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Posts posted by erictafoya

  1. Spoiler

    Some hilariously relevant music to go along with the post lmao


    [!] A rudimentary painting of Prince Andrik in tears. It can be inferred that the light that shines upon him is GOD looking over the faithful, and the dark bedroom that he sits in is his everlasting loneliness and suffering.



    [OOC] THIS DIARY IS NOT MEANT TO BE IRP PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. This is just a log of events in my persona’s life and to expose interesting Rp to others. NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE PARTIES INVOLVED IN THEIR RESPECTIVE RP. Please don’t metagame :)


    18th of Tov & Yermey, 408 ES | 18th of Sun’s Smile, 1855 FA


    Dear Diary…


    “It’s been cold and lonely in the Prikaz… Colder and lonelier than it ever has. The past few years have been nothing but unpleasant, to say the least. It first started with a tournament. Lady Vasileia Basrid accompanied her uncle, Matyas Basrid. Funny… the event itself was not even official, just an impromptu event meant to lift the morale of our brave fighting soldiers. I was up first, against ‘Danger’ Dougal, and I was the first to get knocked out of the tournament. It’s not like I expected to win anyways. I was just there to have fun, as we all were…

    As the tournament and time, itself went on, I made my way to Lady Vasileia and made my usual diplomatic remarks. I will admit that I do hold a considerable amount of respect and admiration for the Lady-Regent of Savoy, but to go as far as to question my honor because I invited her to the Royal Booths, a right that is entirely my own, is simply outrageous. The mere notion of me cheating on my beautiful wife with a Savoyard is simply preposterous…


    My beautiful wife… It’s funny I still call her that. Nikoleta stopped by today in my slumber. Whilst I tossed and turned in my our bed, she collected her belongings as well as our beautiful daughter, Cazimiera. I’d not been close to my children, nor have I been a very good father. Perhaps that is why Nikoleta left me… and perhaps that is why she sent a letter requesting a divorce to the Pontiff…

    [!] Between the spaces of the paragraphs, dried tears would be found staining the parchment. It can be inferred that the heartbroken Prince was crying whilst writing this particular part of the entry.


    Dearest Diary, never in my life had I felt such pain… I’d never felt so lost in my entire existence. Why? Why was this happening? Whatever happened to second chances or trying to move on? Why did it come to this? These are all questions I asked myself while it happened. It all happened so fast… I was begging for her to try and stay… but her answer stayed firm… Funny… Nikoleta was always one to stay true to her own beliefs, and so she did. 


    Our conclusion was short, but my feelings showed true. Every single part of it. I affirmed my love for her and bid my farewell and she bid hers… My eyes had been drowned in too many tears to even notice her leaving. As she left the Palace, I started to cry out in pain. My throat felt as if it were clogged up with the blubber of whales, and my heart sank into my stomach. I felt sick, and I nearly threw up. Questions started to race through my mind - What if?

    What if I never went to that tournament? What if I never invited Lady Vasileia to the Royal Booth? What if I’d never taken up the mantle of being Ambassador? What if I never became a diplomat at all? All I can do now is wonder and hope that the Pontiff does not grant this wish of hers. I know, it’s selfish, but I still cling on to hope that I can fix this. I gave her my word that I would respect her wishes either way, but how can I? I love her. I want her by my side once more. I want to see her smile, sense her warmth, feel her embrace… I want to turn back the times and tell my younger self to enjoy the smaller things in life. I want to raise my children with her, not alone. I just want her back…


    But it’s too late for that now. I’ve lost her, and now I’m alone. I feel lost. I have no more friends, and my family despises me. I wonder… is Godan punishing me for my sins? Was it because of the Bishop girl, whose name I’ve already forgotten? Could it be that drunken kiss that had no love behind it but just blind passion? Was that it? Or was it deeper than that… Perhaps it was my negligence as a husband… as a father. Perhaps Godan was not punishing me, but rather I’d punished myself…

