Though, typically it will be required one add Daemite into the Iron, the method in which this is done is up to the smith at hand. As already stated, Daemonsteel has a forging point around 2,730°F(1,498°C) and a melting point of around 3,340°F(1,837°C). Extra - Burning Wrath Though, an individual must take into account the interesting properties of Daemonsteel. One will notice that once heat is applied to an ingot, tool, or weapon made of Daemonsteel, it would quickly heat up, slowly developing a steely blue-purple hue for a short few seconds, which soon fades into a dull orange, after finally becoming red-hot, in a time-frame similar to that of a normal ingot of steel. This effect is also mirrored with the cold as well, the Steel developing a darker matte grey color, with a slight blue hue to it. However, the rate at which Daemonsteel takes in or loses heat when applied to something hot or cold, is entirely dependent on what the method is to apply ‘hot’ or ‘cold. A bonfire may apply this effect roughly around a minute, smith’s forge would likely apply this effect in around thirty seconds. Colder temperatures are harder to work with, but generally speaking, snow could suffice to get Daemonsteel colder, Thanhium works better and faster, but around a minute would suffice. One would notice that after Daemonsteel has either become hot or cold, it would retain the temperature it increased or dropped to for a period of time quite longer than what it took to gain that temperature. Typically, Daemonsteel may hold onto the temperature it gained for a period nearly three times as long as it took to heat or let heat. If you let a Daemonsteel axe sit in a furnace for up to three minutes, it would remain hot for a total time of nine minutes. This would apply inversely to the cold as well. One who uses Daemonsteel quite frequently should note that it does become brittle when it gets to its hotter and colder temperatures, thus, it is typically suggested one make much more rugged things out of Daemonsteel, such as Axes and Hammers, though Swords are indeed possible. Redlines Daemonsteel takes 5 to 10 emotes to heat during combat encounters, depending on thickness - swords being the low end and hammers being the high end. Otherwise, it is up to the players discretion of how many emotes they want to use to heat up a reasonable amount of Daemonsteel, refer to sword and hammer which are previously mentioned. Although Daemonsteel is quite hot, it transfers heat quite poorly. Due to this, Daemonsteel is only capable of really searing objects and leaving burns on flesh. However, if contact were to be maintained, it would be capable of lighting easily flammable objects such as cloth and thatch on fire. Wood would not catch fire. Inversely, this also applies to how cold Daemonsteel can be, not being cold enough to ‘insta-freeze’ objects, but really give an unpleasant burning cold sensation, or coolness. However, it can cause things to freeze if left to time, such as a cooled cup of Daemonsteel may act as a sort of insulator to keep ice in a cup cold for quite a long time. If you have any capacity of Smithing RP under your belt, you will know how Iron is made into Steel. Now, think of Daemite as your Carbon, and refer back to the 3:1 Ratio.
  2. Well written, simple, and not overly blown out of proportion of what it's attempting to achieve. Overall a decent piece of material lore that shouldn't see any problems with being accepted. + 1
  3. "Seems we'll need more wine." Ellenore frowns.
