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  1. THE CLEANSING OF WALTONBURG Through the eyes of Ser Caspian Colborn, Lord Marshal of Haense The streets of Haense filled with sounds of marching footsteps, twinned by a clattering of steel, the sound of lively shields, swords, and armour all butting together. Ser Caspian led the march towards the unsuspecting village in two files, prepared to undertake their mission. The brave company stepped forth into the quiet village before Ser Caspian began to initiate his orders. “Push forth to the foundry!” He bellowed, the soldiers circled around the men holding barrels filled with Carrion Black, they pushed through the docile village in the dead of night before arriving in front of the Foundry’s entrance. Marus Weiss planted his barrels around the outside of the building, while Siegmund Weiss placed his own barrels within. Finally, Sergeant Yuri Ostrov rolled his final barrel into the pre-heated chimney and causing a chain reaction, which unleashed a massive explosion. Windows shattered giving the men of the Brotherhood little time to escape, regardless they managed to dive down and watch the Foundry burn and melt at the seams. A lone voice shrieked out cutting through the loud noise of crackling embers from the engulfing flames, before a spectral figure appeared in front Armiger Asif Thorsen. The ethereal being was eventually scared off by Sergeant Tatiyana Ruthern. As the Foundry burned the Brothers and Sisters marched upon Waltonburg, ripping every door from its hinges, and removing all that still remained. Their goal was to cleanse the village of the recent outbreak of dark magic and evil doers. Sounds of snapping wooden doors and the breaking of windows could be heard late into the day as the Brotherhood continued the work ordered by the Koeng Ivan VIII. As their mission concluded, only a husk of what was once a powerful forge is left a smouldering wreck, a testament of a time that will not be remembered. THE MISSION SUCCESSFUL AND WALTONBURG CLEANSED. THE BROTHERHOOD RETURNED TO NEW VALDEV TO RELISH IN THEIR VICTORY.
  2. The Valorous Griffin guild An organization that came out of its founder's deep sense of justice and independence. Leonardo Mallory Faervel Griffin founded the guild. All so members could do good in the world in the ways only they could. instead of helping create, protect, or build an organization for someone else? He had come To be the founder of his own. A decision not made lightly in the slightest and one that did not change his ideals. To help those in need, protect those who need protection, Pursue knowledge, feed his creativity and to take care of his fellow guild members. all things he will encourage each member to strive for. The Griffin guild's oaths are ones Leonardo brought over from another guild. Ones he helped write himself and ones he adds to as necessary. His goals are lofty but attainable. The Griffin guild is to have 4 branches. One for each cardinal direction. They will also have a naval ship And in the future most possibly a fleet. The Valourous Griffins will take to the water protecting Aevos seas. Each member will be trained in naval and or non naval combat but that is not the only option to help. The guild has different crafts available, and divisions all its own. Such as woodwork and crafts, trade in weapons, alcohol and jewelry, a smithy shop, as well as the pursuit of magical, alchemical, or medical knowledge. finally don’t forget the care for the cities where guild branches base themselves. There is truly no task too small for every action and skill counts. People of all backgrounds are welcome to join. Everyone does their part to support the guild. Members will have access to knowledge, opportunities, and training they could not receive alone. They will be provided shelter in the guild halls, materials for their crafts, herbs if needed, and a forge for the smiths. The guilds combat-focused divisions will have chances to go on many missions. Be it fighting monsters, thieves, or crooks. To raiders, Dark Cults, And large-scale disruptors of peace. There will be Chances for competitions and activities will be plentiful as the Griffin guild has its own celebrations. Both to keep up morale and keep their members sharp. please read bellow for recruitment possibilities and contact information Contact Signed Leonardo Mallory Faervel Griffin