    I don’t know… All I know is that I’m alone once more. I wish I could take everything back. I’d sell my job, my titles, my soul if I need to… If I had just a day to experience true happiness again, I’d sell it all… What’s a Prinzen without his Prinzenas? What’s a father without all his children? What’s the point in continuing if I am lost at every corner? I beg and pray that Godan wakes me up from my eternal nightmare. Please… I just want to wake up. It’s cold and lonely in here”



  2. As the sun rose on the Nikirala Prikaz, the Duke of Akovia was awakened by the glimmering sunlight from his lonely cot. The Prince started his day off normally, or as normally as possible these days, with a hot cup of tea with cream. "Let's hope today is better..." he commented to himself.


    Recent times for Andrik had been difficult, to say the least. Everyone seemed to be against him, or at the very most distant. In his mind, nothing could get worse... at least not yet. Despite the troubles, his life seemed to be improving. His wife, Nikoleta @zuziee, was finally opening up more once again. Despite not being able to sleep in their normally shared bed, Andrik entered their bedroom to change into his regular outfit, and Nikoleta followed suit. "Dobry Morning, Niki" he said to his wife as she got ready

    It was nice... this was nice...




    Loud and terrifying screams could be heard from the Alban section...


    Andrik turned his head, his face filled with concern. Upon locking eyes with Nikoleta, his fears were confirmed. The blood coming from her could only mean one thing, someone just died... He rushed to the Alban wing and nearly tripped himself on his untied laces. "This can't be happening... This can't be happening" he said over and over again.


    But it was happening...


    Marus, the youngest golden crow out of their royal generation, was dead. Andrik couldn't believe it, but his baby brother's body lay cold and empty on their bedside. Soon, the rest of the family would find out, and the Knights removed the prince's corpse... It was a nightmare... a true nightmare, and Andrik learned a valuable lesson. There is only one thing that stands above everything else in life...





    As Fionn entered the gates of the seven, the scenery around him would change. A familiar building could be spotted in the distance. It was the Old Stout Crow Tavern, long before it's many changes throughout the decades. As Fionn made his way closer towards the building, a tall yet charming figure could be spotted sitting at the bar.


    The figure seemed big, strong, and yet kind and gentle at the same time. His voice was deep, proud, confident, almost commanding, yet it was also charming, smooth, and inviting. It would be familiar to Fionn, and one that he had not heard for many decades.


    As his voice and image became clearer, it would be evident that the man had a glass of scotch in one hand, and the bar keeps hand in another. The mad lad was flirting, even in the seven skies. The tall figure stood up and turned upon hearing footsteps come closer. His shining green eyes would almost sparker as he spotted who it was, and a large and charming smile formed on his features. It was Igor.


    "Well, I'll be damned... You finally died, and it wasn't from alcohol?" the man quipped. "Welcome home, my best friend. It's good to finally see you. Sit down, share a glass with me" he offered, "Tell me, how's the wife?"

  4. An oversized and tired Baron sits on his quiet and lonely chair after a hard day of battle. The siege was action packed, and Robert had not had so much fun in what seemed to be decades. It was only after the battle that his brother-in-law Edmund @Coolcod77informed the entire Kingdom that the Field Marshal and Prevailer, Ser Ailred var Ruthern, a man that Robert had followed into battle countless times and had rose to his position under, was dead.


    The old and fat Baron made his way up the spiraling stairway, his armored boots making a clink with every heavy step he took. Upon making it to the balcony, the cold wind pressed on to his face. It was a chilling and yet calming one. After his servant left the Baron their finest bottle of Carrion and a glass, he was once again left alone.



    Burble, gurgle, splash...

    The glass was filled to the brim with Black. One was poured over the edge of the balcony, facing the direction of Vidaus, while the rest filled the Baron's stomach. However, for the first time in years, Robert drank normally. He had a hardened glare to the mountainous horizon. It was here that he realized, he was the last patriarch, current or former, and was also one of the last to stand. A cruel and yet important reminder that not only was he getting old, but lonely. "Rest easy, old comrade. Vyr reunited with Feni now..." he said before returning to his study, and once again, alone.