  4. The Blighted Steels: Ch 2 Lamúul Steel - The Rotstone (Art by Jacek Irzykowski) “With time all things shall decay - great mountains and mighty rivers, crushed and dried. Sprawling cities and vast kingdoms, burn and subside.” - A Red Priest It was said that they fell from the Heavens – great meteors burning vibrant colors across the starry sky, descending to the realm of Aos below. They teemed in the hundreds, all at once falling down from whatever high perch they previously held. The Múul Stones were the second to be taken note of, for they were sparse and numbered few. Just as their kin, the Rotstone was of ancient ilk and forgotten origin, hailing from a much older time. Lamúul Ore(Raw) Múul Stone. A windy grey rock that is only found near the surface within close proximity to cliff sides and valleys. It is very hard and very brittle, found typically mixed in with clays as pebbles and rocks varying in size. One will find that this material crumbles quite easily - One’s own hands could likely do this, though with great difficulty and if one didn't mind pressing down hard enough to leave bruises on their hands. This hard ore should be noted for its adept capability to cause most metals to corrode over the course of a few hours when contact is made, and that it is also terribly flammable - a handful capable of burning for hours on end at considerably low temperatures(915°F, or 490°C). Though consumption isn’t a specific issue, it is suggested not to ingest Múul Stone, as you are likely to expel all of the contents within your stomach in a few minutes. Otherwise, it has no adverse effects towards biological life for the most part. Harvesting Method There is no specific way to harvest Lamúul Ore, but it should be taken into consideration that the majority of metal tools, like pickaxes and chisels, will break down after a few hours of work. Given that Múul Stone is also flammable, it poses a fire hazard when open flames such as torches are present. Firstly, one should avoid using metal tools that are prone to corrosion, such as iron, tin, copper, etc. Secondly, all flames should be sealed within a type of containment, such as a lantern, or use light sources that don’t function via combustion. Lamúul Steel(Refined) A pale grey steel with matted, dark grey lines coursing through it. Its durability is comparable to gold and a weight like that of iron, making it an unreliable weapon for the most part. It is also prone to moderate wear and tear when in use, though it will retain its fine edge for the most part, regardless of the encounter. Lamúul Steel typically suffers from dents and nicks, requiring high maintenance, on top or near constant repairs that are unique to the steel itself. Dents and nicks will be simply hammered out, while the 'flakey' bits of almost paper appearing Lamúul that come off the Steel require more specialized repairs. These repairs require at least a bar of refined Lamúul Steel to be ground down into quite a fine powder, and over the course or an hour slowly sprinkled onto the blade as it is being polished with a soft, non-abrasive cloth. This also requires the oil you use(fish oil typically works best, as others produce mixed results of a lesser quality) to be mixed with the ash of some kind of hardwood, such as birch, oak, or maple - harder woods like Ashwood or Ironwood also work fine, if not better. Yet, this near constant deterioration and high maintenance aren't pointless endeavors of using this Steel, Lamúul contains unique properties that cause metals such as Copper, Tin, and Iron, this also includes the various kinds of Steels, such as Blackferrum, Daemonsteel, and Bronze, and any kind of Metal-cloth or Salium Metal(Frosted) made of the previously listed materials, to suffer from Metallic Rot. The debris that comes off from using Lamúul are the method in which other metals are affected by it, the particles, dust, and flakes being the primary cause. Lamúul also continues to carry on its flammable properties after being refined, although, this would cause damage to the Steel that is ignited, and after four hours a blade of Lamúul would begin to crumble in the users hands. Though, Lamúul being ignited does make it more liable to being catastrophically damaged when used, if struck with force comparable to that of a male Orc wielding a warhammer, or some other comparably large weapon. Thus, it is suggested to keep Lamúul away from sources of heat, as it retains its questionably low burn point of 915°F(490°C). It should be noted that the way in which refined Lamúul Steel burns, prevents the Steel from maintaining a consistent and constant heat transfer, thus Lamúul has the tendency to skip its melting point of 800°F(426°C) and jump to its burn point through sudden combustion. Alchemical Properties - Signs: Earth, Aether Symbols: Weakness x 1 Separation x 1 Rage x 1 Instability x 2 Applications Its