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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by NotEvilAtAll

  1. 1v1 me in competitive wizard101 girlfriend% speedrun

    1. Nozgoth


      you've made a grave mistake challenging me to a wizard101 competition........


  2. 2,433 people have wasted their time by looking at my profile

  3. 3,200 profile visits, that's a lot for a wee halfling such as me.

  4. 6,000 profile views! That’s a pretty big number 

  5. 6.0 looks nice so far

  6. A full commitment's what I'm

  7. A li’l message to Dunshire:

  8. Add me on skype if you would like to learn more about the halflings! I also am making a chat called "All the halflings in one chat", which is exactly as it sounds!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Skype is the medium of the halflings right now, Sorry :(

    3. Archipelego


      im gonna end up being a rogue at this rate

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      It's ok buddy.... We can just Forum message each other untill the end of days

  9. admin team is a carnival rn

    1. Nug


      were all clowns here

  10. After spending many hours pondering the very fabric and existence of LOTC's grand and unique universe, I have indeed come upon the following conclusion that I shall include a ways below...






    HalflingRP=BestRP, and All Hail Lord Knox.

    ((I have a very weird mind, don't I?))

  11. Aging up characters should be encouraged, not discouraged. It’s the opposite of powergaming (aging yourself down to stay young forever).

    1. MeteorDragon


      Children are gross, people should stop playing them

  12. Ah, imperial letter spam. Some things never change

    1. Burnsider


      Like the feel of your hand in mine

      Some things stay the same

      Like how we get along just fine

      Like an old stone wall that'll never fall

      Some things are always true

      Some things never change

      Like how I'm holding on tight to you

  13. All 'ail Lord Knox, t'a true 'alflin' god

    1. rukio


      I worshipped him 'fore y'all as Wither so.

  14. All Hail Lord Knox!

  15. All the halfling RP posts shall be made

  16. am I gonna have to resubmit pipeweed lore or what 'cause it appears to be in limbo or something

    1. Sorcerio


      It was actually just accepted in the mag. I'll be sending details and moving it to its proper subforum when I'm home from school today.

    2. NotEvilAtAll
  17. Am salty about halfling height getting changed on the wiki. We're supposed to be small so increasing our max racial height is kinda cringe. Will edit it back if I get my wiki account reinstated.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      well let's hope the halfling ST members can get this cleared up somehow. I hope it was just a rogue action and not a thought out cohesive lore change because if it was a well thought out change the halfling leadership should've been included in it somehow at the very least, even if it's just a single discord DM to Jade_Emen or something.

    3. squakhawk


      i turned down the "increasing halfling age limits" suggestion, the wiki team member I don't think had play in it- probably a random player, because anyone may edit lore on the wiki.

      Thank you aswell for coming to the Story Discord to talk about this. I think it's been made clear how much of an issue it is that lore is so easily manipulatable on the forums. If ever you are worried about something like this of course just let us know. We're as surprised (and irritated) as you are.

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      @SquakHawk checking the history of the halfling wiki page, it seems that halflings used to be generally around 3 feet tall. Then it got changed to 3-4. Then it got changed to 2-4. Then it got changed to 2'4''-3'0''. Now it's been changed to 2'3''-3'5''. Actually wack.

      At least the 2'4''-3'-0'' edit and the 2-4 stuff were done by halflings. Still crazy to think how much the race I main has been changed and modified solely due to small edits on the wiki page.

  18. Anime was a mistake 

  19. Any ideas for increasing the halflings population? Festivals, more pipeweed, etc. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. _Jandy_


      First off, don't listen to people who have never played halflings. Try asking people who have played them what could bring them back, why they left, etc...

    3. senor_tortuga


      um they need people who have never played halflings to start playing them

    4. _Jandy_


      Sure, but they don't have a very good understanding of the existing culture and lore. It doesn't make sense to ask them what the issue with the halflings is, does it? 

  20. Anyone else having problems with Discord?

    1. Sorcerio


      I was. I think it’s better now – at least for me.

    2. Chthonian_


      it’s a problem with their servers, check their site

    3. Zanthuz


      “Discord is still experiencing major downtime related to Google's ongoing issues in GCP. We have the team online and are ready to restore service as soon as the root issue is resolved. Sincere apologies for any inconvenience.” dis.gd/status  -Discord

  21. Anyone else here dealing with the Minneapolis storm?

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