    On this 407 ES



    It is with great sorrow that the House of Ludovar announces the death of one of it’s beloved members, Lady Anya Ludovar nee de Astrea. On the eve of the 5th of Tov and Yermiy, 405 ES, Lady Anya was found missing with a pool of her own blood covering her bed in the Nikirala Prikaz. A suicide letter was found along with a few strands of hair. Her bodily remains are currently unknown, but it is widely accepted that Lady Anya has passed on.


    Lady Anya was the beloved mother to three beautiful children, Amicia, Adele, and Aleksey Ludovar. She was also the wife of Lord Johann Ludovar, heir to the Barony of  Otistadt, and daughter to the late Princess Amicia de Astrea and Prince Christopher de Astrea.

    On the eve of Vzmey and Hyff, 407 ES, a funeral service shall be held in honor of the late Lady Anya. A ceremonial pyre bearing her bloodied sheets shall be burned and the ashes of the pyre shall be left in a tomb, which shall be laid to rest in the Ludovar Crypts.



    The following are invited to attend the service…


    His Royal Majesty, Sigismund III, King of Hanseti-Ruska, FIDEI DEFENSOR, and the Royal Family @Xarkly

    His Princely Grace, Johann Barclay, Duke of Reinmar and his noble pedigree @Frymark

    His Grace, Eirik Baruch, Duke of Valwyck and his noble pedigree @Gusano

    His Grace, Rhys var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his noble pedigree @Nolan_

    The Right Honorable, Vladrick Kortrevich, Count of Jerovitz and his noble pedigree @Endershadow292

    The Honorable, Aleksandr Amador, Viscount of Aurveldt and his noble pedigree @Etow

    His Lordship, Sigmar Mondblume, Baron of Richtenburg and his noble pedigree @AmazingAzura

    His Royal Highness, Otto Morovar, Baron of Ghaestenwald and his noble pedigree @Mio


    His Grace, Eugeo de Astrea, Duke of Elysium and the subjects of Elysium @Suicidium




    His Lordship, Robert Aleksandr Ludovar, Baron of Otistadt, Lord of Kazstadt


    His Excellency, Johann Fredrick Ludovar, High Justiciar of Hanseti-Ruska, Heir to the Barony of Otistadt



    ((OOC: Friday, January 6th, 3PM EST at the Barony of Otistadt))


  6. In the offices of the Embassy, a certain Prince would be hard at work on blueprints for a building in Savoy. Despite the recent requests for him to resign, despite the controversies that haunt him, and despite him being an innocent man, Andrik was still hard at work. If he could not calm these rumors down, he might as well be productive.

    ...Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock...

    Someone's at the door. It was Andrik's courier. "Come in", said the prince. "Vyr Royal Highness" said the courier with a bow of his head. "Your treaty, Vyr Highness, it's been signed and approved. The ceremony is soon" The Duke of Akovia managed to smile at this news. Even though there was many delays and even controversies leading up to this treaty, his first project was finally completed. No longer was he just an ambassador with no resume, but one with at least one noticeable mark on his record.  Well, at least a positive one now. "Inform His Royal Majesty I'll be late. I've much work to do" he said simply before dismissing his courier. In truth, Andrik was not too busy. In fact, it was much unlike him to miss out on a diplomatic ceremony. However... he knew that he would only look bad if he were to make himself present with her

    Despite being innocent, despite knowing the truth, and despite still having admirations for the very lady that was the center of the drama, Andrik simply closed his door and went back to work.

  7. From the shadows of the seven skies, a stunning but old man looks down with a dreaded face. "Good Godan... it's back" he said with a sigh. "Thank Godan I'm not alive anymore!" said Igor


    In the winter keep of Otistadt, Robert would have a worried expression on his face as he read the section about his son. He simply sighed, not knowing where the body truly went. However, the old Baron would deny any claims made to his son and heir, for it was better if Anya stayed dead.