durability is comparable to gold but it is strong enough to maintain a decent edge. Take this as you will and craft whatever your heart desires. Refining Method To refine this material it is suggested that you use containers that aren’t metal and avoid using crucibles which may contain metals affected by Metallic Rot. All of the gathered Múul Stone should be put into a singular crucible with wood chips and packed tightly, preferably hardwoods(soft woods aren’t as effective). This crucible should then be heated to around 800°F(426°C) where the Múul Stone will then melt, but around this temperature many things traditionally shouldn't melt, such as rocks, clay, silt, etc. It is highly suggested one use a sort of oven for this process, as a traditional forge tends to jump too much in temperature, and temperature regulation is extremely essential in refining Múul Stone. If done improperly, one may lose their Múul due to it suddenly combusting, as the melting point and burn point are terribly close temperature wise. The semi-molten material which is comparable to a slurry, should be poured out immediately and the copious of hard slag found at the top of the molten material quickly removed, as it only takes around two minutes for the Múul Stone to harden. Instead of its pale grey color as before, it will appear as a darker grey-green while molten and retains said color after it resolidifies. Once again, the wrought ingot of Lamúul Steel should be melted again until there is no slag left in the mixture. A heating will occur where hardwood chips are added and the molten metal is poured into a stone cast. From there, bone meal should be sprinkled onto the bar of metal as one works it with a hammer mode of a metal not affected by Metallic Rot This occurs while it is at forging temperature, which is a relatively low 527°F(275°C). A long and tedious process of hammering will ensue as the Smith works the bar of Lamúul into the desired shape. Though, hammering could be difficult or expensive, if one chooses to use a stone hammer or a metal hammer, respectively. If one neglects to sprinkle bone meal onto the Steel, it will result in a harder, brittle product which is prone to breakage. Extra - Metallic Rot Metallic Rot, the bane of fallible metals such as Copper, Tin, and Iron, this also includes the various kinds of Steels, such as Blackferrum, Daemonsteel, and Bronze, and any kind of Metal-cloth or Salium Metal(Frosted) made of the previously listed materials. Lamúul Steel will cause these metals to become infected with a terrible blight known as Metallic Rot, which causes the previously mentioned metals to slowly corrode. The best method to avoid Metallic Rot is to use some kind of covering, be it cloth over armor, a sword freshly doused in oil, or a greyish-blue paste made of dried and ground alabaster leaves, with a base made of lard and athin. If one chooses to ignite the oil on their sword, it would still have the same effect of preventing Metallic Rot, mainly by burning away the particles, dust and flakes which come off of Lamúul Steel. This also will quite easily ignite the Lamúul your opponent is using. Yet, if one goes in without protection, there is little one can do to prevent the Lamúul Steel from impregnating your metal. However, one must know that Lamúul is not so much a vicious tool during short skirmishes and abrupt duels, but a foul vice which comes into play during long and drawn out engagements. It takes many hours for Rot to have a catastrophic effect on the metals it affects, and this time is only further increased depending on how much the Lamúul must eat through. It begins as vile pale-green veins which worm their way across the surface of the metal it has come into contact with, which will only continue to spread as long as there is contact with the surrounding air. Thus, an effective post-battle method of halting the spread or Metallic Rot is to essentially smother the area. It should be noted that once Lamúul has transformed into Metallic Rot, it does not burn away like it normally would, thus fire is not an effective way of getting rid of the metal taint. 12 Emotes after a metal has made vicious(combative, such as a strike) contact with Lamúul, it will become Brittled. This only means that the metal is more liable to snapping, as if it was extremely hard, and thus all forces which would normally cause a snap(such as bending) are now applied to the metal at hand, assuming it was a metal with some bendiness to it, like a Broad Sword. If the metal is something harder and more stiff in its shape like a Katana or Kriegsmesser, it is more liable to snap after 10 Emotes. Items such as plate armor are quite durable and Metallic Rot has a hard time actually causing significant damage to them, thus 16 Emotes must go by before they become Brittled. Due to the nature of armor, there are not too many occasions where ‘bending’ forces are actually being applied to a significant degree, especially in the cases of chainmail. Thus, only will plate really suffer to any noticeable degree, and only by weapons designed to harm plate armor, such as polearms and hammers. Metals typically don't actually begin rotting away in one's hands or on their person, unless they somehow manage to remain in combat for many narrative hours. To address alloys which have component metals that are affected by Metallic Rot, they suffer, but to quite a lesser degree. Alloys such as Bluesteel and Slayersteel, which both have metals not affected by the blight of Lamúul, Carbarum and Gold, take an appropriate amount of time akin to how much of the alloy is made of affected metals. If in theory a Blackferrum Sword takes four hours to begin truly rotting, then a Bluesteel Sword which is a 4:2 ratio of Iron and Carbarum would take six hours for it to be affected by Rot. If the ratio was 4:4, then it would be eight hours, a 4:6 ratio would be ten hours, and so on. Though, in all practicality, alloys like Bluesteel and Slayersteel will suffer very little in combat, and truly only be affected hours after combat has ceased. To repair metals that have been affected by Metallic Rot refer back to the previously mentioned greyish-blue paste made of ground alabaster, with a base made of lard and athin. This paste, when combined with the ground dust of the metal one wishes to repair, such as Iron, Tin, and Copper, will slowly wear away the pale-green veins which have grown through the metal. While also taking into account the nature in which Lamúul functions, one does not have to worry of its rot having crept in deeper to the metal itself, as Metallic Rot only spreads across the surface of whatever it plagues. Redlines Múul Ore does not burn any hotter than a candle when in quantities the size of a handful, but if a moderately sized cave full of Múul Ore was to catch fire, it is likely that people and whatever else they had on them would likely burn to a crisp. Though, the temperatures wouldn't reach above 1,323°F(717°C) in most cases. Múul Ore does not explode, cannot explode, and will not explode under any circumstance. It does ‘combust’, but not in the sense that outward forces are being produced to propagate damage being done akin to an explosion or blast. It merely catches aflame. Múul Ore and Lamúul does not act like napalm in the sense that it 'sticks' to whatever it is on. There is potential use as an incendiary weapon of sorts, but it does not grab a hold of something and stay on it like jelly. Alloys such as Slayersteel and Bluesteel do not receive Brittled in a single combat scenario, due to how long it takes for alloys to become affected by Metallic Rot. Brittled and Rot are different. Brittled is an in-combat mechanic that is essentially akin to metal being affected by sheer cold, though by a different means. Rot is when the metal has actually begun to pretty much start falling apart, pieces chipping off, flakes of metal ‘flaking’ off, etc. Rot shouldn’t occur in combat, unless an individual manages to be in combat for many narrative hours, which typically only happens in events. Swords, Axes, and Spears of any variety begin ‘rotting’ after four narrative hours. Warhammers and Polearms of any variety begin ‘rotting’ after six narrative hours. Chainmail of any variety begins ‘rotting’ after 2 narrative hours, but the spread of it is contained to typically a few links. Thus, Chaimail remains very unaffected by Metallic Rot, and only the area where Lamúul managed to touch is going to suffer. Plate armor pieces of any variety begin ‘rotting’ after eight narrative hours. One must also take a note from chainmail and account that plate armor may touch, but is not directly connected as a singular object, and thus the spread of Metallic Rot is typically contained to a single piece of armor, such as a hauberk, pauldron, chestplate, etc.
  5. Ellenore Eiriksson recalls that the Treaty of Providence states military alliances, pacts, coordinations, or coalitions, and does not include Pacts of Non-Aggression. So she can't think of any reason why Norland would be in breach of the Treaty of Providence. "Missed opportunity to call it the Pact of Brimstone, but perhaps that would sound better for a military alliance, which this isn't." She says to herself, wandering around the woods as she is currently homeless and refuses to pay taxes to Skygods.
  6. Pretty sure I commented on this subject back when I was the World Manager. Basic blocks like wood, stone, sand, terracotta, etc shouldn't be ridiculously scarce. Likely the best resource system for infrastructure blocks were the pits in the Axios CT, where all you had to do was click a button and a command block would spawn the desirrd block type. Simplest thing to ever exist, made building infinitely easier. LC should be added, simple as that.
