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Everything posted by MCVDK

  1. Basil welcomes his wife at the gates of the Seven Skies
  2. Radovan continued to abuse his wife from the Seven Skies, awaiting that glorious moment for Dusica to return to his grasp for another blue eye. (was fun with a different relationship than usual! Props to MotherLay for keeping it cool and comfortable between all parties OOC <3)
  3. Axelu - I think you're cool. What do you think of me?
  4. IGN: MCVDK Character name: Lysanthir Which game(s) are you signing up for: Agility Strength Precision Balance
  5. FORGOTTEN 11th of Sigismund’s End, 1813 K.I. 11th I Joma ag Umund, 366 E.S 11th of the Deep Cold, 17 SA “It seems life of the mortal man shall always remain haunted through the prowess of the Aenguls - though as us, the Aenguls are hardly eternal, too enraptured within the ideals of their own and the minds of the weakened man, as their exist none for them should the mortal forget of their existence: Their reason of creation. It is odd, for the lifespan of the man is short, but too is the lifespan of the elf short in the ideals of eternal accomplishment. All would be much more simplified for those of hard work and mind, should those men have the abilities to live in that eternal thought of near salvation to their satisfactory requirement of achievement. Yes - Yes. Life would be simpler if the thought of time dispersing was not there.” William Theodore Aubert, Circa 1808 A silent cry within the darkened void of the night, a wail of sorts in nature, roamed the high hills of the famed landscape. Around them? Reigned nature of the lands, as the colours of the trees was seen in each direction, as far as one could see, though amidst the lush woodlands, amidst the natural landscape of the tranquil countryside, rose a structure of reddened nature. There, within the lands of the forest, laid one manor - or farm, mayhaps - of a familiar Kaedrini stylisation as the hardened clays connected to the thatched triangular parapet. There was naught else around the household of the Auberts, not a soul in sight, as the wail of the newborn continued to fade within that woodland. It seemed a mark within the annals of the Auberts. It seemed a destined choice: though must the child have been so loud? Each man is destined for birth, so has the nature of the man remained since the scriveners of time could record within books, though as the birth of man arrives, so too arrives the death of that man: all must return to that of which one started. All must remain within the ideals of the Aenguls - their creation of eternal continuation, cycles of sorts, as one knows naught but a singular fact on their birth: such fact shall remain true as death shall arrive to all which are born and birth had arrived to all which have died. William Theodore Aubert, named after his prominent father, was raised with the mindset of death as much of the Aubert family had diminished through the ideals of death. Death was eternal - it would arrive momentarily - as taught to the man since the mere lifetime of ten. One aspect remained of even more import to the Auberts, however, and such were the rekindle of the name: the return of their era as had been seen aeons before. And William? William had been deemed as the flourishing child which would raise the name towards their destined success. Certainly! William was the solution to their issues, this child was the answer to their failures. As such, the Auberts would ensure this child would be taught all which would be useful within the future endeavours of the man, no need was there for the man to roam with other children, no need was there for the child to interact with others: what was within import for the Auberts were the knowledge of the child, the words utilised within conversation with others. William had to be formed, no! - had to be groomed, to become the idealised individual for politics and licit work: an ideal leader above all. And too were the conversation of the child of excite nature after twelve summers of life: “We must realize on the theories of the political methods, wherein it must be recognized that there exist multiple forms, that we cannot truthfully nor completely indulge our abilities within a structure which does not allow for the men and women of ours continents to function: We must not feel left within the eternal clockwork of leaders! We must not feel stuck. No! We, the People, must feel encouraged through our leaders to reach for their words and their debates - to understand their struggles: for we shall be seated within that sooner or later. As we, the People, shall remain the bulk of Imperial Leaders.” though such words did not lead to friends for the child, more than often seeming to incite a certain fright within them as his childhood - or rather pretended childhood - remained alone, a self-inflicted solitude amidst the rushes of societies. William became what had been assumed from the start, the child became a man and the man became a politician, as an advocate for the voices of the commoners within the structures of the leaders, an advocate of the rights of the men and women within the cities of the realms which the man served throughout his time on these continents. Though, in return, the man became devoid of life - devoid of love - devoid of care, for there remained one reason to live, there remained one reason to create alliances and ‘friends’ and such were the eternal rise of the man: the eternal bequest which the man so desperately reached after. William was charismatic towards those around him, one could not notice the thoughts and ideals of the individual: that of which laid within the darkened annals of the mind, an ideal of immortal life - an ideal of eternal continuation devoid of the cycles of the Aenguls, devoid of the words which had been cemented into his mind. William wanted to live, live forever, as his own retaliation to the creators, as his own internal rebellion. But one event within the life of the man would alter that, one event which would remain within the mind of the man until the last breath. Ophelia became a beacon within the twisted thoughts of the man, she became the light which had not been there before: for once the kisses of the man was of naught but utter love towards the woman as his mind had been reformed, recalculated and rearranged in fashions above words of explanation. William did not live for the work of the man after his encounter with Ophelia, William did not serve these continents without reason: for there was reason now - Ophelia and their children became the reason for his rise, became the reason for his work and drive. She allowed emotions within the man which William could not fathom, emotions which had not been seen in the past and in fact, not allowed throughout his life devoid of care. She was all which tethered the man to sanity and understanding within his twisted thoughts. As life ended for Ophelia, so too would life lead to an eventual end of William. It became clear to the man as his sane state declined with hasted nature after the death of hers, as his mind returned to the darkened ideals of his own. Perhaps - such was unavoidable from the start. Perhaps - the man had been diverted from the truth. But there remained a thought of care within this politician, a care which Ophelia had left behind after the death of hers, both towards their children but also towards others as such care would remain there until the bitter end. It was naught but time before the man would reach his demise: though the man would have wished it different, for it was that care which had been left within the mind from the times of Ophelia, it was that which had lead the man towards his end - his own mind had faltered for a moment as the ideals which remained from the wife of the man had taken over. One letter was all which it took for the man to reach the end. One letter and it was all void. William Theodore Aubert (former) Representative of the House of Commons Chairman of the National Party 10th Solicitor-General ( * ) 1770 - 1813 ( † )
  6. I've recently gotten into the ideas of construct creatures and character (Golem, Sorvian, Atronach, ect.) and I though I'd ask if someone is actively looking for their creations to be played. Hmu on discord: MCVDK#9258. 