    Andrik, in his new cot at home, would contemplate drinking from an ironic bottle of Savoyard Merlot. "Nie matter what I try... or what I do... they always seem to come after me. Maybe I am truly cursed? Maybe I should just give up. Maybe yam being silly, but one thing is for certain... Yam innocent"

  8. In the winter keep of Otistadt, the old Baron sits upon his familial seat and contemplates the events of that dreadful day... It was hard for Robert, especially knowing that his close friend as watching down from the seven skies. "Yam szam Ami... I wanted to protect her. I wanted to do well. But she's forced my hand, and now it's too late... I failed vy" he said seemingly to himself

  9. In the silent halls of Kazstadt, Robert was stressed out of his mind. The recent family dramas and his declining health had caused the old Baron to have more gray hairs by the day. He felt much disgust over his daughter-in-law and the state that his heir was in. Usually, Robert would use the old-fashioned disciplinary actions to straighten his kids out. It was the only way the Baron knew... But this was different. Johann normally always avoided punishment, as he was the clear favorite out of all six siblings. Robert didn't know how to deal with him, but he knew he had to do it quickly. "What to do... what to do..." he pondered

  10. Upon reading the missive, The Baron of Otistadt smiled widely as he heard news of his old comrade retiring from his Ducal titles. He knew that Ailred would lead well in the Field of Battle. Now Robert was the father of a duchess, and the grandfather of the heir to a Duchy. "Godan help Rhys... and Godan help Marie. They will do wonders as a team, I know it"

  11. Andrik looked from the steps of his residential home, watching his children play in the Royal Garden's as his wife, Nikoleta (@zuziee), tried to keep them under control. The Duke of Akovia  chuckled lightly before receiving the missive, stating an official declaration of war with the newly formed Tripartite Accord and the Holy Orenian Empire. Andrik's smile turned, the sound of children playing turned into horrifying screams on the field of battle, and he suddenly felt worried. He'd seen this coming with the recent politics of the world, but no one had prepared him for war. The young diplomat went inside without a word, and for the first time since the birth of his first child, Andrik actually prayed...


    In the frozen holding of Kazstadt, an old and overweight veteran looked upon his many medals and accolades. Despite never really wearing them, Robert still felt the need to shine them every week. All though his body was far past its prime, and even physical capability for that matter, the Sergeant was always a disciplined man at heart. When word of the war came to him, the Baron of Otistadt smiled widely. He'd been preparing for this moment his entire life. The inner hatred for the wig wearers had bred him into the man he was today, and finally destiny has run its course. He would fight in this war, even if it killed him. "Shut the gates and shine my armor" he told his Butler. "We're finally going to war..."

  12. [!] In the Winter Keep of Kazstadt, the aging and fat Baron of Otistadt looks at the letter his son-in-law wrote with pride. He follows up with a letter of his own that is published for all to see.

    "To His Imperial Sinner, Philip III "The Great Failure" and his Knife-Eared Archchancellor, Minuvas,

    Your insulting claims that the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, and His Royal Majesty, Sigismund III, Fidei Defensor, would 'cast away' the rightful Holy Mother Church only proves your sheer incompetence, desperation, and cowardice. You claim to be a holy realm, and yet you cast away His Holiness who had the generosity to crown your failure of a ruler as 'Emperor'. You then go back on your actions, like the yellow cowards you are, and beg for forgiveness. Now you have the audacity to call us 'opportunist' when it was YOU that took the opportunity to name a betrayer of his oath and family belief as the Vicar of Godan. Where was this sudden piety when your Canonist 'Brothers' were at arms with the Silver State of Haulun'or? Last I recall you did the opposite of condemnation and even made relations with them! Your sad excuses and blatant disregard of your own hypocrisy only shows your true colors. You're all snakes in purple clothing, more reptilian than the Azdrazi, and now you have exposed yourself to the rest of Humanity as a sad excuse of a nation, let alone an Empire. Repent as the sinners you are and repent properly for all are equal in the eyes of Godan."