  7. The Blighted Steels: Ch 2 Lamúul Steel - The Rotstone “With time all things shall decay - great mountains and mighty rivers, crushed and dried. Sprawling cities and vast kingdoms, burned and subside.” - A Red Priest It was said that they fell from the Heavens – great meteors burning vibrant colors across the starry sky, descending to the realm of Aos below. They teemed in the hundreds, all at once falling down from whatever high perch they previously held. The Múul Stones were the second to be taken note of, for they were sparse and numbered few. Just as their kin, the Rotstone was of ancient ilk and forgotten origin, hailing from a much older time. Lamúul Ore(Raw) Múul Stone. A windy grey rock that is only found near the surface within close proximity to cliff sides and valleys. It is tenderly soft and quite malleable in its unrefined state, almost akin to a dusty, grain filled clay. One will find that this material bends and molds quite easily - One’s own hands could likely do this, though with great difficulty. This soft ore should be noted for its adept capability to cause most metals to rust(oxidize) over the course of a few hours if remaining in contact, and that it is also terribly flammable, able to burn at considerably low temperature for many hours, with only a handful amount. Though consumption isn’t a specific issue, it is suggested not to ingest Múul Stone, as you are likely to expel all of the contents of your stomach. Harvesting Method There is no specific way to harvest Lamúul Ore, but it should be taken into consideration that the majority of metal tools, like pickaxes and chisels, will break down after a few hours of work. Given that Múul Stone is also a flammable, it poses as a fire hazard when flames such as torches are present. Firstly, one should avoid using metal tools that are prone to decay, such as iron, steel, copper, brass, bronze, etc. Secondly, all flames should be sealed within a type of containment, such as a lantern, or use light sources that don’t produce fiery amounts of heat. Lamúul Steel(Refined) A pale grey steel with matted, dark grey lines coursing through it. Its durability is comparable to steel and a weight like that of iron, making it a moderately fine weapon for most encounters. Though, it will not maintain a fine edge and is considerably dull, making it a poor cutting tool. However, it is prone to moderate erosion when in use, resulting in the weapon appearing to lose paper-thin layers across its surface. Yet this erosion is what makes Lamúul Steel work wonders, as the dust and debris from the moderate amounts of erosion are what causes many other metals and some types of stone to suffer its terrible effects - Instantaneous Decay. Lamúul Steel also maintains its flammable properties, though, if ignited, the Steel would begin to crumble and break apart over the course of an hour. Thus, it is suggested to keep Lamúul Steel away from sources of heat. Alchemical Properties - Signs: Earth, Aether Symbols: Weakness x 1 Separation x 1 Rage x 1 Instability x 2 Applications Its durability is comparable to steel but is still slightly too soft to maintain a decent edge. Take this as you will and craft whatever your heart so desires. Refining Method To refine this material it is suggested that you use containers that aren’t metal and avoid using stones that have metals in them. All of the gathered of the Múul Stone should be put into a singular crucible with wood chips and packed tightly, preferably hardwoods(soft woods aren’t as effective). This crucible should then be heated to around 1,700*F(926*C) where the stone will then melt. The molten material should be poured out immediately and any slag found at the top of the molten material quickly removed, as it only takes around two minutes for the material to harden. Instead of its pale grey color as before, it will appear as a darker grey-green while molten and when it solidifies. Once again, the ingot of Lamúul Steel should be melted again until there is no slag left in the mixture. A heating will occur where hardwood chips are added and the molten metal is poured into a stone cast. From there, bone meal should be sprinkled onto the bar of metal as one works it with a hammer. This occurs while it is at forging temperature, which is a relatively high 915*F(490*C). A long and tedious process of hammering will ensue as the Smith works the bar of Lamúul into the desired shape. Though, hammering could be difficult or expensive, if one chooses to use a stone hammer or a metal hammer, respectively. If one neglects to sprinkle bone meal onto the Steel, it will result in a harder, brittle product which is prone to breakage. Extra - Instantaneous Decay Instantaneous Decay, the bane of fallible metals such as iron, steel, copper, bronze, and any others which suffer rust and corrosion. Lamúul Steel will cause metal to decay the moment it comes in contact with the Steel, and there is little one can do to combat this, besides avoiding contact. This Steel is able to cause other weapons to rust and eventually break apart if they continuously come into contact with another, thus making it a foul and tricky thing to deal with. Though, it does take time and force to really have Lamúul’s full effect to come out. The thinner the metal and the less surface area, the more likely it is to break sooner after a few strikes from a Lamúul weapon. Metals which are made out thinly and have less surface area, like swords, will break due to corrosion after the 6th emote of contact, continuously or intermittently. Thicker and larger things, such as hammers and armor, will break due to corrosion after the 8th emote. Yet, it should be noted that not all metals are affected by Lamúul, such as Silver, Gold, Tin, Blighted Steels, and Carbarum. Any metal that is made with the previously listed would take one more emote to break; Bronze which contains tin, Slayersteel which contains gold, and Bluesteel which contains Carbarum, and so on. Redlines - Múul Ore does not burn any hotter than a candle when in quantities the size of a handful, but if a moderately sized cave full of Múul Ore was to catch fire, it is likely that people and whatever else they had on them would likely burn to a crisp. Steel may be potentially ruined from the heat, but it wouldn’t melt. - If Lamúul Steel catches fire at all and remains on fire for more than 3 emotes, the Steel is ruined and is extremely likely to break if any significant force is put upon it.
