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Everything posted by SimplySeo

  1. Can I turn myself in for things I feel deserved a warning point I'm tired of my friends thinking I'm a *****

    1. Nooblius


      Post a meme without a spoiler and you can get one

  2. Titanium is my E-Godson and I highly recommend his skins
  3. Jorvin Starbreaker brandishes the Great Book of Grudges with Grudgening intent.
  4. From a by-the-books people-pleasing Legionnaire with dreams of being a famous scholar, to an old, jaded godslaying warrior-king in retirement. Not a bad story arc if you ask me.
  5. Were we the baddies?

  6. In the depths of Kal'Darakaan, a former Elf-Friend turned bitter Longbeard feels the right side of his face twitch slightly.
  7. Father of the Iron Accord, Former Grand King Jorvin Starbreaker reads over Bakir's missive with a neutral expression. Long critical of the Elder Clan of Ireheart, the rapidly aging Cave Dwarf remained reserved, his own opinions aside, he would serve the crown of his forefathers as he had his entire life. The wounds of Haverlock still fresh as he limped his way through his mountainside tower, Jorvin brought himself to the armory. Therein held all the weapons of his youth. The defunct Starhammer, which once shattered Neverborn in droves, the Seax which found the throat of mannish knights... Until finally he found what he sought. His War-Hammer, forged of steel which still shone in the torchlight. It was wielded in Helena, wielded in Kal'Orvul, wielded in Llyria, wielded in Thumrilgrad, wielded in Krugmar, and wielded on the foothills of the White Mountains. Wielded on land and sea in the war against the hated Neverborn, and wielded until the last moment, as it was traded for the hammer of Urguan himself to land a killing blow on a treacherous Aengul. He wielded it too at Southbridge, and it was clamped tight in hand as he fell from the walls of Haverlock. He hoisted it aloft with some difficulty. staggering under the weight, not as he struggled to lift it, but as he struggled to keep his leg from buckling. It was a horribly heavy weapon, horrendously impractical for those who'd not spent the greater of two centuries wielding it. Jorvin was not the fighting Dwarf he once was, as a lifetime of war had reaped a bloody toll on his stout body. He struggled to lift his arm above his head, and without his cane, walking was a challenge. Jorvin made his way down the stairs to his forge, and it was there he retrieved his saw. With it in hand, he set his war-hammer clamped to his work station, and got to work.... When his work was done, Jorvin wiped sweat from his brow, and retrieved the aged weapon. The haft having been sawn halfway down the length, the fittings such as the leather grip and cap having been adjusted. It was an off-center and cumbersome weapons, true, but he could now wield it in one hand, and that was all he needed. One hand to keep him steady, while the other went to butcher's work, as it had for two centuries, and would forevermore until finally it was done, and either the Mannish Empire had been broken, or he finally dropped dead. With that, the old Starbreaker slung his mail hauberk over his tunic, and set his coat upon it. Setting the hammer to his belt, he paused briefly... Reaching for his old helm of Atheran steel as he departed the armory of his tower. Delayed no further, Jorvin made for Kal'Darakaan, and from there, to war once more. Win or lose, perhaps the bloodletting of the last two decades would finally come to an end. NARVAK OZ URGUAN NARVAK OZ KORNAZKARUMM KHAZUKAN KHAZAKIT HA [MUSIC]
  8. "the Marshal and Ser Edward realized it was too well-defended for an ambush, and so devised a plan to draw the Tribals out into open battle." Upon hearing that line as it was read aloud, Adunic Squire Uther bawked. "Verily, thou must jest? T'was my suggestion to bring them to open battle that carried the day, not thine."
  9. Sabaton is overrated and most of their songs sound same-y
  10. Uther Gwathren, still riding high from his victory against the raiders at the gates of Dunrath, looks out eagerly over the northern moors. He palms the pommel of his sword excitedly, eager for further 'adventures'.
  11. Jorvin Starbreaker limps his way to a nearby campfire, a bundle of classified papers tucked under his arm. Jorvin sits himself down with the aid of his axestaff, and hastily begins burning the documents. A slight grin creeps on his face, satisfied, he remarks. "Poor lad... Jus' like auld Dimlin."
  12. show me on the totem of undying where the bad man touched you

  13. Jorvin Starbreaker polishes his warhammer, fondly remembering his grudge against the Raguks, and how he once put them to the sword. Jorvin shouts across the clan hall, calling for @Nooblius. "Tha' bloody-skinned Urks ah're up tae their foolishness 'gain. Per'aps weh aught remind them what Jorvin Starbreakah' does tae Raguks?"
  14. Behead those who insult Yemekar

  15. Jorvin Starbreaker, retired Grand King and veteran legionnaire, wipes the blood of Ferrymen from head of his axe, while casually leaning against his greathammer. He motions to one of his fellow Dwarves, remarking. "'ardly tha' 'angmen, now ah're they?"
  16. "Pissers tha' lot ov 'em." Jorvin remarks, watching from far away atop his tower. Tal'Not-Isengard.
  17. No opinion on the first two, but I'm aight with pineapple pizza honestly. As for the LOTR question. Everything stays the same but Boromir is replaced with Roboute. The story (mostly) does not change. I too identify strongly with St. Hogarth of Kal'rusalem. Anyway truth be told I just get together a general concept based on whatever I'm interested in at the moment, adapt said concept to LOTC, and throw shit at the wall until I have a character that works. Jorvin started with just the basic traits of 'bookworm and workaholic' and that later developed into depressed alcoholic child-soldier. Uther was just me wanting to play a knight, and he's now currently an Adunian with a Shakespearian accent who can't decide if he wants to grow up to burn witches or cure cancer.
  18. Shit Wan you know all you gotta do is hit me up. I gotta reinstall it tho. Just what spoke to me I suppose, its mostly a matter of semantics for me anyway. Doesn't matter what different flavors of the Gods I worship when they're all ultimately the same. Cereal gotta have wheat and oats in milk. If it ain't got 'em, it ain't cereal, so sayth the lord. Marital classes all the way baybe. I can always raise more cousins after murdering their fathers.
  19. Afternoon folks, been meaning to do one of these for awhile. Meant to do one for my three year anniversary, but the holiday season has been a *****. Nevertheless, here we go. Most of y'all know me as Dixie, Jorvin, or Seo. I joined in late Atlas and no-lifed this server for about two years straight without a break, had a brief mental breakdown around January of last year, and poked my head back around about four or five months ago. Its been good to be back, and I missed y'all. Almost all of you know me for my character, Jorvin Starbreaker, who started life as an introverted librarian in the halls of Kal'Tarak, and became Grand King of Urguan, a veteran Longbeard, and all around arrogant piece of shit. Recently I've branched out though! Since coming back I've also been RPing Enryn, my grouchy old man Dwarf, and Uther, my young Adunians with dreams of Kighthood. Besides the Dwarves, I've also dipped my toes in the Norlandic community, and was involved with Aegrothrond somewhat for about a year, before falling out while I was Dwarf NL. My interests include dark-age history, Asatru, midgets, LGBTQIA+ subjects, Warhammer, DnD, Fantasy as a whole, character studies, and obviously creative writing. If you have any questions, or messages you'd like to say, feel free to say 'em, keep it civil. Besides that, ask away.
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