  7. There’d be a silence over the man known as Lysanthir, a dedicant of the Ichorian Path, as the sun had started to rise outside of the small tent of leaves which the man had created to sleep within throughout the eve and night. However, the night of the man had been more time awake within his makeshift home than asleep to rest. There seemed to be an intense nature over the man throughout the small amount of rest which had been allowed in the short moments as his hues narrowed towards the strands of the sun rushing through the leaves above the man as such soon broke the slumber of the man as the streaks and heat of the sun had raised the man from his state. Though as the sun had emerged from beneath the earth and the man's slumber interacted a singular gasped release from the man in realisation of the date as a rush and nervousness moved over his frame as a form of panic rushed throughout the half-slumber state of the man. There’d be a moment of silence as a voice moved into the mind of the man -- almost sourceless for a moment -- as the voice seemed ominous: “Prepared for the trial?” returned the voice of the female drui as the visage of Quillian moved over the man with an almost stern tone towards the man as his hands folded beneath his back with a nod as the man returned a soft: “Ti'' towards the drui before him. With a subtle thud and a nod from his mentor, Quillian, the man took a small step forward as his frame left the safety of the outskirt borders of the Mother Grove as his direction seemed destined within his own mind. One movement to follow for the next months to come -- one object within his thought -- one reason to remain in the wilds for these months: to survive within the harshest of environments with no materialistic creation to aid within the struggles versus the natural elements: at odds with the winds and the tides, at odds with the animals and the beasts, at odds with his own physique and his own mortal frame’s abilities. There’d be no sword within his hands, there’d be no armour over his skin, there’d be no food within his pack nor would such a pack exist as the essence of the trial before him was one of determined focus, as well as knowledge within the abilities taught throughout his period as a dedicant beneath the Thuleans. As the edge of the forest neared the feet of the man a soft inhale was drawn before the man moved into the depth of the forest for the trial ahead. (( 1st Month )) There’d be an ominous silence within the depth of the woodland as the silent squeals of birds and the subtle creak of woodland creatures moved throughout the forest as Lysanthirs had entered this new and unknown area. It was to be the home of the dedicant for the next seven months ahead and with such arrived a collection of various issues, caused and forged through nature, which the man must overcome. Through most of the first week within the new woodland, the man used to traverse throughout the swathe of the forest to determine the best area for the man to shelter throughout the nights. However, his search for shelter had resulted in a few sleepless nights for the man as most of the time was utilised for walking throughout the woodland to avoid all creatures which would be able to find him within his state of defenselessness. It hadn’t aided the man to remain awake throughout his search as the thirst for water had raised more and more throughout his travels as the idea of dehydration started to become more and more eminent within the back of the mali’s head, if it hadn’t taken effect on the man hitherto. Though after one week of search throughout the woodland, with a lack of water and a lot of dizziness within the man, the subtle noise of water clashing with the soil of a small shore moved behind a small collection of trees. Lysanthir had rushed towards the water as the thirst of the man was drowned within massive slurps of the nearly clean water of the lake with a small hillside next to the lake with a line of trees over the edge of the shoreline of the lake. Rest of the month was used to create a small encampment of the leaves which had laid within the forest, which was supported with a branch of a fallen tree set against one of the trees, as to form some form of shelter from the wind around them. All this was reinforced with small lines of vines found throughout the area: utilised as ties around the weaker spots of the branch and leaves. (( 2nd Month )) As the start of the second month had arrived with haste, almost unnoticed within the perception of the man, as his shelter had been finished and the lake used to hydrate the man throughout his projects within the months to come. However, throughout his projects at hand the rough nature of starvation had started to affect the man, there was an instant switch within his focus as there was a need to avoid starvation. Such resulted in the creation of tools throughout the next week which were made with branches of wood and stone found within the location of the man. Thickened branches found throughout the forest as the man utilised a sharp stone found within the forest to carve the branches down into a more reliable rod. Once more the vines of the area were utilised to tie tones onto these rods, often slammed towards heavier stones to ensure a sharp edge for the tool at hand. Lysanthir used this month, as starvation steadily approached, to create tree tools needed within his ventures: one spear -- created from a rod with a pointed stone tied to the end. One axe -- created from a small rod