  8. I just wish walled places looked like shitholes because of overcrowding and not just be revamped everytime the playerbase grows.
  9. As the writer of Azhl, I like this amendment. Likely, this could just be edited into the existing Azhl lore.
  10. Great lore piece, only curious thought I really had was the reasoning behind the use of the word ‘Seraph’ – is there any particular reason?
  11. To be honest, there is not much wrong with any of these 'cliche tropes' or cliche tropes in general. Most new players suffer from not being experienced, and that's about it. https://imgur.com/a/vdYauFr Also, this is a cliche trope? Lol. Having military history in your family does typically lead to future family members also joining.
  12. okay but canonism still gay, have good day.
  13. Hi, I build for cash. I don't really have any prices, but size is a good factor in determining how much I am going to ask for. I can build just about anything really, but my favorite things to build would be caves, fortresses, stone-stuff, darker themed things, etc. I can be pretty reasonable with prices, ranging from $5 for things like small homes, houses, etc to bigger prices for bigger things. My discord: JBig#7561 Waiting List The list where people wait in line for their builds to be worked on, small builds may be done immediately or soon. 1.
  14. Lal this aussie just upset that he has no reasons to actually deny shade, a true clown I say.
  15. why is this worse than the shade lore luka made
  16. no. for the most part they just exist as something ET, LT, or anyone can build off of for whatever they wish to do. want to run an event? go for it. writing up a magic where you worship a small pantheon of void-aengudaemon gods? go for it. edit: ill throw a ‘purpose’ section at the bottom so there is any confusion
  17. The Chthalium ‘The Profane Children of Heaven’ (Artwork by Peter Mohrbachr) “There is no greater torment than restraint. Give into your passion, and you will be free.” - Seiszar, the Child of Forbidden Passions Origins - The Unholy Union Of our Hallowed Maker we were conceived, His divine Children of the Heavens. The Aengudaemon. From him, we were born into this beautiful creation, & we praised our Glorious Father for his greatness. Though glorification for our Maker was nigh endless, amongst us were the apocryphal. They, who had not yet forsaken praise for our Creator, but wished to envisage their own divinely children - like their Holy Father. The majority of these Apocryphal Children sought out the Mortals of Terra, bearing Mortals gifted with Ichor, better known as the ‘blood of gods’. Yet, there were the few who did not consign themselves to Mortal chains. These Holy Children of our Great Maker became known as the Abominable, for they sired & bore unholy children with only the most foul of emanations. Beings of the Void, & brought forth the Abominations. The Chthalium. Not only did these select few Aengudaemon make a mockery of our Merciful Father, but also betrayed His own Creation. For the children they brought forth were corrupted & malformed, mere shadows compared to the great prowess of the Aengudaemon. When their presence became known by the Heavens, they were slaughtered in droves. Their cries & screams echoed across the cosm, as the immature offspring of the Abominable were felled in droves. Foul blood of murdered half-Voidborne children splattered across realms, split bodies falling onto Aos. It became known as the Massacre of Anathema, forever scaring realms with the torn corpses of these vile children. They fell like gleaming meteorites, their bodies becoming stone as they fell from the Heavens. For a time, the Heavens were quiet. Many of the Abominable Children were cast forth, rejected and shunned by their kin, but this was not the end of the Chthalium. For the Chthalium were the offspring of Aengudaemon and Voidborne, whose powers were near or above those of their Suitors. Thus, the vile children or Deific and Void-nature were capable beings, gifted with powers similar to that of their parents. However, they were not immortal and were bound to material forms, particularly vulnerable to other Aengudaemonic and Voidal beings that detested them. With no realms of their own and powers too weak to