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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by thesaintjaleel

  1. Appreciation post, ur great Leap ;^) this def isn't an attempt to get my post count up

    1. Its_Just_Leap


      Oh yeah I'm sure that's totally the reason ❤️

  2. Band practice from 9AM to 7PM tmrw YIKE-

  3. Been on FM mod waiting list for 3 months now, starting to think this is a black list ;^(

    1. Inferno_Ougi


      haha... black... list

    2. Burnsy


      If you were to re-submit your app I will gladly handle that for you.

    3. thesaintjaleel


      @Burnsy__Would I need to be interviewed again?I’ve already been interviewed for the position twice.

  4. can we go back to 1.13 now

    1. Thedeadoor


      idk I prefer my chunks loaded

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Go back to Minecraft 1.6, every update made past 1.6 was a mistake.

  5. Compared to Axios and all other predecessors, Atlas is an L

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. thesaintjaleel
    3. Freischarler


      shut the **** up youre wrong you stupid ******* retard **** you wrong wrong wrong

    4. thesaintjaleel


      alright that's it ur getting reported you dumb ******* ***** ass ***** kill yourself I fucked your mom and you're just mad about it **** you I'm right 

  6. Daily reminder that today is my birthday and pedophiles are not good

  7. Disregard all previous status updates, FM is actually the best team this server has ever had ;^)

  8. doobie doobie doo ba doobie doobie doo ba 

  9. Finally found my old account, joined here May of 2016 actually @Ali

  10. Fleek on that sis and I oop till I can’t cap on period!

  11. Gonna change my user to _CoatAndTimbz_

  12. Haha go Telanir, showing the clickers who’s boss!!! You want pee vee pee go to  factions server, ez

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harri


      ...he called it off because its too laggy, not because he doesnt want to have it


    3. Harri


      dont care awful bait looks like an idiot STFU MAN

    4. thesaintjaleel


      it worked on u xddddddd

  13. Happy Thanksgiving ??

  14. Helves kill aura on 30000 radius please turn down the server cannot sustain

  15. Here we go, Ponder trying to make everything about him again SMH 

    1. chaotikal


      daily reminder that @Pond is a good man of family values and honorable upbringing.

  16. Here’s the link to our open discord if you guys want it https://discord.gg/xyQZaqv 

    1. Demotheus


      Who does “our” refer to? A nation? A guild? A group of magic users? A gaggle of shitposting trolls? WHERE’S THE CONTEXT, MAN!??!?!?!??!

    2. thesaintjaleel


      @DemotheusHaha, given context I’m sure no one would know because it’s new but it’s for Seyam

  17. Hey guys what’s up 

    1. Inferno_Ougi


      i thought you died wtf

  18. Hiding even though you outnumber the enemy side > Attacking with the people you took 5 hours to rally

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. thesaintjaleel


      @Total_Xanarchy its a meme xdddddd posted all in good fun

    3. Thornz


      FUNny mEme dUDe

    4. thesaintjaleel


      @McThornzdoood its an InSIDe j0OkE

  19. How’s everything?

    1. Twodiks


      i thought you died or something

    2. Nyuriz


      come back! ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️

  20. I actually like alot of people here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. thesaintjaleel


      3 minutes ago, Telanir said:

      And many people like you as well!

      haha nahh

    3. Telanir


      I wouldn't be so skeptical. :)

    4. thesaintjaleel


      Omg ily too  @Telanir

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