with a flat stone carved to create an edge over the stone to hit with. One knife -- created with a stone slammed down into an edge to create a sharpened side. (( 3rd Month )) With recently crafted tools within the hands of the man, Lysanthir had decided -- or his stomach had decided for him -- that it was time to utilise these tools to hunt for food. While the man had collected various edible plants and berries, as well as caught a fish here and there, in the two months before, there was a need for meat and nutriousion to maintain some form of sane mindset within these forests. As there’d be thrums over the soil of the forest as the creaks of the animals inhabitants calmly traversed the woodland, unaware of the events which were to occur near the lake of the man, as Lysanthir moved throughout the forest as silent as the animals which lived within the woodlands themselves with a determined idea to find an animal which could serve as lunch for the next while of his life within the forest. Lysanthir crossed a corner of a collection of trees as his frame leaned down soon afterwards with a silent movement as the soft sounds of leaves crushing and branches cracking due to an animal of some sort traversing across the soil. A few meters before the man stood a deer in silence as it seemed to lower its snout down towards the soil as a method to eat while it remained unaware of the man within the bushes as his hand moved to tighten around the rod of the spear as his hues fixated on the deer before him. With a swift movement and a flick of his arm, the spear of his was hurled towards the silent deer before him as there’d be a softened thud on the contact of the deer with a loud scream released from the deer due to the infliction of torment caused through the actions of the man. Soon afterwards a thrum sounded within the soil as the deer started to move as an attempt to escape which resulted in the man rushing to his feet in pursuit of the escapee, though due to the bloodloss of the wound within the chest of the deer -- the deer soon fell to the soil after a few moments as Lysanthir kneeled down towards it as the man had reached the deer. He thrusted his knife down towards the deer as a means to end the suffering state of the creature as the man wished to end such state as soon as possible. (( 4th Month )) A lot of the fourth month was utilised to carve and prepare the animals which had been hunted throughout the third month to ensure none of the animal was to waste in the months to come as there was a constant desperate state over the man while in the wilderness. There wasn’t much excitement throughout the fourth month as the task consisted of carving out the various areas of the deer, skinning the deer, hanging it in a tree away from camp to ensure the scent didn’t catch the attention of unwanted animals and then cooking the food over a fire. It seemed there was a moment of peace for the man within the fourth month which hadn’t been present for the man within the wilderness before. It was a moment to be calm for the man. It was a moment to understand the silence around nature. & (( 5th Month & 6th Month )) As soon as silence arrives within the confines of nature, so does the Aspects interrupt to remind the inhabitants of the woodlands of the strength carried throughout that of natural creation. It had seemed as if the man would have traversed the wilderness through an entire cycle without the need to care for a storm but such would seem to shift within the 5th month. As the trees had started to swoosh within the wind with a soft bend to the branches above them as the familiar nature of the rushed whispers and howls of silent storm started to fill the ears of the man as a sort of caution of what would rise in the next month. Lysanthir started to brace for the storm which loomed in the distance as the howl of the wind strengthened and the nature of the storm around him brewed as his small tent of leaves and branches started to rock at odds with the strength of the wind. It was a battle between the materials and forces of nature, one which was soon to be lost for the man and the materials of the woodland. However, with the knowledge of such and the man's early reaction to the storm, Lysanthir had started to scout for one of the close caves which the man had found throughout his hunts of the forests, wherein the man took shelter throughout most of the storm. He had ensured to save food from the collection which had been created throughout the month as a means to avoid starvation more than needed. All of the storms were watched from this cavern with colden breaths and hasted heartbeats. (( 7th Month )) Though as the months had disappeared before the vision of the man, as the struggles had lessened throughout the months, as the ideals of nature had been adapted and the man had shown his abilities within these woodlands, there was a need to return to his mentor within the cities in the seventh month. Although this life had been lived before -- as the man was of the woodlands -- there was no comparison to the trial of survival within the Ichorian Path. It was a utilisation of all skills learnt within the Path of the Ichorian, it was a showcase of knowledge and the use of that knowledge in actual situations with the skills of one's own and the mindset of determination to survive. Lysanthir had overcome such trial -- overcome such life within the woodland -- and returned home in success and fulfilment.
  8. Discord: MCVDK#9258 Skin: The Imp Bid: 50
  9. MCVDK

