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Everything posted by Laeonathan

  1. From a pure lore point of view not all deities are entirely opposed to the void. However, the combination of a voidal mage and templar feels very off to me. Heavy Melee Knight and feeble voidal mage is just an immensly unlogical combination... I doubt anyone would do that, it just makes no sense in character. IMO a redline should be added regarding scionic soul taint though so there's no confusion. An opposition to the void itself could probably be justified though - and would feel right to me in the overall concept of Malchediael.
  2. No I'm not. I'm talking about what makes sense for a Templar to do. Lol. I do not consider the question if someone can have Bardmancy or Housemagery alongside Templarism to be "magic stacking", sorry mate. The question is, in the end what route makes sense for a character. Is this overly restricting characters? It is quite obvious that a Templar also being a Druid makes no sense. But a Housemage and a Bardmancer? I think those two are magics that are just meant to create a certain flavor and it would suck to restrict someone who wants to idk play a Bardic Knight to do that without any reason. Yes, "Singing Knight" might be quite the trope, but it is something I really think would be silly to prevent people from doing if they want to.
  3. What paths could a character take, alongside Templar? Bardmancy: Up to 4 slot? That might be a bit of a loss. Though, I guess it wouldn't be too tragic. Housemagery: One Slot, so it works anyways Voidal magic: With the magic 3 slots in prevents voidal rituals (because you need 3 slots in voidal), such as a Arcane Scion, which is probably the only way a Templar would ever go. I could imagine interesting roleplay could come a Voidal Scion, as it makes one possible even more berserk. However, Scions have a tained soul anyways... should that even be possible? So I really think nothing of value is lost. Any other voidal magic would be immensly strange to take up anyways, as it weakens the body... Voidal mages truly become useful with a feat - which would probably the Scion here, anything else would make no sense. However, due to the tainted soul it would incompatible anyways? Or would it be, due to Malchediael having been tainted himself? Im no expert on that one.
  4. [!] A Painting of two Númendain Knights clashing The 138 SA. Númenost Jousting Informative Missive [music] Introduction With the people of Númenost now properly settled and the poachers being driven out of our forest, the Master of Lists sees fit to host Númenost's first Joust. It shall be held on the Tournament Grounds in front of the white city. The way to it shall be marked as usual. For those who do not wish to participate, there shall be room in the fighting pit where they may train their other skills in combat. I. Rules 1. Horse and Lance shall be provided. 2. Strikes against one’s opponent's head shall lead to disqualification. 3. Participation is at one's own risk. 4. Any form of unnecessary violence is forbidden. 5. Any living, untainted descendant above the age of sixteen may participate. II. Prize The winner of the tournament will receive: 1. A fine steed of highest quality, alongside whistle and saddle. 2. The title of “Númenost’s Jousting Champion”, until another arises in the next Joust. 3. One-hundred mina. Pinned by, Eredain Glennmaer, Master of Lists
  5. "Ahhh, a shame- his Holiness is gone." A young squire, Eredain Glennmaer noted as he read the letter, "The most Númendil-friendly pontiff there's ever been." He stated matter-of-factly. Not like there was any other during the time of Númendils existance...
  6. "Why did it matter so much that the Duke of Adria seized power in 1933? What implications come from it?" The young Georg Euler wondered about this new Duke and hope he wouldn't team up with the Petran anti-Renilde movement in 1939 to annex and then proceed to invade Númendil to retake the free village of Steadfast which would cause Haense and Aaun to intervene.
  7. "A Sarkozic on the Ducal Throne once more, then? Ave Veletz," the young Georg Euler concluded.
  8. From within Lurin, Raziel Amethil rambled on about Yisars and how great they are. Typical.
  9. "They really should reemploy me as their translator... It's DIE Vereinbarung and not DAS Vereinbarung," noted Raziel Amethil, Scholar of the Waldenian tongue.
  10. "Make your husband say on God, Klara." Eredain Glennmaer just poked the Duchess as he spoke, "Really. Just go ahead! It's not that hard, even the pregnant wife of the Koeng could do it...."
  11. [!] This missive can be found by those in Númendil, Haense, Adria and by those invited. The Union of Eredain & Kamilla [!] A painting of the couple in the woods near Númenost Kamilla Stafyr and Eredain Glennmaer hereby announce their intention to unite in holy matrimony under the eyes of God within the halls of the Bastion Temple of the Saint King Caius. Gifts are appreciated, yet not expected. The ceremony shall be held on the 5th of Tobias’ Bounty 1933, by the esteemed Father Matthias. All those of Númendil, Haense and Adria are invited. Special Invitations are however extended to: o The Guards of Númendil o House Glennmaer o House Stafyr o House O’Rourke o House van Aert o Mikhail Jazloviecki o A’lia & Onor Kervallen pinned by; Lady Kamilla Stafyr Eredain Glennmaer, Master of Lists OOC: Saturday 3 PM EST, Númendil Temple (Pink wool will guide your way.)
  12. @squakhawkThank you for looking through the messiest vault you have seen. I can finally be an edgy mage again.

    1. Morigung-oog


      Gotta admit, I'm p sure my vault might've been messier. Dragaar scales, items from 4+ maps ago, a morbidly obese pigeon...

  13. The eager listener, a fellow human and Epiphyte-Hater nodded eagerly in response, "Noted. I don't like them either." Georg Euler reassured [racist] Brother Odo, "Thank you for informing me of such, good Monk."
  14. Khenarlum Doomforged sat next to the maddening ex-King as he watched him make strange comments within the halls of Urguan, "Norli... are you alright? Care for some herbal tea?" The Dark-Dwarf then suggested, "Also... Lurin has no Queen..."
  15. "Well, well, well..." Lord Raziel looked at the treaty Talar'nor had with Norland, "I hope this still counts, because I don't like Irehearts either."
  16. "I remember the time the now-deceased King of Balian entered Celia'nor. I miss the good old day sometimes, where an elf could set aflame an annoying monarch, once they broke laws." Lord Raziel sighed in a faked and jesting manner as he spoke, before adjusting his Gambeson and prepared to help his newly won Norlandic allies with his voidal powers, just to troll them.
  17. "About time," the court jester of Adria spoke in his relief, happy he could finally make utterly unfunny jokes without being bandited by the Moggs!


    (I was fine with all systems.)

    1. Tabby64


      The new system is hubs but with more shitty steps tbf

  19. I personally loved it the moment I saw it. It's just so flexible and cool and MASSIVE advancement compared to last map.
  20. why r u the best pole on lotc?
  21. Eredain Glennmaer prepares his finest garments to visit his filthy heathen friends and prays for proper employment of Andrei Bukoski.
  22. **** @HogoBojoI made a grave mistake... shouldn't have left!
  23. The court jester of Adria for once looked serious "When are we finally getting rid of that utter scum?" he wondered to himself as he read of Oksana's deeds.
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