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Everything posted by Laeonathan

  1. Upon arriving at the winery one could find a notice: "Redirect all business inquieries to Raziel Amethil, Kaliphra Elvenguard or Thelia."
  2. Raziel Amethil quickly remedies his grave mistake and adds the vital matter of apple juice onto the list.
  3. [!] This missive can be found all around the world. ♫♬ The Establishment of the Starlight Winery Published 142 SA. / 1938 IA. 79 years ago, the Starlanders established Fi’Andria, on the western shores of Almaris. While this New Hope only lasted a mere sixty years it was a place many still remember fondly. Today, another fourteen years later we announced the establishment of the Starlight Winery; A place of commerce in the style of Fi’Andria. A little winery with white walls, purple roofs, a yellow tree and a pond in which the ducks shall quack once more. “Once we were the greatest realm of Elvendom; but now… now we make wine.” - Thelia of Celia’nor Thus we invite all those who, like us, miss the lovely scenery of Celianorian Fi’Andria to visit or even join us in our business of wine, juice and many other drinks. The land we bought within the Lurin is vast enough to host more ideas and plans in coordination with the Silver Lubba. If you wish to join forces with us, send word by mouth or pen to Raziel or Thelia. ilMaehr’sae Ilkun’ehya ay’pueran; Raziel Amethil Thelia of Celia’nor Aywinn Ibarellan Kalipra Elvenguard Llora Soltée OOC: https://discord.gg/y3MRDP5XGJ
  4. Xarkly indeed is the best ET no matter what! Same experience with him here too. However! What was your favorite roleplay on this new map?
  5. A Lurinite Vintner makes wine and is happy his lovely Vinyard is part of the greater lurinite prosperity sphere.
  6. As Raziel awoke with his head aching he swept away the blood dripping from his nose and nose wearily, "I should find the others. Something is happening, unfolding - and I do ne like it." He concluded.
  7. A once more irrelevant dweller of Lurin picked up the missive, "Ah what a shame! Too late for myself on this occassion. I shall send a letter..." Raziel sighed as he put away the invitation with a sorry smile.
  8. Georg Euler grins in approval of the color burgundy.
  9. Raziel Amethil blows his nose as he isn't invited. Metta Tennallar, in his utter confusion just mutters out, "Whaaaat- were they courting?!" As it appeared, he seems to have forgotten. Not like noticed much recently anyways! Thus, he readies his finest garments.
  10. I do not think anyone thinks that. I am 100 % that improvement should continue, but this constant negativity ("LOTC is at its lowest point") is what personally bugs me so much. I would understand it from someone who joined in 2021 or maybe at the start of this map. But people who joined in 2016 saying the server has never been more toxic? Even I who joined in 2018 saw all the doxxing, racism, homophobia etc. Things that were considered almost normal. The atmosphere around PvP was so much more toxic, often groups just raided places like Sutica out of pure spite to force them into PvP and take their shit. All these horrible things are unthinkable now gladly. But still people say the server is on an all-time low? Wtf?
  11. Far from it. Communities typically have 5 to 10 times the playerbase of their peaknumbers. This means, in the case of LOTC we're talking about 800 to 2000 people. The issue stands. Sorry but if you think the server is in such a bad state, you either joined after 2021 when everything went uphill by a lot (toxicity decreased, more TOS bans, a lot more good faith rp etc.) or you're really delusional. Doxxing was a common practise against war time enemies in the past. Racism, Transphobia and Homophobia were largely accepted or ignored by the wider community in the past. Moderation was controlled by a singular nation. All these issues have been minimized. And I highly doubt this is the past you want to go back to?
  12. These people won't even care to open the thread. No offense, but this is pointless. 90 % of people will only say something or do something if they're mad.
  13. Compared to the shit I've seen in 2018, the server has improved by a lot. Far less toxicity. More TOS bans. RP default. The Roleplay quality has improved by a lot. God, when I look at screenshots from 2019... just horrible. Often we as older players fall into nostalgia, thinking everything was better in the past; yet forget how shit it used to be. In the end, 90 % of people who come to state their opinion are mad about xyz. People who are content barely come here. Not even I am content - I'm annoyed at the constant negativity. I've read (admittingly somewhere) that a game usually has 5 to 10 the active players than their peak - so in the case of LOTC, we're talking about 800 to 2000 active members. A vast majority hasn't commented. They do not care. "Negative" Threads are often massive echochambers of frustrated people.
  14. Any racism that refers to skin-color should be banned. Call elves knife-ears, call the voidal abominations, aspect-suck-up, spirit-spawn or whatever. Can call dwarves midgets or humans mayflies. The options to come up with good terms that aren't based on irl racism are endless.
  15. @Adelemphiiis the best for waking my new player memories of fishing in Ves

  16. so true, @Adelemphiiis the hero we all have been waiting for
  17. why do we suddenly give me PvP a new name lol

  18. Raziel Amethil is amazed by the artistic depiction of ay'pueran.
  19. "You ought to get a life you loser, instead of wasting your time on fictional characters." Commented Raziel Amethil, utterly unaware he was a fictional character as well.
  20. "Alas, they speak up! But to what avail?" A 'fenn wondered from his newly-found home.
  21. Raziel Amethil shoots a fireball towards his little niece while nodding in agreement, "Teaching is good, Ele!"
  22. "Best of luck to this Veynora." Commented Raziel Amethil, reading the missive from his favorite spot in Lurin, where the 'fenn let his feet dangle happily over the channel, "I will come visit. Maybe even stay? Who can say..."
  23. MC Name: Laeonathan RP Name: Raziel Amethil Timezone: GMt+1 Discord: laeonathan
  24. A fennic Veilwatcher took up the missive and guffawed, "Humans and their ideas. How hilarious. Let's hope they'll leave poor Haus alone." He remembered then. Raziel then shook his head once more, "The fool realizes that we watch the Veil and not the Void, the border that protects us from the Void consuming our plane? Oh who am I even arguing with... humans are going to believe whatever a clergyman babbles." Thus he waves off and throws the missive into the channel.
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