    Skin Auction!

    Male skins go brrr
  10. Hi there! Welcome to LotC - we’re happy to have you! If you are playing an orc then I’d highly suggest becoming a part of the orcish nation of Krugmar as almost all orcs of the server resides within that nation. Feel free to contact me on Discord and I can shoot an invite o7
  11. “Idiot.” Basil Baelius, the father, commented while reading the note presented to him. “If one cannot see the value within maintaining the family - if one cannot see the value of the safe walls - if one cannot see the values of our kindness, then those people do not deserve to live within them.” He added with a soft scoff as his hand moved over the codex of the ORC, ”I’ll have to look into official disownment laws.” He concluded as his thoughts drifted back to work with a final comment, “That witch of a Grandmother cursing the children of mine.”
  12. Bro this is beautiful
  13. When will we be told what to do with item tranfers? I want my RP items with me man 👀

  14. I sorta want a secondary character I actually wanna commit to. Anyone got any interesting character ideas / character I can yeet? (Feel free to hmu on Discord if you want to be private about it lol)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stump


      ^ This except play one of my Sullas. We have 10,000 prestige per character, so that’s like, 50,000 prestige as a house.

    3. MCVDK


      @Starryy Sullas? Do tell more!

    4. Stump


      Well you see, it all started in 2012 when Mithradites decided to play a mad scientist archetype...

      Nah, they’re a (in my very biased opinion) quirky high elven family that I’m trying to grow which needs level-headed rpers to pull off well. I’m preeeetty sure you’ve got my Disc, but if not hit me up at stump#1433 and I’ll attempt to seduce you- OR, at least try to help find a place where you will have fun if not!

  15. MCVDK


    That boy at the end looking kinda cute O.O Wish that was me.
  16. MCVDK

    Leyrin's Skin Dump!

    I’ll take these two. MCVDK#9258
  17. I’ll hit you up with 2.5k mina if you could get me a neat skin of this dude – you have my discord if you need any other details
  18. Beat this damn virus in the head, bud! We’ll all be rooting for ya throughout the next period of time. Get well soon, man, I’ll make sure to pray for ya.
  19. Oh hey, this is pretty cool. LONG LIVE THE EX-GMs
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