    His Lordship, Robert Ludovar, Baron of Otistadt, Lord of Kazstadt

  13. From the Barony of Otistadt, one Robert Ludovar, sits in his rocking chair, creaking loudly and often as the wood could barely support his own weight. The Baron had a disgusted look on his face as he read the missive, scoffing "Of course the ******* Savoyards overthrew His Holiness. Never trust a Savoyard, I say!" he said to his son, Johann. "See why I don't like the fuckers? Do vy see Johann?? I should have kept that bastard Olivier's wig...."


    From the Barony of Otistadt
    4 0 2 E. S.




    “To His Excellecy, Rhys var Ruthern, Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska, @Nolan_

    It did not yet dawn on me until reviewing the regular Royal Duma Transcripts (of which House Ludovar does appreciate) that The Honorable, Isaak Amador, Viscount of Aurveldt and Aulic Jovenaar @Pureimp10 of the realm, broke both law and precedent by attending the last session of Duma. My heir, and Lord Isaak’s legal colleague, Jovenaar Johann Ludovar, pointed this out to me during our evening conversations. He had been disappointed that he was not able to attend the Royal Duma, but as any dutiful Jovenaar would he understood the law and abided by it. As the former Chief Royal Detective and a former member of the Justiciar’s Office, I can not in good faith simply let this blatant disregard of our sacred law code go unquestioned. How are we to trust an Aulic Jovenaar who either does not know what is written in the law, or worse, does not care to follow it himself? It is clearly stated under the Haural Caezk in Chapter II: Jura I Zem, Section 213: The Aulic Court, subsection 213.035 that:


    213.035: The following shall be ineligible to be appointed as a Jovenaar:

    213.0351: Those who sit on the Royal Duma;

    213.0352: Those who sit on the Aulic Council;’


    This both implies and states that those who are appointed as Aulic Jovenaar are not able to hold a seat in the Royal Duma and are also unable to sit on the Aulic Council. This is to prevent any political bias and to ensure that the Jovenaar are as impartial as they can be. During the 402 ES XXXIV Session of the Royal Duma, it is clearly read in the transcripts that Lord Isaak was not only present during the proceedings, but an active participant of the debate and voting. I hereby call upon the Royal Inquisitor of the Royal Duma, whoever that may be in the upcoming elective term as I understand this current term has come to an end, to execute their legal authority to summon Lord Isaak Amador and to answer for his blatant disregard of precedent set before him as an Aulic Jovenaar and of the law written Haural Caezk. If they shall deny this request, I will use my right as a Noble Peer to petition to the Duma for a majority vote on a summons, to where they would have no choice but to summon Lord Isaak Amador."




    His Lordship, Robert Aleksandr Ludovar, Baron of Otistadt, Lord of Kazstadt

  15. 13 hours ago, Raijen Stars said:

    Johann Ludovar took the transcript, proudly reading through it wishing to see how the Duma he sadly could not attend go. Suddenly the Jovenaars' eyes widened "Isaak Amador?" He blinked reading the name of the fellow Jovenaar on the transcript "Aren't we as Jovenaars niet allowed to take a part in Duma?" He raised a brow, looking to his father

    @Raijen StarsRobert Ludovar looked to his son, a smile forming on his features as he heard what he says "My my my... How very observant of vy Johann." he said with an upbeat tone in his voice "Fetch the Butler's, son. I need a lot of ink..."

  16. From the cold frozen keep of Otistadt, a fat and aging Baron was sitting at his desk when a butler wearing all black arrived at his chamber's. Robert grimaced, as he knew this only meant news of death. As he broke the Barclay seal, he sighed heavily, looking to his wife who was sleeping soundly. He looked up at the sky and asked "I know vyr looking after her and our children, Luisa... My Godani bless vy"

    In the heavenly lights of the seven skies, an old figure in clean armor greets Luisa. Next to him is his beloved granddaughter, Marie. The old figure sped up to Luisa with a wide smile. In his final years he was weakened and slow, but in the afterlife, it was as if he was in his prime. Ser Ivan embraced Luisa and simply said to her "Welcome home, dear..."

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