fend off foes, many fled to the one place few would dare tread without good reason, Aos. Description - The Estranged Kin The Chthalium are strange beings with few similarities between one another. The wide range of variance is a result of the many different partnerships that transpired between the Aengudaemon and the Voidborne. Factors such as deific affiliation, Aengul or Daemon, and the type of Voidborne, having a much wider girth in variety, such as Arch-Horrors, Malignant ot Benevolent Behemoths, and Greater Abominations. Each child was unique in its own right, but their similarities are easily notable. All of the Chthalium are humanoid, having either distinctly maculine or femenine traits - which descend from the Aengudaemon. They were tall and mighty compared to the majority of mortal beings, but their physical strength and stature did not make them so alien. Many had wings, though none too angelic, and none quite the same as another. Once again, they were all quite different. Thus, it is hard to describe what the Chthalium look like when there are few if any individuals that appear remotely the same. If one attempted, they'd have to summarize a description of these odd kin with the following - some had horns, some didn't; some had fangs, some didn't; some had clothes, some didn't; some had eyes, some didn't; some had skin, some didn't, and some had hair, whilst others did not. The most peculiar trait of the Chthalium is their state of mind, almost always cautious and skeptical of their surroundings. From the start of their bloody origins, the Chthalium have always been slightly fearful of poor interactions with whomever they may attempt to relate with. More often than not they are more likely to lie or deceive those they choose to interact with, only ever developing trust of other Chthalium or creatures after long bouts of conversation. However, they have a fondness towards the life of Mortals, such as watching Men and Elves go about their daily lives. Such interest has developed some Chthalium to name themselves and pursue traits or concepts as life-long goals. Capabilities - Blood of Ancients The Chthalium, unlike their unruly parents, have no realms to reside in to safeguard themselves, nor are they relatively immortal. If anything, the Chthalium are the most Mortal beings of the Heavens, and lack the many capabilities most Aengudaemon do. They’ve no ability to travel from Realm to Realm like the Aengudaemon, with the exception of physically attempting to travel to such. They are frail and weak children of near omnipotent beings. Though, some tend to exhibit slight capabilities in odd, foreign magics, while others have a natural affinity to commonly known magics, such as Transfiguration, Arcanism, Blood Magic, Necromancy, and Mysticism, these are only a few examples. And given their Aengudaemonic heritage, some even have influence over the territories of other Aengudaemon, though not relying on that deities power to fuel their spellcasting. Sometimes, the Chthalium may even form pacts or bonds with lesser creatures and Descendants, granting them power in exchange for servitude or offerings. Some powers may be temporary, whilst others are permanent effects. Though these powers are not so easily gained, as the act of forming bonds is highly taxing. This is quite rare, as a great amount of dedication is required of the Chthalium and whoever receives the bond. The physical capabilities of Chthalium can surely be said to be of note, though they are not the most physically strong creature to wander the Mortal Realm, but that does not invalidate their potent potential. Easily able to tear a Man in two with their bare hands, but that may even fluctuate depending on the build of the Chthalium. Their fortitude is also said to be of note, varying depending on their own physical traits, such as either having a strong exoskeleton, scales, or soft tender flesh. Purpose Aight, so. Chthalium aren't creatures that can normally be played, they're Story creatures which can be used for world building, event writing, or building lore off of them. There a little special, being the offspring of Void and Aengudaemonic beings, but that's mostly as far as it goes.
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