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About latte

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    I had all of you, most of you, some and now none of you
  • Birthday March 5

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    on your mind, in your heart

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  1. is medical roleplay fun to you guys??

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      humorism is fun

    3. AndrewTech


      I've been doing medical RP since 2012 and I've loved it. It can be really fun, especially if you're into it deeply and build your character around it. Nowadays a solid knowledge of herbology and dabbling into alchemy can really help with the trade, tho it's by no means required to RP a competent physician.

    4. Kholibrii


      Depends on how unique the injury is and if the person you are healing is being chill. If you’re healing the same basic wound over and over again it can get pretty boring, but when you get something interesting it can become really entertaining, especially if it challenges your character and you in figuring out how to treat it. It also becomes annoying when you are treating someone who doesn’t cooperate OOCly. I used to see situations where someone would get an injury and want a serious scar from it to show off so they emote the wound being really serious, then they end up getting mad at a Medic OOCly because they can’t heal it(because of character skill or tech lock) or because their character is going to be left in crutches for a few irl days or something.

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