  3. The Royal Aeltarosi Legion The Oath “I pledge my sword, my shield, and my unwavering loyalty to The Royal Aeltarosi Legion, the bastion of honor and valor for I vow to protect the realm with all of my courage, to stand as a bulwark against darkness, and to uphold the honor of our kingdom.” History The Royal Aeltarosi Legion, who has been standing ever since the beginning of the Grand Principality of Aeltarys, was created to safeguard their people against the relentless rage of the Skanarri, those adversaries who threatened the principality’s existence. Conceived in a time of turmoil and uncertainty, its noble purpose was to stand as an unwavering wall and as a shield against the tides of chaos that sought to engulf our lands. By decree of the crown and the collective will of its vassals, this valiant brotherhood arose, a steadfast symbol of unity and dedication, sworn to ensure the enduring security and prosperity across its lands. Through trials and triumphs, the Royal Aeltarosi Legion remains resolute, a testament to its unbroken commitment to safeguarding the Aeltarosi and defending the honor of the crown. Ranks –Brothers in Arms- Recruit Recruits are the newest members of the brotherhood. They are still in the training phase, learning the ways of the legion and proving their dedication and skills. Bannerman Bannermen are full-fledged members of the brotherhood. They have completed their training and are sworn to uphold the order's values and duties. They may be assigned various tasks and missions to serve the legion's goals. Veteran Bannerman Veterans are seasoned members of the brotherhood who have demonstrated exceptional skill, dedication, and loyalty over a significant period. They often serve as mentors to younger members and may hold positions of authority within the brotherhood. -High-Ranking Officials- Sergeant Sergeants are non-commissioned officers responsible for leading and organizing smaller units or squads within the brotherhood. They ensure discipline, training, and cohesion among the members under their command. Captain Captains are officers who hold higher leadership positions within the brotherhood. They may be in charge of larger groups or divisions and are responsible for strategy, tactics, and overall mission planning. Captains report to higher-ranking officers. Lord Commander The Lord Commander is the highest-ranking member of the brotherhood and is often the overall leader or Grandmaster. They have ultimate authority over the entire organization, including decision-making, strategic planning, and representing the brotherhood to external authorities and allies. -Specialized ranks- Combat Medic Combat medics are trained to provide immediate medical care to wounded or injured soldiers on the battlefield. They administer first aid, treat injuries, and stabilize patients until they can be evacuated to a field hospital or more advanced medical facility. Battle Tactician Battle Tacticians specialize in strategy and coordination. They analyze enemy movements and terrain, providing tactical advice to maximize the legion's efficiency in combat. Signed HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Maegor I Valraenos, Grand Prince of Aeltarys, Prince of Dragonclaw, Lord of Dragardun, Protector of the Aeltarosi Alcibiades Roa, Lord Commander of the Royal Aeltarosi Legion
  4. Calling all mercenaries, sell-swords, highwaymen, vagabonds, adventurers, or any man of low or otherwise questionable morals. The Red Company is hiring! Perks of enlisting include, but are not limited to, being supplied with armor and weapons, a salary of 40 minas a week, participation in battles across Almaris, and entitlement to an equal share of any war loot The Company acquires. (Men of The Red Company in full uniform) If you or anyone you know is interested in joining the Red Company, tell them to contact the Captain, Friedrich Radclyf, commonly found in Urguan or Elysium. (The Red Company in Brynrose during the Tour of Sutica) If you are interested in joining, add the discord in the spoiler and comment on the post in this format Discord: MC User: IRP name: IRP race:
  5. OOC stuff: THIS REGIMENT WILL NOT BE FULLY OPERATIONAL UNTIL THE RELEASE OF 5.0 ON 6th AUGUST. UNIFORM SKINS CAN BE FOUND HERE: Light Armour Medium Armour Heavy Armour A wee bit about myself: I'm actually a Dragoon in the Canadian Forces (I operate LAVs as a Recon Soldier, in layman's terms.). If you're looking for legitimate, quality military RP, you've come to the right place. Now since I'm lazy and don't want to train nerds how to fight, I've created a Private Military Company that aims to be operational as much as possible. This means your character (can be an alt if you really want to join), will need prior service in some sort of military or guard force under his belt. The Regimental Motto is at the very top of the scroll you just read, under the fancy "Regiment Du Neufgart" letters and golden fancy-looking border things. YES, we hire women, but only if you Mulan it and pretend to be a dude the whole time (which will be hard considering you need facial hair to join). I am basing this regiment loosely off of the Swiss Guards that King Francis I of France used. Mercenaries have been used by governments for ages and ages, so this concept isn't something new or far-fetched. You literally just hire us under a contract and we'll fight for you under the guidelines set in the contract as if we were your own men. You don't have to worry about the classic "mercenaries fight for whoever has the most money" stereotype, either, since everything is set in stone by the contract. Cleos Jorrel is the Commanding Officer. Contracts will be made and signed in-game as an item (book), and copied so both I, and yourself have a copy. The contract will be administered to the members of The Regiment most likely through skype or whatever, so that they all know what they have to do and where they have to operate. You don't just have to use our services as a bonus unit in war, either. We provide armed guard for palaces, mansions and even towns or cities if need be. The regimental salute is to slam your fist to your chest, and in a deep voice say or shout; "Ava Neufgarten" This group will be as professional as possible, too. I won't tolerate any shitposting or memes in here or the server, ESPECIALLY in-character- even as a joke. You get a sweet uniform, too. Made by yours truly. Below are the applications. If you have ANY questions, please ask. APPLICATIONS (copy-paste). Answers will be written in normal text, not bold/italic/underline/strikethrough, size 18, on the line(s) UNDER the questions. ((Applications may be referred to In-Game/In-Character as a means of starting/ending a contract, demoting someone or kicking them out. For example: "You signed in your contract that you agreed to the Code of Chivalry. There is no excuse for what you did!", or "It says on the contract that we were to work for you until 5 Suns Smile, 1571. Unless you start a new contract, we will be leaving that day.")): JOINING CONTRACT ((In-Character Information)) Surname: Given Names: Age: Gender: Race ((all are accepted)): Do you have prior military experience?: Do you understand and accept the terms of Unlimited Liability? (Yes/No): Do you understand and accept the Regimental Code of Chivalry? (Yes/No): Do you agree to remain professional and maintain a high standard of positive Dress and Deportment at all times, on or off-duty? (Yes/No): What are the Regimental Colours?: Describe, in your own words, what Regiment Du Neufgart is and does ((make it short.)): What is the Regimental Motto?: Who is the Commanding Officer of the Regiment?: What is the Regimental Salute?: Sign and Date: ((OOC Information)) Add Mullraugh on Skype with the message "Add me to The Regiment chat." ONLY IF YOUR APPLICATION IS ACCEPTED. I don't care about anything else. Just act mature as humanly possible and you've got the job. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The following may also be done in-game. Just send a bird to MULLRAUGH if I'm online and we'll have a face-to-face chat. Please note that The Regiment may decline any contract if it is deemed unwise or if it's literally a death trap. I.E. You want us to assassinate the Emperor of Oren or something stupid like that. HIRING CONTRACT ((In-Character Information)) Surname: Given Names: Are you Nobility/Royalty? (Yes/No): What type of contract is this? (Guard, Military, Other ((OOC: we may be hired for illegal things such as assassinations, aiding in open rebellion, etc)): What are your affiliations? (Who/What do you work for? Nation, House, Army, etc): What do you want Regiment Du Neufgart to do for you?: Where will this take place? How long will the contract last? (Maximum of 1 Saint's week. More contracts may be made once this one is expired. Just give IRL dates.): How much will you pay? (Up to negotiation. Don't expect it to be cheap, though. 300 Minas would be considered low.): Will you provide Food and Accommodations? (We'll need to build a camp on your land if not.)(Yes/No): Do you know and understand that Regiment Du Neufgart will 'not' assist with any unlawful actions?(Yes/No): Do you know and understand that Regiment Du Neufgart serves itself and this contract only; not yourself, your superiors or your subordinates? (Yes/No): ((The following are to prevent being seen as an enemy element when not under a contract. Regiment Du Neufgart will remain politically neutral and hold no grudges or prejudices when there are no current contracts against you.)) Do you agree to remain friendly or neutral to Regiment Du Neufgart after this contract has expired? Do you understand that Regiment du Neufgart may sign a contract in the future where The Regiment must fight against you?(Yes/No): Do you understand that if Regiment Du Neufgart must fight against you, once the hostile contract is broken, The Regiment resumes Neutrality?(Yes/No): Sign and Date:
  6. The Sword INVICTUS ~This is my Shield, I bear it in battle. I will die with my shield before me facing my enemy~ What is the Sword INVICTUS? The Sword INVICTUS is a band of warriors currently fighting as mercenaries. They travel to and from cities giving their services in exchange for money and fresh equipment. When the Sword INVICTUS is without a contract it acts independently but vise versa should it have one. The Sword INVICTUS goes without the dishonor of breaking contracts. The INVICTUS take servants to complete tasks that they have little knowledge of or care little about. The Sword INVICTUS Honora Code ~The INVICTUS do not break their contract should the contract be for the moral or immoral man~ ~A Sword INVICTUS must never die with his sword or shield facing away from the enemy or else his name be tarnished~ ~The Sword INVICTUS disregards moral and immoral actions in times of bloodshed and replaces it with the sword~ Sword INVICTUS Structure ~Commander~ ~Dux~ ~Lieutenant~ ~INVICTUS~ Pay is received from contracts. Training is once an elven week (Sunday 3:00PM EST) Training includes: Discipline, formations, Combat ((Most combat training is roleplay)) Pay from contracts is given during training. Sword INVICTUS Weaponry Sword INVICTUS History INVICTUS Venerandum Awards Sword INVICTUS Sign Up ~In life there is war. In death there is peace~
  7. The Claxdons: House Claxdon is the House lead by His Lord Earl Matthew Claxdon the first of his name. His sister, Lucia Claxdon, also helps to run the House and serves as Lord Commander. His Brother, Lord Giovanni Claxdon, Also helps with the Military and helps run the House. *Criers are out in the major cities, they wear tunics with the Claxdon sigil on it. They speak out the following message. “The Lords of House Claxdon ask for men who are willing to fight for them! To serve and protect and to live under the Lords. The Lords promise to be fair and just in return for their peoples service. They promise them safety within their lands and pay for those who work underneath them. If you wish to join House Claxdon and share in its glory, come speak to us and we will give you the following notice to fill out then send to the Lords.” The Ranks: The ranks of the House are as follows, going from most powerful to least powerful. House Patriarch This is the leader of the House and all the lands that are under his House. When within his lands his word is law. Member of the Claxdon Bloodline These are as said, the Claxdons which have been born into the name, and those who have been married into the name. They are second in Command and there level of command goes in terms from eldest to youngest. Steward: The steward serves the House and acts directly upon the Lords Orders. He plays an important role of the keepings of the House. He also advises the Lord when it comes to warfare and political affairs. Lord Commander of the Claxdon Guard: These are normally men and women that are within the Claxdon Bloodline, although sometimes they are outsiders that have proven their loyalty to the Claxdons. Captain: The second in command of the army. They will each be in-charge of a squad of the Claxdon army which may be sent out on different missions. They will each be in-charge of up to a maximum of five men. Lieutenant: If the Captain is unavailable to lead the squad, the part falls down to the Lieutenant of the squad, which is chosen by the Captain. Bannermen: These men make up the squad and the main military force of the Claxdon army. These are the loyal men who serve the Claxdons and protect their lands. They are highly respected among the citizens and will not be disrespected by any of those below them within the Claxdon lands. The High Guard: These are men who have proven themselves in battle and have proven their loyalty to the Lords of the House. These men travel with the Lords as their personal body guards. They accompany the House Patriarch to meetings. They have sworn oaths of fealty to the Lords of the House and have vowed to protect them with their lives. Failure to do so, or the breaking of this oath will result in death. They take up masks of silver and are skilled warriors. Members House Patriarch: Earl Matthew Claxdon (Beast720) Steward of House Claxdon: Visha (Oblivionsbane) Lord Commander: Lucia Claxdon (Tekek) Giovanni Claxdon (kralek) Captains: Chirr Feta'iyat (guenther) Lieutenants: To be Chosen. Bannermen: Thomas Reid (colaone1) Elros Elanesse (Darez14) Toruug (Yopplwasupxxx) Edmure Parkins (77minerman) Ikur Chirr ((draguzz)) Leap Hikaru (Leap1) The High Guard: Visha (Oblivionsbane) Maletone ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Application to become a Bannermen: In Character: Name: Age: Race: Short Biography (1-2 Paragraphs): Previous line of work: What are your professions and talents?: Why do you wish to join the Claxdon Bannermen? OOC: Apply here as well: https://docs.google....sted=true&pli=1 Upon acceptance you will be provided arms, armour and food. Payment: Shall be discussed IG. The Claxdons Need You! ((The other post was moved to "inactive" to be able to change owners of the post, House Claxdon IS still active.))
  8. *OOC Disclaimer* |~The Valden Company~| “Nothing comes free. Everything has a price tag, whether you realize it or not. And it’s time to pay up.” -Brigham Hadwin History and Overview The Valden Company’s origins are rooted in the earliest days of the exploration and settling of the continent of Anthos. Founded by three northerners, the plans for a highly skilled and extensively trained mercenary company took their earliest roots. The Valden Company began to rise through a series of political maneuvers and economic exchanges. Perhaps their most noticeable tactics were those of a... darker nature. It was a combination of their doggedness in mercilessly tracking down and then beating their competitors, their cold determination, and ruthless deception that allowed the Valden Company to truly get itself off the ground. Currently under the watchful eye and protective wing of Lord Carrion, the company primarily specializes in archery, and their ranks are mostly made up of powerful longbowmen. However, the Valden Company is opportunistic; it also employs a contingent of men-at-arms. The Valden Company does not wish to rid the land of bandits, villains, or orcs, nor does it want to fight, pillage, or generally attempt to bring about the downfall of all order. But to call them neutral would be false as well; their alignment is to money. They will fight for coin, that much is certain. Not for the Empire nor for any house in Oren... unless, that is, either are willing to discuss a price. The Company works on a contract system; once the job is done, each soldier who participated gets paid. The amount of money they earn is proportionate to the size of the reward. The Valden Company is reliable, as it has upheld every contract it has been given. Though more willing to work under the employ of Orenian houses, they are certainly not averse to fighting for other nations... if they bring enough coin to the table. Enterprises “A company of Brigands, Whoresons, and Heartless Dogs. What more could you want?” -Ulric Ragnarson The Valden Company is, primarily, a mercenary force. They will fulfill just about any duty that needs able-bodied men. Fighting, escorting nobles, guarding events, protecting lands, and more. However, there are plenty of other services that the Valden Company offers. For the sake of anonymity, it is suggested that you send a message beforehand if you wish to request our more... ‘unofficial’ contracts. The prices for the Valden’s services are subject to change. However, we can guarantee the utmost efficiency for fair prices, ESPECIALLY when it comes to our ‘secretive’ dealings. Prominent Figures Brigham Hadwin Ulric Ragnarson Tance Nikkelsen Membership Registration ((I believe in recruitment IC; I think it is much more realistic, and rather rewarding as well. However, I realize that I cannot always be on. I would ask anyone who wishes to join that they message me, after which I will interrogate question them and see if we have availability.))
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